Shen Rong's contact with Yunteng e-commerce was very smooth. After several telephone communications, Yan Weiguo, the person in charge of Yunteng e-commerce, personally flew to Jiangcheng from Shencheng and wanted to interview the person in charge of Dongping juice factory.

As the actual controller of the company, Xu Hao naturally wants to participate in this extremely important meeting.

Before attending the talks, Huang Xin specially asked Liu Yuling to carefully introduce the specific situation of Yunteng e-commerce to Xu Hao.

"Xiao Ling, are all the things I asked you to prepare ready?" Huang Xin asked, looking back at Liu Yuling, the secretary.

Nodding hurriedly, Liu Yuling said, "Mr. Huang, we are all ready. Shall we go to the conference room now?"

"Let's go," said Huang Xin, taking the lead in walking out with Liu Yuling, and Xu Hao hurriedly followed.

Xu Hao and Huang Xin sat in the conference room, while Liu Yuling showed the relevant information about Yunteng e-commerce she collected and sorted out during this period, as well as some of her analysis.

"The performance of Yunteng e-commerce is very good, but there are great problems in their new round of financing. In the final analysis, investors lack confidence in their future. That's why Yan Weiguo will come to Jiangcheng personally and want to win cooperation with us..." Liu Yuling showed the collected information on the PPT, While talking about their own analysis and conclusions.

"In other words, if we can't talk about cooperation with us, Yan Weiguo's Yunteng e-commerce may lack the funds to continue its operation?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Liu Yuling.

Nodding, Liu Yuling said: "at present, it's like this! After all, there are many e-commerce platforms like Yunteng e-commerce, and the advantages of Yunteng e-commerce are not obvious enough, so investors are naturally unwilling to continue to invest!"

After listening to Liu Yuling's overall analysis of Yunteng e-commerce, Xu Hao and Huang Xin also have a general understanding and judgment of Yunteng e-commerce! This time, it is obvious that the initiative is in the hands of Dongping juice factory.

Seeing Xu Hao's smile, Huang Xin asked curiously, "how much meat are you going to bite from Yunteng e-commerce this time?"

"Sister Xin, look what you said. Am I that kind of person?" Xu Hao said with a smile. Looking at Huang Xin, he wanted to eat Huang Xin in one bite.

After Xu Hao's eyes turned white, Huang Xin said, "Shen Rong has gone to pick up Yan Weiguo. It should be almost here by now. Let's get ready."

As soon as Huang Xin finished his words, he received a call from Shen Rong. Their car had entered the factory.

In order to show their attention to this cooperation, Xu Hao and Huang Xin personally met Yan Weiguo at the gate of the factory.

Yan Weiguo is just in his infancy. It is the time when people are most aggressive! Seeing Xu Hao and Huang Xin, Yan Weiguo greeted them politely.

After some greetings, Xu Hao and Huang Xin led Yan Weiguo into the conference room.

After a brief self introduction, Yan Weiguo began to introduce the advantages of Yunteng e-commerce and the benefits that bilateral cooperation can bring to each other.

After directly interrupting Yan Weiguo, Xu Hao said, "I know president Yan is very sincere, and our Dongping juice factory is also sincere! However, business is business, President Yan should also listen to President Shen's introduction of some of our requirements for partners..."

Looking at Xu Hao, Yan Weiguo didn't expect Xu Hao to go straight to the theme as soon as he came up. Yan Weiguo has long heard Shen Rong mention the requirements of Dongping juice factory for partners. Yan Weiguo did not agree with or even strongly opposed many of the provisions. The purpose of his personal flight this time is to negotiate some of the terms so that the cooperation between the two sides can continue.

Winning the cooperation with Dongping juice factory will be of great benefit to the next financing of Yunteng e-commerce!

"Mr. Xu, the sales system and concept of our e-commerce platform are different from those of physical stores..." Yan Weiguo wants to persuade Xu Hao to accept his theory and make concessions on cooperation terms.

However, it is obvious that Xu Hao was not fooled by Yan Weiguo's theory. Xu Hao's attitude is very firm. Dongping juice factory treats all partners equally, without exception!

Xu Hao's statement suddenly brought the first round of negotiations into an impasse.

"I think it's almost time. Let's have dinner first and talk about work in the afternoon." Shen Rong opened his mouth in time to ease the deadlock at the scene. Shen Rong is directly responsible for receiving Yan Weiguo at Dongping fruit juice factory and making some private communication.

Xu Hao had lunch with Huang Xin and Liu Yuling. At dinner, Huang Xin couldn't help saying, "you showed such a tough attitude at the beginning. Aren't you afraid to scare Yan Weiguo away?"

With a smile, Xu Hao looked at Liu Yuling, who was buried in dinner, and said, "as long as the intelligence collected by sister Xiaoling is no problem, Yan Weiguo can't run away!"

When Xu Hao mentioned her name, Liu Yuling quickly raised her head and said, "I... I just made a summary analysis based on some of the information collected. It may not be accurate. I..." Liu Yuling was very nervous. Such a major cooperation would certainly bring great losses to the company if her analysis and judgment were wrong.

Seeing Liu Yuling's nervous appearance, Huang Xin glared at Xu Hao angrily, and then said to Liu Yuling, "Xiao Ling, you should believe in yourself! We are all full of confidence in you, and your analysis must be correct!"

"However, if I make a mistake, will it bring great losses to the company?" looking at Huang Xin, Liu Yuling was very worried.

"Sister Xiaoling, don't worry, even if there is a problem, it is also the decision made by my boss, which has nothing to do with you!" Xu Hao is also afraid to put too much pressure on Liu Yuling, but it will backfire, making Liu Yuling dare not make a bold decision in future intelligence analysis, so he took the responsibility directly.

"Yes, there's really a problem. That's Xu Hao's own problem. It has nothing to do with you." Huang Xin also hurriedly said.

Listening to what Xu Hao and Huang Xin said, Liu Yuling finally put down some of her hanging heart. However, Liu Yuling was still worried that she did not have much confidence in her analysis and judgment.

After dinner, Huang Xin asked Liu Yuling to have a rest first, while she and Xu Hao discussed the details of the afternoon negotiation in the office.

Looking at Huang Xin's frown, Xu Hao walked behind Huang Xin, gently massaged Huang Xin's shoulder and said, "sister Xin, don't worry, I believe in sister Xiao Ling's judgment! Her analysis is also consistent with some of our previous analysis!"

"However, I'm still worried that once Xiaoling's judgment and analysis go wrong, we will fall into passivity during the negotiation." Huang Xin stretched out her hand, rubbed her temples and said.

"Doing business is actually the same as gambling. How can there be no risk!" Xu Hao smiled and said, "if everything is under control, there will be no fun. Sister Xin, are you right?"

"To you big head ghost!" Huang Xin turned back and gave Xu Hao a white look. She found that she could not understand the big boy slowly!

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