"Cough, cough …" Sis Xin, you know. " Xu Hao awkwardly retracted his hand, but... Huang Xin's words could be touched, what did he mean by that? This is... He had silently allowed him to touch her hand!

Thinking up to here, Xu Hao finally reached out his hand openly and touched Huang Xin's little hand … It was so soft, it felt so good …

Xu Hao was speechless as his hand kept stroking Huang Xin's hand. This guy really knew how to kick his nose and slap his face. Huang Xin was in a good mood. Furthermore, in her heart, she had always treated Xu Hao as her little brother, so she pretended not to know about Xu Hao's little tricks.

But wasn't this too much? He had been groping around for four or five minutes already, was he done yet? Huang Xin's hairs were about to stand on end.

"Xu Hao, you Bastard, are you done yet?" Huang Xin immediately retracted his hand, and said: "If this continues, I'll lose my skin!"

After an awkward moment, Xu Hao said: "Sis Xin, look at me, aren't I too excited? "This is the first time I am touching your hand so openly. I have no experience …"

Xu Hao's words caused Huang Xin to be speechless for a while. Her beautiful eyes rolled towards Xu Hao, and said: "Alright, this is the only time, and it won't happen again. Today, I am in a good mood, so I won't bother with you. "If there's a next time, then the kitchen knife at elder sister's house will not be for show!"

"Sis Xin, you can't do this!" Xu Hao was just about to cry out in grief. He looked at Huang Xin and said: "Then I'll have to touch it a little longer today, who knows when the next opportunity will come!" After saying that, Xu Hao no longer cared about whether Huang Xin agreed or not, and reached out his hand, grabbing onto Huang Xin's soft and small hand, and continued to touch her hand...

Seeing Xu Hao's actions, Huang Xin did not know whether to laugh or cry. Scolding Xu Hao would probably not work at all given her level of shamelessness. It did not seem appropriate to stand up and get angry.

Thinking about it this way, Huang Xin could only let Xu Hao rub his hands together with hers.

The meal lasted for two hours. In these two hours, Xu Hao had spent more than half of the time holding Huang Xin's hand. With regards to this point, Huang Xin also adopted a tacit approval attitude. As long as Xu Hao did not make any further moves, he would be at ease.

"Alright, I'm full. "You'll remember to pack up later." Huang Xin really couldn't stand Xu Hao's shameless look. She had held her hand for such a long time already, and had always been testing Huang Xin's bottom line. As long as Huang Xin showed any signs of retreating, Xu Hao would definitely step on his nose!

In order to prevent the two of them from feeling awkward, Huang Xin could only helplessly leave. Although Xu Hao was a little lustful and shameless, she still felt a little ashamed. However, in Huang Xin's heart, she still treated Xu Hao as a child. After all, Xu Hao was around the same age as her little brother. Seeing Xu Hao, Huang Xin felt like he was looking at her younger brother. It was also because of this that Huang Xin would occasionally endure Xu Hao's actions that weren't too excessive.

After Huang Xin left, Xu Hao was somewhat pleased with herself. No matter what, there was a huge breakthrough with Huang Xin today. At the very least, Huang Xin would not object while touching her small hands.

"Ai …" Young Comrade Xu Hao, there is still a long way to go. " When he thought about today, other than touching, he also felt that if he threw away all his actions, he would be met with Huang Xin's fierce gaze. Recalling Huang Xin's warning, Xu Hao really did not dare to take a step further.


Early in the morning on the second day, Xu Hao woke up early, washed up, and immediately went to Bai Yan's orchard. Today was the critical moment to test the effectiveness of his advertising. He did not want any problems to occur.

"Hao, we will be selling the fruits to the public in a while. Aunt is very excited now, what should we do?" Looking at Xu Hao, Bai Yan felt like he was a child. The word "happy" was almost written on his face.

"Aunt Bai, we need to prepare well today and set a price for our fruits." Xu Hao chuckled, but he still couldn't help but glance at Bai Yan. As the awkwardness between the two of them slowly faded, Bai Yan finally stopped using all kinds of conservative clothes to wrap herself up.

Today, Bai Yan was wearing a light gray tight shirt and a dark gray one-step dress. This set of clothes, was a good display of Bai Yan's well-developed and mature body, making Xu Hao's heart surge.

Bai Yan did not notice that Xu Hao was secretly sizing her up. The current Bai Yan was completely immersed in the joy of her impending success.

"How about five pieces of peaches for a catty, eight pieces of plums and apricots for a catty?" Bai Yan looked at Xu Hao and reported a price that she thought was relatively high. After all, those fruit buyers are underpriced.

"This peach is five yuan, you still want to buy it for one Jin?" Xu Hao looked at Bai Yan and said: "This peach, five dollars, one! Plum and apricot, five dollars, two! "

Hearing Xu Hao's words, Bai Yan became speechless. This price could be described as sky-high. Did anyone really buy it?

Raising his head to look at Xu Hao, Bai Yan opened his mouth, but hid the words that he wanted to say deep down his heart. Previously, she didn't trust Xu Hao either, but Xu Hao used reality to tell her that what he had done was right. Therefore, Bai Yan was prepared to still unconditionally believe in Xu Hao this time!

"Then how many fruits should we prepare?" Looking towards Xu Hao, Bai Yan asked.

This question stumped Xu Hao. After thinking for a moment, Xu Hao said: "Just like yesterday, prepare two baskets of fruits."

"Alright, I'll listen to you." As Bai Yan said this, she began to pick the fruits.

After all the preparations were done, Xu Hao and Bai Yan took a taxi to the Wealth Plaza.

Although it was a little early today, the number of people queuing up did not decrease at all! After all, during these three days, most of the white-collar workers at the Wealth Plaza knew that there were people who delivered delicious fruits every day at noon.

Seeing Xu Hao and Bai Yan walking over, someone immediately greeted them warmly.

Xu Hao also smiled as he greeted them. Then, he placed a tablet he brought with him in front of the fruit basket.

Only now did everyone notice that Xu Hao had brought a plate this time. When they saw the words on the sign, they couldn't help but start discussing among themselves. "A peach is five dollars, and a plum and an apricot are two and a half!

This fruit was actually for sale! This was a sky-high price!

"Hey kid, did you write down the wrong price?" If it was five dollars for a catty, they would definitely not say anything. The price was very affordable. However, five dollars for each one of them was a bit unjustifiable. After all, this peach wasn't that big.

"The price is right. Our fruit is for sale!" Xu Hao smiled and said: "Everyone has tasted the taste of our fruit in the past few days. It's much better than other fruits. It's not expensive to sell such a delicious fruit, is it? "

"Exactly, this fruit is so delicious, it's not expensive!" A girl with faint freckles walked over and bought two peaches.

Soon, a few other female white-collar workers bought a few more fruits.

Although some people complained that Xu Hao not only charged a lot, he also sold it for such a high price that they angrily left. However, most people still stayed behind to queue up for fruit.

The majority of the people who bought the fruits were young girls, which also fit Xu Hao's standards for these fruits. For a woman who had become a family, this fruit was indeed a bit expensive. However, to these young white-collar women, their wages were not low, so they did not care about the price of the fruit. As long as the fruits were delicious, they were willing to spend money!

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