Since he has decided to cooperate with small e-commerce platforms, it is unnecessary for Shen Rong to continue to contact Ma Dongqiang. These days, Shen Rong has been contacting several small e-commerce platforms. After hearing Shen Rong's intention, these e-commerce platforms showed strong interest!

"Mr. Xu, I think this one is good..." Shen Rong took out a letter of intent handed over by the e-commerce platform, handed it to Xu Hao and Huang Xin, and said.

Xu haogang opened the letter of intent. Before he could read it, his mobile phone rang. When I picked it up, it was a strange number. Xu Hao habitually hung up.

However, the call was persistent and made several times in a row. Xu Hao knew that the other party must have something urgent to find him, so he answered the phone. As soon as the phone was connected, Wang Min's voice with a crying voice came: "Xu Hao, Sister Zhang Yue's house had an accident. I... I'm a little afraid and don't dare to call Su Jing, so I can only call you."

"Don't worry, speak slowly." Xu Hao asked quickly.

Wang Min didn't know what had happened. She just said that Su Jing's cousin seemed to have fought with someone and was seriously injured. Specifically, she is not very clear.

"Do you know where Zhang Yue lives?" Xu Hao asked. Although I know Zhang Yue very well, Xu Hao doesn't know where Zhang Yue lives.

After listening to Wang Min's address of Zhang Yue's house, Xu Hao was stunned. Isn't this place not far from Aunt liyang's dumpling restaurant?

"Well, don't worry. I'll go there now." Xu Hao quickly said to Wang Min: "don't tell Su Jing for the time being. That silly girl is timid."

"Well, I see." after calling Xu Hao, Wang Min put down her hanging heart.

Put away the mobile phone and look at Huang Xin and Shen Rong who are looking at themselves. Xu Hao said, "sorry, there's something private. I have to deal with it quickly. You'll discuss it first!"

"Xu Hao..." after looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin suddenly stood up and said, "I'll go with you. Your character is too impulsive. Don't make a lot of things if things don't solve at that time!" after that, Huang Xin picked up her bag and was ready to go out.

"OK, OK, you deal with it first, and I'll screen it." Huang Xin and Xu Hao are both going out. This so-called negotiation naturally becomes Shen Rong's work. He has to preliminarily screen the interested cooperative e-commerce platforms, and then the three will discuss it together.

When rushing to Zhang Yue's house, Huang Xin asked, "Xu Hao, what's the matter?"

After roughly explaining the matter, Xu Hao said: "I suspect it has something to do with demolition. I vaguely heard Sister Zhang Yue say that their house is going to be demolished, and their location is very close to Aunt Yang's house..."

Hearing about the demolition, Huang Xin seemed a little silent and worried. She was thinking about Aunt Yang's family.

Along the way, they didn't care to chat. Xu Hao rushed to Zhang Yue's house as fast as possible. Not far from Zhang Yue's house, the police had pulled up the isolation belt and did not allow anyone to pass.

When Xu Hao and Huang Xin were ready to break through, they were stopped immediately.

Looking at the man who stopped him, Xu Hao was stunned. Isn't this Liu Yuling who has had two sides with herself? Why is she on duty here?

"Officer, we really have something urgent. We have to go over," Huang Xin said to Liu Yuling, trying to persuade Liu Yuling to let them go.

With a straight face, Liu Yuling looked at Xu Hao and Huang Xin and said, "no! We have received an order not to allow anyone to approach the scene of the incident!"

"Sister Zhang Yue, this is Xu Hao. What's the situation over there?" called Zhang Yue and Xu Hao asked directly.

Hearing Xu Hao's voice, Zhang Yue could no longer contain her inner panic and cried loudly, "Xu Hao, come on, i... I don't know what to do, Su Jing and her cousin..." before Zhang Yue finished, the phone was disconnected. Someone should have forcibly robbed the mobile phone!

Pushed Liu Yuling away, Xu Hao pulled Huang Xin and ran to Zhang Yue's house.

Liu Yuling obviously didn't expect that Xu Hao dared to break into the isolation belt, which is contempt for the police!

"Stop!" said Liu Yuling, calling a few policemen and catching up.

Xu Hao didn't take care of Liu Yuling's warning at all. He took Huang Xin and ran towards Zhang Yue's house.

When Xu Hao came to Zhang Yue's house, he was completely angry! He didn't expect that human nature could be so ugly. At the moment, Zhang Yue is surrounded by several people who are obviously the demolition team. Several of them even have guys in their hands, and blood is everywhere on the ground!

"What are you doing?" Xu Hao shouted, stepped over with an arrow, directly pushed away the crowd and protected Zhang Yue behind him.

Those demolition teams obviously didn't expect that someone could break in through the police isolation belt. However, they have been used to arrogance, but they are not afraid of Xu Hao. One of them looked like a leader, holding a steel pipe in his hand, looked at Xu Hao and said, "who are you? Who let you in? Get out of here!"

"My grass mud horse!" seeing that Zhang Yue's house has been smashed, Zhang Yue has some blood on his body. I don't know how he came from! Xu Hao's anger has reached the critical value. Now the man opens his mouth and directly detonates Xu Hao's anger.

Xu Hao hit the demolition team member with a heavy punch, and the rest of the demolition team were stunned. They didn't expect Xu Hao to dare to do it under such circumstances!

These demolition personnel are not good stubble. They directly picked up the guy in their hand and beat Xu Hao.

Although Xu Hao has not systematically learned fighting, he has great strength. In the face of these demolition personnel who basically have no rules and regulations, Xu Hao is not afraid at all!

Soon, the scene turned into a mess. Zhang Yue was extremely afraid, because her husband was knocked down by these people because of their conflict, covered with blood, and then sent to the hospital! Until now, these people still don't allow her to visit the hospital.

Seeing Zhang Yue's body shaking like chaff, Huang Xin hurried forward to help Zhang Yue, then took out her mobile phone and prepared to call the police!

At this time, Liu Yuling and others also arrived. Seeing that the scene was out of control, Liu Yuling and several police shouted to Xu Hao to stop them!

"Stop it, or we'll shoot!" one of the male policemen took out his gun and shouted at Xu Hao and them.

His voice was very deterrent, and those demolition personnel immediately stopped their actions. However, Xu Hao didn't mean to stop. Although he knocked down several just now, he also suffered several times! At this moment, Xu Hao is playing red eye!

"Xu Hao, you stop!" seeing that Xu Hao still has to start, Liu Yuling took a step forward to stop Xu Hao.

Looking at Liu Yuling, Xu Hao sneered and said, "do you deserve the clothes you put on? Do you deserve the taxpayer's money? You actually act as the running dog of these unscrupulous developers..."

"Shut up! What do you know? Why do you say that?" Liu Yuling was also angry, yelled at Xu Hao, and then ran away crying

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