Thinking of Dong Tianlong's reminder, Xu Hao felt it necessary to pay attention. Yang long is desperate now. He can really do everything. The most likely person for Yang long to retaliate should be Zhang Yue.

"Xu Hao, don't worry, I'll be fine." Zhang Yue was warm when she heard Xu Hao's concern. These two days, she has been in the hospital, but her husband shows no sign of waking up. Over time, her husband's chances of waking up will be lower and lower. Although their relationship is not good, after all, they have been husband and wife for so many years. Even if they have no love, they also have family affection!

"Sister Zhang Yue, don't be so outsider with me." Xu Hao doesn't know how to comfort Zhang Yue. "If anything happens, you can call me at any time. I'll turn on the phone 24 hours a day."

"OK, I see. Go ahead. There's nothing wrong with me." Zhang Yue doesn't want to trouble Xu Hao all the time. This time, it has added too much trouble to Xu Hao.

Hang up. Xu Hao calls Huang Xin again. Although the possibility of Yang long retaliating against them is not high, but now Yang long is desperate. Who knows what he will do!

After notifying the people around him one by one, Xu Haocai drove back to his residence in the industrial park.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, Xu Hao saw song Yuwei standing at the door, looking at him out of the elevator.

"Sister Yuwei, you haven't slept yet?" Xu Hao said and walked towards song Yuwei.

Smiling at Xu Hao, song Yuwei said, "hearing the sound of the elevator, I think it must be you who came back. Come out and have a look! Have you eaten?"

When song Yuwei asked, Xu Haocai remembered that he hadn't had time to eat because of these messy things.

Seeing Xu Hao's expression, song Yuwei knew he didn't eat. Some complained and looked at Xu Hao. Song Yuwei said, "you, you, come and sit first, and I'll cook for you!" as she said, song Yuwei quickly turned to enter the house and walked towards the kitchen.

After sitting in the living room for a while, song Yuwei cooked a bowl of noodles for Xu Hao and brought them out, "get together and have some noodles."

While eating noodles, Xu Hao asked song Yuwei about going back to Wang Yumin today.

When Xu Hao asked about it, song Yuwei glared at Xu Hao discontentedly and said, "you still have the face to ask. If your father wasn't in a good mood today, you would have to say something about me."

Looking at Song Yuwei's expression, Xu Hao knew that this matter was passed.

"Sister Yuwei, you did the right thing! Are you really going to let the scum like Yang long do the reconstruction project of the old community? You don't look at the demolition conditions he gave to the residents of the old community. It's a clear robbery!" put down your chopsticks and looked at Song Yuwei. Xu Hao said angrily.

Seeing Xu Hao's indignation, song Yuwei quickly said, "well, well, it's not worth getting angry for such scum. Don't worry, this time, I'll go all out to grab the project. I just passed the agreement with Vice President Bai. After the company's high-level meeting tomorrow, the project will be officially launched!"

After dinner, they sat on the sofa and chatted again. Song Yuwei snuggled up in Xu Hao's arms and said something about the reconstruction project of the old community.

Just after they finished talking about business and were ready to have an in-depth communication, Xu Hao's mobile phone suddenly rang. After connecting, Xu Hao suddenly stood up.

Seeing the change of Xu Hao's expression, song Yuwei quickly stood up and held Xu Hao's arm. I can see that Xu Hao is very angry!

"What's the matter?" when Xu Hao hung up, song Yuwei quickly asked.

"It's the Public Security Bureau. Sister Zhang Yue has an accident." Xu Hao said as he walked outside.

Seeing that Xu Hao has to go out so late, song Yuwei is a little worried and wants to go with Xu Hao.

"Sister Yuwei, don't worry, I'll be fine. What about Xiaomeng when you go?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Song Yuwei.

At the thought of leaving Xia Xiaomeng at home alone, song Yuwei was really worried. However, song Yuwei is a little worried. Xu Hao is really in a dilemma.

Gently hugged song Yuwei. Xu Hao said, "sister Yuwei, don't worry, I'm fine. I'll call you the first time I have any news!"

With a heavy nod, song Yuwei also gave Xu Hao a shy kiss on his face before sending Xu Hao out.

Driving to the police station, Xu Hao showed his identity to the police on the scene and was immediately invited to an office. A vice captain of the criminal police team received Xu Hao and explained the general course of the matter to Xu Hao.

An hour ago, Yang long took someone to find Zhang Yue and wanted to have a private relationship with Zhang Yue. Zhang Yue disagreed and the two clashed. Soon, Yang long called more than a dozen people and forcibly took Zhang Yue and Zhang Yue's husband away from the hospital. Now their whereabouts are unknown. The police are fully pursuing them!

"What's the matter with you? Knowing that Yang long has committed so many things, why not arrest him?" Xu Hao looked at the vice captain and asked loudly, "even if you don't arrest him, you should monitor him!"

"Sorry, Mr. Xu, we didn't expect this to happen." the vice captain apologized again and again! They don't want to monitor Yang long, but Yang long also has his own relationship. In the absence of conclusive evidence, they are also very difficult for the police!

Xu Hao also knows that it is useless to complain about the police now that things have happened. The top priority now is to find Yang long and rescue Zhang Yue and her husband.

"Did the police find any clues?" Xu Hao asked, looking at the vice captain.

Shaking his head, the vice captain said: "there is no valuable clue for the time being! Yang long, after they got out of the hospital and went to the ancient city avenue, they suddenly lost their trace in the monitoring. Our police are making every effort to investigate..."

Ignoring the vice captain's words directly, Xu Hao took out his mobile phone and dialed Dong Yangfan.

"You want my father's mobile phone number? Haven't you just met?" Dong Yangfan asked in some confusion, but he still reported Dong Tianlong's phone to Xu Hao.

He called Dong Tianlong. Xu Hao was not polite and directly told the whole story, "boss Dong, this thing can only bother you. Yang long jumped over the wall. I'm afraid he'll do something too drastic!"

"OK, don't worry, I'll arrange someone to check it right away!" Dong Tianlong agreed without ambiguity. He knew that the matter was urgent. Every second, Zhang Yue and them were more dangerous!

"Mr. Xu, don't worry. We have issued a notice of assistance in investigation. Now the police in the whole city are fully pursuing Yang long!" looked at Xu Hao and comforted the vice captain.

Xu Hao knows that Yang long is jumping over the wall, and the police don't know. From what they know now, Yang Long's crime is enough for him to go in and squat for a few years! This is not a case that the police haven't found! In this case, no one can guarantee that Yang long will not do anything drastic!

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