Although Huang Xin is very tall, she is thin, so Xu Hao holding Huang Xin can hardly feel her weight.

Holding Huang Xin back to his residence, Xu Hao found the key from Huang Xin's handbag, opened the door, and then walked to the bedroom with Huang Xin.

Put Huang Xin on the bed. Xu Hao first took off her high heels for Huang Xin, and then pulled over the quilt to cover her. However, as soon as Xu haogang covered Huang Xin with a quilt, she kicked him away!

Not to mention, Huang Xin kicked away the quilt with great strength, which led to the roll up of the professional skirt, directly exposing the flesh colored panties and stockings in the professional skirt. The pantyhose is very thin and transparent. Xu Hao can even see the purple panties in the pantyhose!

"Gudu" Xu Hao swallowed his saliva very indecently, and was doing a great struggle in his heart: whether to cover Huang Xin with a quilt or not!

"Sister Xin... Sister Xin..." Xu Hao leaned over and whispered Huang Xin's name to confirm that Huang Xin was really asleep. If Huang Xin wakes up now, according to Xu Hao's understanding of Huang Xin, she will really cut him with a kitchen knife!

As if dissatisfied with someone calling her, Huang Xin turned over and continued to sleep. This time, Xu Hao was completely shocked. Before, Huang Xin was lying flat. Although the professional skirt was rolled up to her waist, revealing some spring, it was still within the acceptable range. Now Huang Xin turned over and directly showed Xu Hao a round and plump hip wrapped in flesh colored pantyhose!

This time, Xu Hao is completely not calm!

"Sister Xin, you're tempting me to commit a crime!" looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao felt that if he didn't do something, he wouldn't be a healthy man! Which man can resist seeing the scenery in front of him?

Xu Hao trembled and stretched out his hand, caressing Huang Xin's rich buttocks carefully. Feeling the soft touch of Huang Xin's hips, Xu Hao directly lay beside Huang Xin and gently held the drunken Huang Xin in his arms.

Reaching Huang Xin's mouth, Xu Hao is ready to continue to capture Huang Xin's cherry lips. Just when Xu Hao's lips were about to touch Huang Xin's lips, Huang Xin suddenly "wow" and vomited out. Fortunately, unfortunately, it all vomited in Xu Hao's chest. It was exactly the same, just like calculation!

"Sister Xin, it's not like you!" Xu Hao was completely speechless. Sister Xin was absolutely intentional!

At this time, Xu Hao lost all his mind. Take off your dirty clothes, call a basin of water, and carefully help Huang Xin wipe the dirt around her mouth!

After vomiting, Huang Xin seemed to wake up a lot. He opened his eyes and looked at Xu Hao, who was naked. He immediately became vigilant, "what are you doing?"

After a bitter smile, Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, what do you think I can do like this? You're a good old man. You spit all over me. Why don't you spit on your bed?"

After listening to Xu Hao's complaint, Huang Xin looked at Xu Hao's dirty clothes and the very clean sheets. Finally, she couldn't help laughing. Looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "it must be your bad intentions, or I can vomit on you?"

Xu Hao didn't expect that Huang Xin's thinking was so clear even when she was drunk. Worried that Huang Xin could see through his previous small moves, Xu Hao quickly changed the topic, "sister Xin, do you have any extra clothes in your house? My clothes are dirty by you..."

Beautiful eyes glared at Xu Hao discontentedly. Huang Xin said, "you little bastard, where do I get men's clothes? If you don't dislike it, wear mine!" then Huang Xin got up from bed, found some relatively loose clothes and handed them to Xu Hao.

Xu Hao was speechless after receiving several clothes with obvious female characteristics handed over by Huang Xin. However, smelling the fragrance of Huang Xin on his clothes, Xu Hao doesn't mind wearing "women's clothes" once!

After taking a bath at Huang Xin's house, Xu Hao put on Huang Xin's clothes.

Looking at Xu Hao wearing his own clothes, Huang Xin smiled unkindly!

Looking at Huang Xin's smile, Xu Hao couldn't help thinking of the picture of Huang Xin getting drunk before! Suddenly, Xu Hao was hot all over!

"Little bastard, what are you looking at?" he glanced at Xu Hao discontentedly, and Huang Xin also got up and walked towards the bathroom.

Listening to the sound from the bathroom, Xu Hao was really anxious like an ant on a hot pot. I want to go in and have a look!

I don't know if it's because there are people at home, so Huang Xin takes a bath very quickly. Soon, Huang Xin came out in her bathrobe. With Huang Xin walking, the two big white legs are particularly dazzling.

"Sister Xin, where do I sleep?" looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao asked knowingly.

Turning his head, he looked at Xu Hao very gently. Huang Xin asked, "where do you want to sleep?"

"Cough... Well... Sister Xin, if you don't mind, I'd still like to sleep in bed!" Xu Hao said brazenly, although the possibility is zero.

After walking to Xu Hao, Huang Xin came to your ear and said seductively, "really? Do you want me to sleep with you?"

"Sister Xin, is what you said true?" Xu Hao couldn't believe his ears.

"Little bastard, I think you're itchy! Get on the sofa and go to sleep. You want to take advantage of my sister. Believe it or not, I'll kill you!" Huang Xin, who was very gentle, suddenly changed his face and scared Xu Hao out of breath!

Bitterly walked to the sofa. Xu Hao could only sleep on the sofa.

Taking out a quilt from the bedroom, Huang Xin said, "sleep on the sofa honestly, or you know the consequences!" with that, Huang Xin turned and walked towards the bedroom.

Hearing the sound of Huang Xin locking the bedroom door, Xu Hao completely dispelled the expectation of one ten thousandth in his heart!

When she woke up in the morning, Huang Xin had already got up. Seeing Xu Hao wake up, Huang Xin said, "get up and have breakfast. We have to continue to talk about cooperation with Yan Weiguo in a while!

He rubbed his headache head. After breakfast, Xu Hao and Huang Xin walked towards the factory together!

With the foundation of the first day, the negotiations in the next two days were much smoother. Although Yan Weiguo tried his best to show a tough attitude, the current situation of Yunteng e-commerce forced him to give in again and again! Finally, Yan Weiguo had no choice but to accept the terms between Dongping juice factory and partners! Yunteng e-commerce did not get any preferential treatment.

However, although Yan Weiguo didn't mention it, Xu Hao also made a commitment to give priority to supply to Yan Weiguo, which is the only harvest of Yan Weiguo's trip to the river city!

In order to express the importance of the cooperation between Dongping juice factory and Yunteng e-commerce, mayor Qin even took time out of his busy schedule to attend the press conference with the heads of relevant departments in the city and delivered an important speech!

Seeing the number of media reporters brought by Mayor Qin, Yan Weiguo, who has been depressed, is about to laugh!

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