These days, Xu Hao has been busy with cooperation with Yunteng e-commerce. Until Su Jing called Xu Hao, he didn't know that Zhang Yue's husband's funeral had been completed, and the procuratorate was also preparing to prosecute Yang long!

Although the matter has no direct relationship with Xu Hao, Xu Hao has been unable to get through that barrier in his heart. If he had not refused to reconcile with Yang long, which led to Yang long jumping off the wall, the next thing would not have happened. Therefore, Xu Hao always feels guilty and sorry for Zhang Yue!

"Xu Hao, don't feel guilty. My cousin asked me to thank you!" Su Jing said on the other end of the phone: "I heard from my cousin that you saved my cousin and my cousin from the villain Yang long recklessly!"

After a bitter smile, Xu Hao said, "I just did what I should do. During this time, if you are free, go to accompany your sister-in-law and the flower shop. For the time being, give it to Wang Min alone. If you can't, hire another person!"

"Well, I know. Don't worry." Su Jing said very sensible. He asked Xu Hao to pay attention to his body before hanging up.

Since he learned about Zhang Yue from Su Jing, Xu Hao naturally had to see Zhang Yue. He made a special trip to choose two gifts for Zhang Yue and bought a bunch of flowers. Xu Haocai drove to Zhang Yue's house.

Zhang Yue's family is facing demolition, and there is some confusion around. Xu Hao parked his car not far from Zhang Yue's house and walked towards Zhang Yue's house with a gift.

Before going out far, Xu Hao saw aunt Yang. At this time, aunt Yang was arguing with several people about something. However, aunt Yang was helpless in the face of four or five strong young men.

Walking quickly, Xu Hao went to Aunt Yang, then looked at the people and asked, "what are you doing?"

"Who are you? Get out of my way!" one of the young men in uniform said rudely. At this time, Xu Hao found that the man was wearing the uniform of urban management.

"Xu Hao, it's you!" when she found that it was Xu Hao, aunt Yang seemed to have found the backbone and told the story.

It turned out that after the shop was to be demolished, the restless aunt Yang simply set up a roadside stall. These so-called urban management said that Aunt Yang had affected the appearance of the city and would be fined!

"They want to pay a fine, I admit it, but they say five thousand. If they don't pay the money, they will catch me." looking at Xu Hao, aunt Yang said helplessly. Although aunt Yang doesn't know the law, she still knows some basic common sense. Coupled with the previous battle of wits and courage with the industrial and commercial department, she also knew that the fine could not be so high! A fine of five thousand dollars is obviously the lion's big mouth!

"Old and immortal, why? Do you still want to resist law enforcement?" looking at Aunt Yang, the young man in uniform said, "I tell you, I'm most afraid of you tricksters. Believe it or not, I'll catch you all!"

"Which unit are you from?" looking at the young man in urban management uniform, Xu Hao said, "take out your certificate!"

"Oh, it's a cross! What I like to clean up is to play Cross with me!" looking at Xu Hao, the young man in urban management uniform said, "I think you're selling flowers on the roadside with so many flowers. A fine of 5000!"

Xu Hao was more and more angry, and his intuition told him that the man in front of him could not be from the urban management department. If they are all urban management, why is only the leader in uniform. The most important thing is, why didn't Xu Hao take it out when he wanted to see his ID?

"Let me ask again, which unit are you from?" Xu Hao asked in an indisputable tone, looking at the young man in uniform.

It seemed that he was frightened by Xu Hao's tone. The young man in uniform looked at Xu Hao and said, "I'm an urban management officer. Why do you want to revenge me?"

He was too lazy to talk to the local ruffian youth. Xu Hao took out his mobile phone and called the police!

Hearing Xu Hao calling the police, a trace of panic flashed in the eyes of those young people who didn't wear uniforms. Even the young man in the urban management uniform looked a little impatient.

"You think I dare not arrest you if I call the police? Brothers, catch these two tricksters and take them back for good education!" the young man in uniform pointed to Aunt Xu Haoyang and said to several young people around him.

"I see who dares!" said Xu Hao, taking a step forward and blocking aunt Yang's body.

Frightened by Xu Hao's fierce eyes, the young people who were going to catch Xu Hao and aunt Yang were stunned.

In this stalemate, the police car roared. Two policemen on duty came over. After saluting Xu Hao and them, he asked Xu Hao why he called the police.

Xu Hao gave a general account of what happened, and then said his guess, "Comrade police, I suspect these people are not urban management at all. Please check carefully!"

"Who do you say is not the urban management?" the young man in uniform said very arrogantly: "wait, I'll call the urban management team and have your good fruit to eat!"

Soon after the uniformed young man finished the phone call, an urban management car drove over.

Seeing the people coming down from the car, the young man in the urban management uniform quickly greeted him and said very flatteringly: "Captain, these two tricksters not only resist law enforcement, but also dare to call the police to catch us!"

The originally arrogant urban management captain, after seeing Xu Hao, quickly changed his expression, and then hurried over.

Looking at Xu Hao, he said politely, "you're president Xu. I've seen it on TV. President Xu, you look more energetic than on TV! I'm Feng Changwu of Chengxi district urban management and law enforcement team."

Looking at Feng Changwu, the urban management captain who was suddenly polite to himself, Xu Hao was a little confused. He didn't seem to know this man, did he?

"Hello, are you his leader?" since the leader of the urban management team came, the two policemen on duty were ready to ask him.

After listening to the two policemen on duty say what happened, Feng Changwu turned around and slapped the young man in uniform, "what are you, who actually ruined the reputation of our urban management team!"

With that, Feng Changwu looked at Xu Hao and aunt Yang and quickly explained. "President Xu and aunt Yang are really sorry. Wang Xiaofeng is a temporary worker of our urban management team, and several others are his friends. They earn extra money by themselves in the name of the urban management team! I'm really sorry. The emergence of such a black sheep in our urban management team is a mistake in our work. I'll make a deep review after I go back!"

"Captain Feng..." Wang Xiaofeng, who was slapped by Feng Changwu, hasn't figured out the situation. Isn't this kind of thing acquiesced by Feng Changwu? And most of this income went into Feng Changwu's pocket. Why did Feng Changwu turn his face and refuse to recognize people!

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