Holding Zhang Yue crying into tears, Xu Hao kept comforting her, "Okay, okay, it's okay! It's okay!"

"Is it worth it for me?" suddenly, Zhang Yue raised her crying face and asked.

Zhang Yue's words really stopped Xu Hao. Xu Hao didn't think so much at that time. He simply thought that it was because he refused Yang Long's reconciliation that Yang long jumped over the wall. He is responsible for this matter. If something happens to Zhang Yue, he will feel guilty all his life. Others, Xu Hao did not consider at all.

"Well, Sister Zhang Yue, it's all right." Xu Hao gently patted Zhang Yue on the back, and then helped Zhang Yue out of the wine cellar.

Although Xu Hao repeatedly said that he was not injured, the police still asked Xu Hao to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. When Xu Hao finished the inspection, he saw that Zhang Yue was crying and a policewoman was comforting her.

"Sister Zhang Yue, what's the matter?" Xu Hao asked hurriedly, looking at Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue just kept crying, but she couldn't speak. The policewoman next to Zhang Yue told Xu Hao that Zhang Yue's husband died because the rescue was invalid!

"Yang long, son of a bitch!" Xu Hao said angrily, and was ready to go to the police station to find Yang long.

However, as soon as Xu Hao turned around, he was pulled to his clothes. Looking back, it was Zhang Yue who held his clothes. Zhang Yue's eyes were helpless. She pulled Xu Hao's clothes and didn't speak.

Xu Hao knows that Zhang Yue is very fragile at this time and needs to be accompanied. Sitting next to Zhang Yue, Xu Hao silently accompanied Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue was probably too tired. After crying for a while, she slowly fell asleep!

The policewoman in charge of taking care of Zhang Yue, together with Xu Hao, helped Zhang Yue to the hospital bed and lay down, and then said to Xu Hao, "do you know if she has any relatives? I'm afraid she can't deal with the aftermath now!"

Nodding, Xu Hao called Su Jing. Su Jing, who was sleeping vaguely, burst into tears when she heard what Xu Hao said.

After comforting Su Jing for a while, Xu Haocai said, "is there anyone else in your sister-in-law's family? Someone has to go to the hospital to deal with these things!"

"There's no one at my cousin's house for a long time, cousin..." Su Jing thought and said, "I'd better call my parents. Only they can handle this matter!"

Soon, Su Dajiang and Huang Mei rushed to the hospital. Seeing Xu Hao, Su Dajiang hurriedly asked about the situation, while Huang Mei went into the ward to see Zhang Yue.

After Xu Hao finished the general situation, Su Dajiang said, "Zhang Yue, there is such a big thing, but he was stunned and didn't say a word! Hey..." he said, and couldn't help sighing, "the old people of both their families left early, and now... These two children are suffering!" said Su Dajiang, but he couldn't help crying. A good home has become what it is now!

"Uncle, if there's anything I can help, just tell me." at this time, Xu Hao couldn't say anything else.

Nodding, Su Dajiang said, "thank you, Xu Hao! I'll help deal with the rest of the things. Don't worry!"

Su Dajiang handles the affairs of Zhang Yue's family, and Xu Hao is naturally at ease. Out of the hospital, Xu Hao went to the police station again and recorded a confession. When Xu Hao finished his work and walked out of the police station, it was dawn.

Taking out his mobile phone, Xu Hao called song Yuwei first.

After receiving Xu Hao's call, song Yuwei finally put down her worried heart. One night, song Yuwei hardly slept much. She always thought about Xu Hao and was afraid of an accident.

"Then come back quickly, take a good bath and have a rest." Song Yuwei said hurriedly.

After a busy night, Xu Hao was really sleepy. Driving back to his residence, Xu haogang came out of the elevator and saw song Yuwei standing at the door waiting for him.

"I've put the water away for you. Go take a bath. After taking a bath, have breakfast, and then go to bed." Song Yuwei, like a gentle little wife, told Xu Hao carefully.

Looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao nodded and said, "sister Yuwei, thank you!" through yesterday's events, Xu Hao also saw the fragility of life. A good person would be gone if he said no!

Reach out and close the hair in front of her forehead. Song Yuwei said, "thank me for what? Well, go take a bath. I have to send Xiaomeng to school later!" Song Yuwei said, pushing Xu Hao into the house.

After taking a bath, Xu Hao sees that song Yuwei has cleaned up Xia Xiaomeng and is ready to send her to school.

Seeing Xu Hao, Xia Xiaomeng ran over excitedly, kissed Xu Hao on the face, and then went out with song Yuwei.

"You must have breakfast before you go to bed. Do you hear me?" Song Yuwei said again before going out.

Nodding at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao said, "sister Yuwei, I know!"

After Song Yuwei and Xia Xiaomeng left, Xu Hao had breakfast and didn't bother to go back. He simply went directly into song Yuwei's bedroom and slept.

After sending Xia Xiaomeng off, song Yuwei was worried about Xu Hao. She simply postponed the meeting scheduled for this morning and ran back!

No one in Xu Hao's family was found. When song Yuwei was about to call Xu Hao, she heard a man snoring in her bedroom. Song Yuwei is naturally no stranger to this voice.

Push open the bedroom door and see Xu Hao lying in bed. Song Yuwei's heart is finally put down.

Gently walk to the bedside and look at Xu Hao sleeping. Song Yuwei looks back like a thief. After confirming that there is no third person in the house, song Yuwei lowers her head and kisses Xu Hao on his mouth.

After kissing and finding that Xu Hao had no reaction, song Yuwei simply lay down by the bed and looked at Xu Hao carefully. It was this domineering little man who walked into her dusty heart step by step.

Just as song Yuwei was about to straighten up, she was hugged by a pair of powerful hands.

"Ah, you didn't sleep?" Song Yuwei was startled, beat Xu Hao on his chest, and said, "you lied to me on purpose when you didn't sleep. It's necrotic!"

"I fell asleep, but I woke up after you kissed sister Yuwei!" Xu Hao said, but forced song Yuwei into the bed.

"Don't move, I have to go back to the company for a meeting later!" Song Yuwei said hurriedly when she felt Xu Hao's hand tightly around her waist.

"I'll hold you." Xu Hao said, holding song Yuwei tightly and burying her head in Song Yuwei's hair.

Song Yuwei also noticed Xu Hao's low mood. She turned around and gently hugged Xu Hao, letting Xu Hao lie in her arms in a comfortable position. Xu Hao didn't say anything, and song Yuwei didn't take the initiative to ask. They just held together quietly and listened to each other's heartbeat

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