Just out of the police station, Xu Hao received a call from Song Yuwei asking about the situation.

After roughly telling song Yuwei not to worry, Xu Hao hung up the phone. Now, Xu Hao can do very little. He can only expect the police or Dong Tianlong to find Yang Long's trace as soon as possible.

Sitting in the car, Xu Hao tried to call Zhang Yue, but to Xu Hao's disappointment, Zhang Yue couldn't get through at all. So Xu Hao tried to call Yang long several times.

After several calls in a row, Yang Long's phone was actually connected.

"Xu Hao, how dare you call me? I tell you, you don't want me to feel better, and you don't want to feel better. It's a big deal that we'll kill the fish and break the net!" Yang Long's arrogant voice came from the other end of the phone. Obviously, Yang long knew that what he had done could not escape the legal sanctions. That's why I became so crazy before I died!

"Yang long, let's discuss something. You let the man go first!" Xu Hao said as he walked to the police station.

When the vice captain in charge of receiving Xu Hao learned that Yang long was talking to Xu Hao, he immediately arranged people from the technical department to find Yang Long's location.

"Let people go? Do you think I'm stupid?" Yang long said very arrogantly: "even if I die, I'll pull some cushions!"

"Yang long, what's the matter? Come to me!" Xu Hao shouted at Yang long at the other end of the phone: "tell me where you are? I'll go now!"

"If you want to set me up, save it!" Yang long said and hung up the phone directly.

Listening to the busy beep on the phone, Xu Hao turned to the vice captain and asked, "how's it going? Have you determined Yang Long's position?"

Unfortunately, he shook his head. The vice captain said, "sorry, the time is too short. We don't have time to locate. What we can be sure now is that Yang long should be in Hongchuan District, but we don't know the more accurate location!"

Picked up his cell phone, Xu Hao called Dong Tianlong and said where Yang long might hide. After hearing Xu Hao's words, Dong Tianlong suddenly said, "if it's in Hongchuan District, maybe I know where it is!"

"Really?" Xu Hao asked as he quickly walked out.

After driving to meet Dong Tianlong, Xu Hao asked, "boss Dong, are you sure Yang long is hiding there?"

"If the police say his judgment of hiding in Hongchuan district is OK, Yang long is likely to hide there. The bar has a hidden underground cellar, and Yang long is the owner of the bar." looking at Xu Hao, Dong Tianlong said the information he knew.

"I'll go there now," said Xu Hao, who was about to drive there. Dong Tianlong quickly stopped him and said, "you go alone? Don't take yourself in when no one comes out!"

"I'll inform the police," said Xu Hao, and got on the bus. While rushing to the bar, he called the police station.

The police didn't dare to neglect the clues provided by Xu Hao. They immediately arranged people to surround the bar.

With the fastest speed, Xu Hao rushed into the bar. Catching a waiter directly, Xu Hao asked, "how do you get to the cellar?"

"I... I don't know." the waiter was startled by Xu Hao and even stuttered.

Release the waiter, Xu Hao directly broke into the manager's room of the bar. Grasping the manager's collar, Xu Hao asked, "where is the entrance to the underground wine cellar?"

"Who are you? Do you know whose field this is?" looking at Xu Hao, the manager didn't panic too much, but looked very calm.

After punching the manager, Xu Hao asked again, "where is the entrance of the underground wine cellar?"

This time, the manager learned well and honestly led Xu Hao to the entrance of the underground wine cellar.

As soon as he opened the door at the entrance of the underground wine cellar, Xu Hao was surrounded. In order to see Yang long smoothly, Xu Hao can only be arrested and let these people press to see Yang long.

"Boss Xu, I didn't expect you to find here!" looking at Xu Hao, Yang long looked very shocked, but it was just a shock. Behind Yang long, Zhang Yue and her husband were tied to chairs with things in their mouths.

Seeing Xu Hao, Zhang Yue wanted to shout something at Xu Hao, but she couldn't shout because she had something in her mouth!

Zhang Yue's noise annoyed Yang long. He looked back at Zhang Yue. Yang long shouted to her, "bitch, call me to chop you!"

"Yang long, let the people go!" Xu Hao said directly to Yang long, "you should know very well that you can't escape!"

"Really?" Yang long said arrogantly, "do you think I want to escape? Wrong, I don't want to escape at all! Otherwise, I would have escaped from Jiangcheng for such a long time!"

"What do you want to do?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Yang long. He began to feel a little uncertain about Yang Long's routine.

"What do I want to do? Ha ha..." Yang long suddenly laughed, and then seemed to say to himself, "what do I want to do? How do I know what I want to do? If it weren't for you and this bitch, would I fall into this field? Even if I died, I would bury you!"

"Let them go and I'll be your hostage!" Xu Hao said to Yang long, looking at Zhang Yue and her husband. Zhang Yue's husband himself is a seriously ill patient. He has been tossed by Yang long for a long time. If he can't get timely treatment, I'm afraid he will never wake up again!

"Ha ha... I don't see. You have deep feelings for Zhang Yue, a bitch!" Yang long said with arrogant laughter, turned his head to Zhang Yue and asked, "do you want to die together, or let Xu Hao die instead of you? Or I'll send you on the road and let you die together!"

Zhang Yue's mouth was stuffed with things and she could only shake her head helplessly!

"You......" pointing to Xu Hao, Zhang Yue and Zhang Yue's husband, Yang long said: "you three, no one wants to go! Bury me together!"

Yang long then waved his hand directly. The little gangsters escorting Xu Hao greeted Xu Hao directly with the guys in their hands. Now Zhang Yue and Zhang Yue's husband are in Yang Long's hands. Xu Hao didn't dare to resist, so he had to carry them down.

"Hahaha... I like watching this kind of scene! Isn't it fun?" Yang long said arrogantly standing in front of Zhang Yue.

Seeing Yang long who had fallen into madness, Xu Hao took advantage of the carelessness of several small gangsters on the side, rushed up with an arrow step, grabbed Yang Long's neck directly, and shouted to Yang Long's men: "all those who know how to put down their guys!"

Yang long was choked by Xu Hao. He couldn't say a word. His men were in a panic. After several people looked at each other, they still chose to put down the iron bar and long knife in their hands!

"Quit!" Xu Hao shouted at Yang Long's men again.

With little hesitation, they turned and ran out. They heard what Yang long said just now. They followed Yang long just for money. Naturally, they didn't want to take their lives in!

Just as Yang Long's men were about to quit, the door of the underground wine cellar was violently opened, and a team of armed police rushed in. Yang Long's men immediately squatted down with their heads in their arms!

Seeing the police coming, Xu Hao quickly shouted, "hurry and take them to the hospital, come on!"

The police did not dare to delay. They quickly arranged for someone to carry Zhang Yue's husband out, while Zhang Yue ran directly towards Xu Hao and rushed into Xu Hao's arms

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