Although the speed of selling the fruits was not as fast as selling the fruits free of charge, but in just over an hour, Xu Hao had sold out all of his two baskets of fruits.

Looking at the empty fruit basket and her waist bag full of change, Bai Yan felt like she was dreaming. Although she had expected the sales to be good, she had never expected it to be so popular!

"Hao, pinch my aunt a bit. Why does it feel like she's dreaming? Looking at Xu Hao, Bai Yan said excitedly, like a child.

Seeing such a cute side of Bai Yan, Xu Hao couldn't help but reach out to pinch Bai Yan's face. Only, after she finished pinching it, Xu Hao realized that this action was somewhat ambiguous. In the past two days, the relationship between the two of them had finally returned to normal. Xu Hao didn't want Bai Yan to be like a bad guy to him.

Bai Yan was also shocked by Xu Hao's ambiguous movements. Bai Yan did not expose this matter, but changed the topic and said: "Hao, we need to quickly go back and prepare. Based on this, tomorrow's sales will definitely not be worse than today's!"

That's a must." Xu Hao said somewhat complacently. Strictly speaking, this was the first marketing plan that Xu Hao came up with all by himself. "In the past when he was in the East China Sea, he had also planned out large-scale marketing plans. However, most of them had been planned with professionals, so he didn't feel as happy as he did today!

Originally, Xu Hao wanted to go out and celebrate, but all he was thinking about was how to sell the fruits. Xu Hao had no choice but to give up.

Going back to the orchard to prepare the fruits was something that Bai Yan could do alone, so Xu Hao did not go back with him.


"Oh no, how could I have forgotten about that!" Xu Hao facepalmed and rushed to the closest bank. At that time, Su Jing had promised to return the money to her cousin Zhang Yue within a week. Today was the deadline. With Zhang Yue's personality, she definitely had to come to ask for money today. Although Su Jing's business had improved, but sixty thousand was not a small sum, how could she take it out!

Although he did not have an appointment, Xu Hao still spoke a few words of praise to the counter staff, and then told the manager on duty about his special situation. Luckily the banks at the Wealth Plaza still had a lot of cash, and with the large amount of money in Xu Hao's card, he could be considered a big customer. The manager on duty immediately agreed to give Xu Hao money. He just wanted Xu Hao to remember to make an appointment next time.

"Thank you, thank you." After thanking the manager on duty, Xu Hao smoothly took out sixty thousand dollars from the counter. Then, without stopping, he took a taxi and headed to Su Jing's Little Store.

Sure enough, it was just as Xu Hao had guessed. Zhang Yue's nose, nose, and face were all facing up against Su Jing, her words were extremely unpleasant to hear, extremely unpleasant to hear. Su Jing, on the other hand, was like a punching bag as she lowered her head and listened to her cousin Zhang Yue's complaints.

Seeing Su Jing's pitiful state, Xu Hao could not hold it in anymore. With a stride, he rushed into the shop and protected Su Jing behind him. He glared at Zhang Yue and said: "Hey woman, are you being reasonable or not?"

"Why am I not being reasonable? Su Jing has the money to raise a pretty boy, shouldn't she still owe me money? " When Zhang Yue spoke, she did not forget to mock Xu Hao.

Looking at Zhang Yue's face that needed a beating, Xu Hao wanted to punch her. However, Su Jing, who was standing beside him, held onto Xu Hao's arm tightly.

Not wanting to make things difficult for Su Jing, Xu Hao sighed and threw a grey file bag at Zhang Yue, saying: "Take the money, get out of here!"

"What are you pretending for?" Zhang Yue naturally did not believe that Xu Hao could take out 60,000 yuan, and immediately opened the folder.

The expression on her face changed when she saw the new Pappy Six in the file. He looked at Su Jing and Xu Hao and said: "You two are the same. Since you guys have prepared the money, why don't you tell me in advance? "Save me the trouble of coming here and just transfer the funds."

"Stop bullshitting, hurry up and f * ck off. Scram as far away as you can." Xu Hao waved his hand at Zhang Yue impatiently and said. He really did not want to see a woman like Zhang Yue. This face, how similar to those so-called relatives he had in the past!

Xu Hao took out sixty thousand dollars in an instant, which made him interested. Although Xu Hao didn't look like a rich kid dressed up, he still couldn't look like a person. If Xu Hao was really a fuerdai, then she was naturally unwilling to have too much of a relationship with Xu Hao. "Having rich relatives can be a great help to your family.

"Little Jing, where's my cousin? Previously, it was really wrong, so I'll make it up to you." "But, you also know that your cousin didn't live up to expectations, and your family really can't keep the pot boiling right now …" Zhang Yue shamelessly tried to ease her relationship with Su Jing.

Xu Hao didn't want to hear the nonsense of a person like Zhang Yue. He glared at Zhang Yue and said: "Why aren't you leaving after getting the money. Do you want me to send you out?"

Seeing the look in Xu Hao's eyes, Zhang Yue inexplicably became somewhat afraid. Her originally bold personality was now completely gone. Glancing at Su Jing, Zhang Yue said: "Xiao Jing, come eat at my cousin's place when you're free, I won't disturb you guys any longer." With that, Zhang Yue took the money and walked out happily.

Looking at Zhang Yue's leaving figure, Su Jing could no longer hold back, she laid in Xu Hao's embrace and began to wail. What Zhang Yue said to her just now was still lingering in her ears. This time, she really had lost all hope. Fortunately, Xu Hao's appearance had once again pulled her back from her despair.

Su Jing cried for a while before she managed to calm down. With a blushing face, she did not dare look at Xu Hao. "You … Where did you get so much money? " Judging from their interactions these few days, Xu Hao did not seem to have much on hand either.

"Of course it's to earn money, didn't I say that I would cooperate with Sun Family?" Looking at Su Jing, Xu Hao said: "How is it going here, is the business in the shop doing well?"

Nodding her head, Su Jing said: "The business in the shop is pretty good, wait... When I earn money, I'll pay you back. " Just that, when she said those words, Su Jing seemed to be lacking in confidence. Although there was now a business in the store, she could still make money without losing any money … It seemed to be too far away!

Gently patting Su Jing on the shoulder, Xu Hao said: "Go for it, don't give up so easily! As for my money, how about I buy into your florist? "

"Huh?" Su Jing was stunned, she did not expect Xu Hao to say that. Even in her flower shop, there was actually someone who was willing to buy shares!

"What is it? You don't want to? "Then forget it." Xu Hao pretended to be disappointed.

Immediately, he gently pulled on Xu Hao's clothes, causing Su Jing to feel wronged as she said: "I'm willing, I'm willing! However, you're at too much of a disadvantage! "

Hehe, it's not necessarily true who will suffer a loss." Xu Hao pretended to be profound: "Alright, let's not talk about this anymore. Since I have officially invested into a florist today, shouldn't we celebrate? "Let's go, I'll treat you to a meal!" "After saying that, Xu Hao didn't give Su Jing a chance to speak, and directly grabbed onto Su Jing's small hand, and began to walk outside …

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