Finally, under Huang Xin's murderous eyes, Xu Hao gave in. After looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao's mind echoed the sound of Xu Hao's brother just shouted by Huang Xin. It would be nice if Huang Xin called herself in a different environment!

"In fact, it's very simple. Small e-commerce platforms don't dare to put forward too harsh requirements in the face of suppliers because their own advantages are not obvious." looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao explained: "therefore, we can put forward many favorable requirements for us by cooperating with small e-commerce platforms, and even require e-commerce platforms like existing sellers!"

"Can they agree?" Huang Xin still couldn't believe it. As we all know, the price of online shopping has always been lower than that of physical stores. This is why many people are keen on online shopping! The profit of e-commerce platform is very low. I'm afraid the e-commerce platform will give up cooperation with suppliers if it faces the strict requirements of suppliers!

"So I added an exclusive sales right agreement." Xu Hao smiled and said: "We only authorize one e-commerce platform to sell our products. At that time, consumers who want to buy our products must go to the designated e-commerce platform. This is very attractive to those small e-commerce platforms! First, it can enhance their brand effect, and second, it can bring some consumers to them!"

After pondering for a while, Huang Xin asked again, "what did Shen Rong say about your long-term consideration? You two talk about it. I didn't understand a word!"

"That's just my preliminary idea, which may not be realized!" looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao didn't intend to hide it from her. "If we deepen our cooperation with this e-commerce platform step by step, even to the point of inseparability, would it be easy for us to annex this e-commerce platform?"

"You... Do you want to do e-commerce business?" she looked at Xu Hao in shock. Huang Xin finally understood the meaning of Shen Rong's sentence. Xu Hao's ambition was bigger than she thought. She even tried to erode the e-commerce platform step by step through cooperation with small e-commerce platform, and finally acquired it for her own use!

"Why not try?" looking at Huang Xin, who was shocked, Xu Hao said: "however, my initial idea is to build an e-commerce sales channel for a single category, which is much worse than if juice... At present, this scheme is only in the concept, and it is far from the implementation! Let's start with a special category, and then slowly expand and develop it!"

At this moment, Huang Xin completely understands Xu Hao's development ideas. In fact, looking back carefully, isn't that true of Xu Hao's development ideas? For example, the earliest fruit sales, the later vegetable base and the current fruit juice factory!

"You spread the stall so big, in case..." in the second half of the sentence, Huang Xin didn't say it, but she was confident that Xu Hao understood.

With a smile, Xu Hao said: "people without foresight must have immediate worries. If a businessman doesn't dare to plan the development in three or five years, the enterprise will fail!"

Shocked by Xu Hao's philosophical words, Huang Xin looked at Xu Hao and asked, "I didn't expect you to say such philosophical words! I really underestimated you before. I thought you were a..."

"What is it?" Xu Hao asked curiously when he heard Huang Xin suddenly stop.

Shaking her head, Huang Xin said, "nothing. It seems that Aunt Yang's dumpling restaurant is coming soon!"

Xu Hao knew that Huang Xin had just said something, but he couldn't guess Huang Xin's idea, so he had to give it up temporarily. Xu Hao knew Huang Xin's character too well. If Huang Xin didn't want to say it, no one could ask!

When they walked into aunt Yang's dumpling restaurant, aunt Yang was sitting in front of an old TV watching the TV program. When they saw Xu Hao and Huang Xin coming, aunt Yang looked a little surprised, "Why are you here?"

"I added a class and thought of going out for a snack, so I came here." Huang Xin smiled at Aunt Yang, then found a seat to sit down and said to Aunt Yang, "aunt Yang, the old rule!"

"OK, wait a minute," said Aunt Yang, turning and entering the kitchen.

After aunt Yang entered the kitchen, Huang Xin said sadly, "such a delicious dumpling restaurant may never be eaten again in the future!"

"Sister Xin, if you want to eat in the future, we can go to Aunt Yang. If you remember correctly, aunt Yang seems to live nearby?" Looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao comforted. Demolition is the overall planning of the city, and no one can stop it! Besides, demolition is not a bad thing for people living in this area! At least, it can effectively improve their living conditions!

Shaking his head, Huang Xin said, "you won't understand. Forget it, don't say these sad words."

Soon, aunt Yang brought out two bowls of hot dumplings. In this hot weather, few people would choose to have a snack in the dumpling restaurant. In summer, the barbecue stall is more people's choice. Therefore, aunt Yang's dumpling restaurant has little intention in summer!

Because there were no customers in the store, aunt Yang simply sat at a table not far away and chatted with Huang Xin.

"It's been very noisy during this time..." sighed, aunt Yang said: "the demolition compensation given by the developer is very low, many people are unwilling, and there have been several contradictions with the developer. Last time, there were fights and a lot of Police..."

Although aunt Yang said softly, Xu Hao and Huang Xin could imagine the scene of the conflict that day! If the demolition compensation given by the developer is not too excessive, these honest ordinary people will not make trouble.

"Didn't you find the relevant department to respond?" raised his head and looked at Aunt Yang. Huang Xin asked.

Shaking her head, aunt Yang said, "what's the use? These developers have already managed, otherwise they wouldn't dare to be so unscrupulous!"

Huang Xin has also heard about this situation. In fact, there are no less reports in the news these years. This unfair situation exists all over the country!

Looking at Aunt Yang, Huang Xin opened her mouth, but didn't say what she said. Huang Xin originally intended to say that he could go to mayor Qin, but this kind of thing is not something that mayor Qin can decide alone. Go to mayor Qin, but it will add trouble to mayor Qin!

"Well, well, don't tell you this, don't affect your mood." aunt Yang belongs to the kind of open-minded person. Although she is very indignant at the various behaviors of developers, she won't do extreme things!

After dinner, when she walked out of aunt Yang's dumpling restaurant, Huang Xin suddenly looked at Xu Hao and asked, "you said that the developers had already made a lot of money. Why don't you want to give these people a little compensation? That little money is not much for them?"

Huang Xin's words are more like questioning something. Xu Hao doesn't know what Huang Xin has experienced. He just gently hugs Huang Xin so that Huang Xin can rely on

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