Although she was still very shy, Su Jing begged Xu Hao to say what happened this afternoon. In order to avoid Su Jing's worry, Xu Hao said it simply. But Rao is so. Su Jing is also nervous. She holds her hands tightly and her small face is very white!

"Scared me to death, you know?" leaning against Xu Hao, Su Jing said faintly: "I want to call you to ask about the situation, and I'm afraid it will affect you..."

Xu Hao can understand Su Jing's mood. For such a good girl as Su Jing, what happened in the afternoon is simply unimaginable.

"I said you should make out. Can you go to the bedroom? Don't you see anyone else here?" Dong Yangfan didn't know if she was still angry about what Xu Hao said in the bathroom before, and directly opened her mouth to destroy the good atmosphere.

Being ashamed of Dong Yangfan's words, she quickly left Xu Hao. Su Jing sat next to Dong Yangfan, hugged her arm and whispered in her ear.

"That... Afternoon, thank you." after looking at Dong Yangfan, Xu Hao said, "thank you, too. If he didn't show up today, there might be some uncontrollable consequences!"

"Who wants you to thank me!" glanced at Xu Hao discontentedly, and Dong Yangfan said, "besides, I don't call that. I have a name, okay?"

Xu Hao didn't expect Dong Yangfan to hold a grudge. Didn't he just laugh at you? After taking a look at her, Xu Hao said, "well, well, I'll buy you a drink. When I'm finished, I'll invite you to the bar for a drink, okay?"

"Keep your word?" Dong Yangfan became interested immediately after listening to Xu Hao take her to drink. He wanted to take Xu Hao to the bar now.

With a helpless wry smile, Xu Hao said, "just your father's aura, how many heads do I have to cheat you?" thinking of the aura brought by Dong Tianlong's appearance today, Xu Hao decided to try not to provoke Dong Yangfan.

"Cut, it's like you haven't lied to me." he looked at Xu Hao discontentedly. Dong Yangfan looked at Su Jing and asked, "Su Jing chick, are you sleeping with me today or with Xu Hao's big sex wolf?"

"Who's going to sleep with him!" Su Jing's shy little face flushed, holding Dong Yangfan's arm and said, "let's go to bed. I'm sleepy!"

"Your adulterer and adulteress won't talk for a while?" Dong Yangfan looked at Su Jing and asked uncertainly.

"Ah, what are you talking about? Let's go and go to bed!" said Su Jing, pulling Dong Yangfan towards the bedroom, regardless of the color Xu Hao has been giving her.

Hearing the sound of locking the bedroom door, Xu Hao was speechless. What shame does Su Jing do?


Early in the morning, Xu Hao was woken up by the phone. Seeing that the caller was Huang Xin, Xu Hao had to answer the phone, "sister Xin, call me so early in the morning. Did you miss me all night yesterday?"

"Xu Hao, you son of a bitch, want to die!" as soon as he heard the phone connected, Xu Hao, an asshole, molested himself. Huang Xin's teeth itched. If it weren't for the phone, Huang Xin had to kick Xu Hao's feet.

Hei hei smiled and Xu Hao asked, "sister Xin, what's the matter with calling me so early?"

"Nonsense, will I call you if it's all right? Come to the factory quickly." after that, Huang Xin hung up the phone and didn't give Xu Hao a chance to ask questions.

Xu Hao was also speechless for a while. He yawned and got up quickly.

Out of the bedroom, Xu Hao walked towards the bathroom. As soon as he opened the door of the bathroom, Xu Hao was completely stunned. Dong Yangfan in the bathroom is completely petrified!

At the moment, Dong Yangfan just finished going to the toilet and stood up. She lifted the long T-shirt to her waist and was bending down to lift the extremely tempting underwear hanging on her knee. At this time, Xu Hao opened the door of the bathroom and came in!

Three seconds later, there was a scream in the bathroom, and then Dong Yangfan threatened to kill Xu Hao.

Seeing that Dong Yangfan has gone wild, Xu Hao is also very innocent. Can you blame him? Can you blame others for not closing the door when you go to the bathroom?

Looking at Dong Yangfan with his extremely cool underwear still hanging on his leg, Xu Hao said, "well... Do you lift your underwear?"

"Xu Hao, I'm not finished with you!" Dong Yangfan, a little girl, blushed rarely, then picked up her underwear as quickly as possible and walked angrily towards Xu Hao.

Xu Hao was startled and hurried back. At this time, Su Jing, who heard the sound, came out of the bedroom and asked, "what's the matter? What's the matter? Why did you quarrel early in the morning?"

"Don't talk!" when he came to Xu Hao, Dong Yangfan gave Xu Hao a gnashing warning, then pushed Xu Hao away and walked out of the bathroom.

Hearing Dong Yangfan's warning, Xu Hao was relieved. He is now afraid that Dong Yangfan will complain to Su Jing!

With an awkward smile, Xu Hao also walked out of the bathroom and said, "when I just washed, I didn't have a toothbrush. I was ready to use your toothbrush. Dong Yangfan saw it. She scolded me!"

"You... How can you use my toothbrush?" Su Jing blushed and bowed her head, afraid to look at Xu Hao.

Dong Yangfan was shocked by Xu Hao's adaptability and looked at Xu Hao angrily. Dong Yangfan made a mouth shape of "you are cruel", and then turned and walked back to the bedroom.

When he came to Su Jing, Xu Hao patted Su Jing's little ass and said, "what's the matter with your toothbrush? We kissed each other. I'm afraid I'll use your toothbrush?"

"Who... Who kissed you?" Su Jing stretched out her hand, pinched Xu Hao's waist, and then said, "I'm very similar to Yangfan's toothbrush. Did you use it wrong?"

"Ah? Why don't you go and have a look for me? Is it wrong?" Xu Hao directly took Su Jing into the bathroom.

Simple Su Jing hurried to help Xu Hao distinguish the toothbrush, and Xu Hao had already hugged Su Jing from behind. Hands are not polite to climb up Su Jing's chest of a pair of small pigeons!

"You... You lied to me!" Su Jing blushed and leaned against Xu Hao with a fever.

After kissing Su Jing on the face, Xu Hao said, "who asked you to abandon me last night? It made me struggle alone and lose sleep!"

"You're really dead!" Su Jing, who regained her strength, took off Xu Hao, then helped Xu Hao squeeze toothpaste and said, "wash quickly. Don't mess around. You'll be seen by Yangfan!"

"Then kiss me," said Xu Hao, shamelessly putting his face close to Su Jing.

Su Jing takes a guilty look at the bathroom door. After kissing Xu Hao on the face, she runs out of the bathroom quickly.

Looking at the back of the silly girl Su Jing, Xu Hao smiled with satisfaction

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