"Shut up, you bastard!" Feng Changwu turned back and slapped Wang Xiaofeng, then looked at the two policemen on duty and said, "Comrade police, this matter can be handled within our urban management team. If it's not secure, you'll have to worry!"

Seeing that the two policemen were leaving, Xu Hao quickly said, "wait a minute! Since these people pretend to be urban management and law enforcement officers, it is illegal! You'd better take him back to the police station and have a good trial!"

"Mr. Xu, I don't think it's necessary. Our urban management team will deal with it seriously." Feng Changwu certainly can't let the police take Wang Xiaofeng away. After all, what Wang Xiaofeng did was inspired by him. If they were taken away by the police, who knows what they would say!

Ignoring Feng Changwu, Xu Hao directly dialed sun Jinrong, mayor Qin's secretary. "Secretary sun, I'm Xu Hao. That's right..." Xu Hao roughly said the matter again, and then said: "originally, this small matter should not bother mayor Qin, but although it is small, it affects the image of Jiangcheng's civil servants... OK, OK, I know." Xu Hao said, and handed the phone to the two policemen on duty.

After receiving Xu Hao's phone call and hearing the order issued by sun Jinrong at the other end of the phone, the two policemen hardly hesitated. They directly picked up the handcuffs and were about to take all five of Wang Xiaofeng away!

"President Xu, do you think it's temporary..." Feng Changwu couldn't stop Wang Xiaofeng from being taken away. Now he hopes Xu Hao can let him go!

Looking at Feng Changwu, Xu Hao said, "doesn't captain Feng want the relevant departments to severely punish these black sheep?"

"Of course not. I just don't think it's necessary to make a big fight, or we'll deal with it inside the urban management team." looking at Xu Hao, Feng Changwu wants to strangle Wang Xiaofeng! Why provoke Xu Hao when you have nothing to do? Don't you know Xu Hao is a popular man around mayor Qin?

"Secretary sun just made it clear on the phone that the city will thoroughly investigate this matter. Is captain Feng going to stop the city from investigating this matter?" after seeing Feng Changwu, Xu Hao simply moved out of the city.

Hearing Xu Hao's words, Feng Changwu was even more ashen, but he had no choice but to watch Wang Xiaofeng and his party taken away by the police. Then I have to accompany Xiaolian to send Xu Hao and aunt Yang back.

After sending aunt Yang back, Xu Hao didn't stay much and went directly to Zhang Yue's house.

Knocked on the door. After a while, I heard Zhang Yue's lazy voice in the room, "who?"

"Sister Zhang Yue, it's me, Xu Hao." Xu Hao said outside the door.

Hearing Xu Hao's voice, Zhang Yue hurried to open the door for Xu Hao.

Zhang Yue behind the door was wearing a gauze Pajama with some light transmission. Through the pajamas, you can see Zhang Yue's curvy jade body. There were no other clothes in Zhang Yue's pajamas. A pair of strong mountains seemed to break out. Smooth as jade under the belly is a slim waist with a grip, and a very sexy pink triangle underwear!

Quickly moved his eyes away from Zhang Yue, and Xu Hao looked at Zhang Yue's cheek. Zhang Yue's face looked a little haggard. It was difficult to hide her fatigue and sleepiness between her eyebrows.

Seeing the gifts and flowers in Xu Hao's hand, Zhang Yue showed a smile on her face, stepped aside and said, "come in quickly. Why don't you say to make a phone call before you come!"

When passing by Zhang Yue, Xu Hao did not peek at Zhang Yue with great perseverance. Go straight to the sofa in the living room and put the gifts and flowers on the tea table. Xu Hao sat down on the sofa.

After closing the door, Zhang Yue walked back. Zhang yuechong and Xu Hao seemed to realize that his clothes were inappropriate. Zhang yuechong said, "sit down first and I'll change my clothes." with that, Zhang Yue turned and went into the bedroom.

Soon, Zhang Yue came out, wearing a more conservative dress. Turned around and poured Xu Hao a glass of water and put it on the tea table in front of Xu Hao. Zhang Yuecai sat opposite Xu Hao.

Looking at the things Xu Hao bought, Zhang Yue said, "why do you buy so many things, especially the flowers? You're not afraid of Su Jing's jealousy?" as he said, a smile appeared on Zhang Yue's face.

With an awkward smile, Xu Hao said, "before I came, I told Su Jing that she approved it!"

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be very specific to our Su Jing." Zhang Yue said with a smile, and then the conversation turned. Zhang Yue suddenly said, "Xu Hao, thank you!"

"Sister Zhang Yue, it's too much to say thank you." Xu Hao said quickly, "I also have some responsibilities this time."

After waving his hand, Zhang Yue said, "it's all over. I've figured it out. It's all fate. We ordinary people have to accept our fate, don't you think so?"

Xu haogang wanted to persuade Zhang Yue, but Zhang Yue interrupted him. Looking at Xu Hao, Zhang Yue said, "if it weren't for you this time, I'm afraid that bastard Yang long couldn't be caught! I don't want anything else now. I just want that bastard Yang long to die!"

From Zhang Yue's tone, Xu Hao can feel the hatred in Zhang Yue's heart. However, Xu Hao has never been a comforter, so he doesn't know how to comfort Zhang Yue at the moment.

After chatting with Zhang Yue for a while, Xu Hao asked about Zhang Yue's future plans.

Looking up at Xu Hao, Zhang Yue asked, "why, are you going to fire me from the florist?"

"Cough... Sister Zhang Yue, look what you said." Xu Hao was embarrassed and hurriedly said, "as long as Sister Zhang Yue is willing, the work of the florist will always be kept for you!"

With a smile, Zhang Yue said, "I'm relieved to have you. However, I'm afraid I don't have time to take care of the work of the florist these days. Wait until the demolition is over!"

"OK, at that time, if Sister Zhang Yue wants to go back to work, go back at any time." looking at Zhang Yue, Xu Hao said: "Sister Zhang Yue, don't keep yourself at home alone. Go out when you are free..."

"Pooh!" Zhang Yue couldn't help laughing and said, "Xu Hao, you don't think your sister Zhang Yue is depressed because of this thing? Don't worry, I won't! I'm just too tired these days. I want to have a rest at home. Don't worry, I'll be fine!"

Listening to Zhang Yue, Xu Hao's heart was put down.

Although Xu Hao and Zhang Yue have known each other for a long time, they don't have much intersection. After chatting for a while, there was no topic between them. Seeing that Zhang Yue's face was also a little tired, Xu Hao stood up and said, "Sister Zhang Yue, I'll go first. No matter what you need, you can call me at any time. I promise to be on call!"

"Anything you need?" to Xu Hao's surprise, Zhang Yue suddenly asked. Then he stared at Xu Hao with a pair of eager eyes.

Nodding awkwardly, Xu Hao said, "as long as Sister Zhang Yue says, I promise to do it!"

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