In addition to Xu Hao and Huang Xin, Shen Rong, Liu Yuling and several employees of the marketing department represented Dongping juice factory to participate in the national beverage Expo this time.

As soon as Xu Hao got off the plane, they saw the pick-up personnel of the national beverage Expo.

When Xu Hao and others walked over, they just saw all the staff of children's music beverage company. Children's music beverage company is a company focusing on children's drinks. Like Xu Hao's Dongping juice factory, it focuses on the development of a certain direction!

Seeing Xu Hao and them, Zhou Daqiao, the person in charge of children's music beverage company, greeted Xu Hao very politely, "I've heard the name of president Xu for a long time. I'm lucky to see him today. It's really my blessing“

"Mr. Zhou is kind. Mr. Zhou's children's music is the object we want to learn." Xu Hao also said hello to Zhou Daqiao with a smile, and then introduced several important people around him one by one.

Zhou Daqiao also introduced his entourage, and then took a bus to the hotel under the arrangement of the staff of the Expo Management Committee.

The hotel arranges a single room for Xu Hao, Huang Xin and Shen Rong, while Liu Yuling and their ordinary staff are standard rooms and two people live in one room.

After a brief rest in the room, it's lunchtime.

After having lunch in the hotel cafeteria, Xu Hao let everyone have a free afternoon in spring city, and then from tomorrow, they have to devote themselves to their busy work.

"Sister Xin, where are you going to play?" after everyone left, Xu Hao asked Huang Xin and planned to act with Huang Xin.

Before coming, Huang Xin chose a place. Several of the most prosperous shopping holy places in Chuncheng must be going. No girl doesn't like shopping.

However, as soon as they got out of the hotel, Huang Xin suddenly covered her stomach, "Xu Hao, I have a terrible stomachache..." Huang Xin said, with sweat oozing from her forehead, she couldn't even stand steadily.

Xu Hao quickly held Huang Xin, "sister Xin, I'll take you to the hospital!"

Shaking her head at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "it's all right. Just help me back to the hotel and I'll have a rest." at this critical juncture, Huang Xin naturally can't go to the hospital. If she doesn't say it, it will make others worry about her! The performance of Dongping juice factory at the Expo will largely determine the future development of Dongping juice factory.

Hearing Huang Xin's insistence, Xu Hao had to hold Huang Xin back to the hotel.

Let Huang Xin lie in bed. Xu Hao gently rubbed Huang Xin's stomach with his hand. Under Xu Hao's light rubbing, Huang Xin's eyebrows gradually stretched out. After a while, Huang Xin actually fell asleep.

Hearing the sound of Huang Xin sleeping, Xu Hao also felt tired. Xu Hao got up early and yawned because he had to catch the morning plane. Xu Hao wanted to go back to bed. However, he was worried about any accidents on Huang Xin's side. Looking at the spacious bed, Xu Hao simply took off his clothes and shoes and lay down on the other side of the bed.

Just lying down, Xu Hao saw Huang Xin's originally stretched eyebrows and locked them up again.

Knowing that Huang Xin's stomach was uncomfortable again, Xu Hao quickly put his warm hand on Huang Xin's stomach and rubbed it gently for her.

At this time, Xu Hao was almost lying on the side of Huang Xin, with one hand supporting his head and the other hand reaching into Huang Xin's clothes and gently rubbing her stomach.

The sleeping Huang Xin looks very cute. From time to time, she will wrinkle her small nose. Down Huang Xin's nose is Huang Xin's white neck. Although Huang Xin is wearing a women's shirt, Xu Hao can still see the white on Huang Xin's chest.

Swallowing his saliva, Xu Hao boldly stretched out his hand, stretched his arm under Huang Xin's neck, and then gently hugged Huang Xin in his arms, while the other hand continued to rub his stomach for Huang Xin.

He hugged Huang Xin with one hand and rubbed her stomach with the other. Xu Hao looked at Huang Xin close at hand, dared to lower his head and kissed Huang Xin on his face. Seeing that Huang Xin had no reaction, Xu Hao dared to kiss again.

Xu Hao had a good time. Huang Xin, who was sleeping, knew nothing about it.

Xu Hao played for a while and gradually became sleepy. He lay down directly in front of Huang Xin's chest and slowly fell asleep.


Xu Hao was woken up by Huang Xin. Looking at the angry Huang Xin, Xu Hao was really speechless. In addition, he did something he shouldn't do while Huang Xin was asleep. Naturally, Xu Hao was also guilty.

"Sister Xin, are you awake? Does your stomach still hurt?" Xu Hao decided to strike first and take the initiative in his own hands.

Looking at Xu Hao coldly, Huang Xin didn't answer Xu Hao's words, but asked, "you said, what did you do while I was asleep?"

"Sister Xin, look what you said. Am I that kind of person?" Xu Hao said quickly, but he didn't dare to look into Huang Xin's eyes.

Xu Hao's appearance confirmed Huang Xin's guess. This bastard must have bullied himself while he was asleep. According to Xu Hao's temperament, he could do such a thing!

Looking at Huang Xin's increasingly murderous eyes, Xu Hao quickly jumped out of bed, then looked at Huang Xin and said, "sister Xin, you... You have to believe me. I really didn't do anything!"

"You all slept in my bed. You told me you didn't do anything?" Huang Xin angrily looked at Xu Hao and asked.

"Sister Xin, listen to me. I was going to go back to my room to sleep, but I saw that you had a terrible stomachache, so I kept rubbing your stomach, and then I fell asleep... Sister Xin, you must believe me!" Xu Hao is really speechless now.

After listening to Xu Hao's explanation, Huang Xin believed what Xu Hao said. If the little bastard Xu Hao really did something to her, she couldn't feel it at all!

Thinking so, Huang Xin glared at Xu Hao, then got up directly and walked towards the bathroom.

As soon as she entered the bathroom, Huang Xin began to check her clothes. It was found that there was no trace of passivity except that the shirt buttons were untied. Huang Xin was a little worried. She took off her trousers and underwear and checked them carefully.

"I really misunderstood this little bastard!" after checking, Huang Xin knew that she misunderstood Xu Hao. She also blamed herself. As soon as she woke up, she found Xu Hao lying on her chest. Her anger suddenly ran up. How can she manage so much!

Walking out of the bathroom, seeing that Xu Hao was still getting out of bed, Huang Xin couldn't help laughing and said, "what are you doing? Pose? Put on your clothes quickly! After a while, people thought we were doing something shameful!"

"Sister Xin, to tell you the truth, I really want to do something shady with you." looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said cheaply.

"Believe it or not, my mother killed you!" glanced angrily at Xu Hao, and Huang Xin said, "I think you belong to cucumber - you don't shoot!"

Hei hei smiled, and Xu Hao was not angry. The misunderstanding with Huang Xin explained the most important thing. After getting dressed, Xu Hao was driven out by Huang Xin. Just as Xu haogang opened the door, he saw Liu Yuling standing at the door, raising her hands and preparing to knock.

Liu Yuling saw Xu Hao and Huang Xin in the house, especially the messy beds

Seeing this, Liu Yuling's face suddenly turned red. She couldn't care to talk. She covered her face and quickly turned and ran away

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