Until Xu Hao finished breakfast and left the apartment, he didn't see Dong Yangfan coming out of the bedroom. I don't know this girl is very forthright. She is usually like a tomboy. Which tendon is wrong today!

Driving to the juice factory, Xu haogang opened the door of Huang Xin's office and saw Liu Yuling sitting on the sofa!

At the moment of seeing Liu Yuling, Xu Hao roughly guessed Liu Yuling's intention. Yesterday, he beat the bastard Yang long in the hospital. Today, Liu Yuling must have come to take herself back to the police station.

Thinking of this, Xu Hao sneered, walked over to Liu Yuling and said, "officer Liu really loves his work. He came so early." then Xu Hao stretched out his hands and said, "come on, cuff me!"

Seeing Xu Hao, Liu Yuling couldn't help thinking of the words Xu Hao scolded her yesterday. For a moment, Liu Yuling's face was full of anger!

"Xu Hao, what are you doing?" seeing Xu Hao coming, Huang Xin quickly stood up and walked towards Liu Yuling.

He turned his head and looked at Huang Xin. Xu haogang was ready to speak. Huang Xin glared at him, and then said in an indisputable tone: "you sit down for me first!"

"Sister Xin..." Xu haogang was ready to say a word. Huang Xin asked him to sit down again in that indisputable tone.

As a last resort, Xu Hao had to sit down.

Liu Yuling smiled at Huang Xin, and then sat down under Huang Xin's sign. However, Liu Yuling's eyes at Xu Hao are not good!

Seeing that both of them sat down, Huang Xin sat down. Then he said, "Xu Hao, I called you today because I have something to tell you. Miss Liu Yuling will be my secretary in the future!"

"Secretary?" Xu Hao stared at Huang Xin and asked, "isn't she a policeman?"

"Shut up first and listen to me!" Huang Xin said after glancing at Xu Hao discontentedly. "What's more, you have a fire in your heart. Why should you send it to Xiao Ling? Now, you apologize to her!"

"Apologize? Me?" Xu Hao suddenly blew his hair, stood up, looked angrily at Huang Xin and asked, "sister Xin, are you right?"

"Forget it, there's no need for him to apologize!" Liu Yuling didn't give Xu Hao a good face, but directly refused Xu Hao's apology!

Huang Xin also stood up and winked at Xu Hao!

From Huang Xin's eyes, Xu Hao saw some other meanings. Therefore, Xu Hao had to listen to Huang Xin for a while, look at Liu Yuling and say, "I'm sorry, I spoke in the wrong tone yesterday, but you police..."

"What's the matter with us? Do you understand our handling principles? Do you know the situation at that time? What do you know?" Liu Yuling shouted at Xu Hao as if she had been wronged by heaven.

Xu Hao is completely ignorant. Is Liu Yuling out of her mind? Just because of yesterday's sentence, can she be so angry?

He gave Xu Hao a hard kick. Huang Xin said, "you bastard!" after that, Huang Xin went to Liu Yuling, gently hugged her and said, "Xiao Ling, I'm sorry, I apologize for Xu Hao! I'll teach him a lesson later. You go next door and have a rest..."

Nodded and Liu Yuling walked outside. Before leaving, he also took a special look at Xu Hao, but the look was very complex. Xu Hao read a lot of different emotions from it!

As soon as Liu Yuling left, Huang Xin ran directly to lock the door of the office, and then walked back quickly.

Listening to Huang Xin's high heels stepping on the ground, Xu Hao knew that Huang Xin was very angry at the moment!

Looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, which song did you sing? How did you ask me to apologize to her? Did you forget what happened yesterday?"

"Shut up!" Huang Xin said after giving Xu Hao a fierce look. "Do you know the truth? Do you know what's going on? What are you accusing Liu Yuling of? She owes you?"

Seeing Huang Xin's posture, Xu Hao knew that Huang Xin was really angry.

Hurry to Huang Xin's side. Xu Hao gently hugged Huang Xin's shoulder and said, "sister Xin, can't I be wrong? What did you ask me to do yesterday? Can I not be angry?"

"All right, all right! You scolded others before you knew everything. Now you're not willing to apologize!" after seeing Xu Hao, Huang Xin said the whole story.

It turned out that when Xu Hao arrived yesterday, the police had just arrived. In order to prevent the onlookers from affecting their handling of the case, they pulled up the isolation belt. As a result, before the isolation belt was pulled, Xu Hao rushed in angrily!

"How do I know?" Xu Hao said awkwardly. When he passed yesterday, he saw that the police were pulling the isolation belt instead of coordinating contradictions. The fire in his heart rubbed up.

"Tell me about your bad temper!" with a white look at Xu Hao, Huang Xin continued: "if Liu Yuling hadn't been magnanimous, he would have caught you back to the police station sooner, or detained you for at least 15 days!"

Wronged looked at Huang Xin. Xu Hao asked, "sister Xin, how can I listen to your tone? You really want me to be caught!"

"It's good to take you bastard in and shut you up for a lifetime!" glanced Xu Hao, and Huang Xin said, "at least save you bastard molesting me early in the morning!"

With an awkward smile, Xu Hao hugged Huang Xin's waist and said, "sister Xin, it proves that I have you in my heart. Otherwise, can I talk to you without waking up early in the morning?"

"Virtue!" pushed Xu Hao away, and Huang Xin said, "later, listen to me and apologize to Liu Yuling. She's more wronged than you! What's that about you!"

"What's the matter with her?" looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao asked, "why has she become your secretary again, a good policeman?"

"This thing is more complicated to say." after looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin had to be patient to say it.

It turns out that this Liu Yuling is actually the daughter of aunt Yang! What a coincidence! The demolition of her house is a good thing, but because she works in the Public Security Bureau, the leaders above asked her to go home and persuade her mother to sign the demolition agreement! This does not count, because local residents often conflict with developers, and she has been involved in dealing with conflicts many times. For this reason, she was even scolded several times by her neighbors pointing at her nose!

"Deserve it, let her help those demolition teams that are inferior to pigs and dogs!" Xu Hao thought Liu Yuling's neighbors were right. She works in the police station and should safeguard the interests of the people, not the interests of developers!

"Believe it or not, I'll kick you!" glanced at Xu Hao, and Huang Xin said, "you think she thinks! Don't mention her, who is the owner of their police station. Who is willing to do such a heartless thing? However, their arms can't twist their thighs, and they can't do anything in the face of such a thing!"

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