"Xu Hao, what's the matter?" Huang Xin also heard the movement at the door and walked over quickly.

Looking at Liu Yuling's escape, Huang Xin completely collapsed. Turning his head, he glared at Xu Hao fiercely. Huang Xin said, "Xu Hao, you'd better find Xiaoling to explain this thing, or I won't finish with you!" after that, Huang Xin pushed Xu Hao out directly and locked the door.

Standing at the door of Huang Xin's room, Xu Hao looked depressed! Who did he provoke? Besides, even if he explained this matter, would Liu Yuling believe it? Anyone who sees a man and a woman living alone in a room and the beds are particularly messy will think crooked, okay?

Some headache rubbed his head. Although Xu Hao was very reluctant, he still came to Liu Yuling's room door. After Liu Yuling opened the door, Huang Xin said, "sister Xiaoling, that... I..."

Seeing Xu Hao, Liu Yuling's little face reddened, as if she had been caught cheating!

"Mr. Xu... Mr. Xu, i... I know. Don't worry, I must be tight lipped!" Liu Yuling said, covering her mouth with her hand to express that she would be tight lipped!

Liu Yuling's move amused Xu Hao. Looking at Liu Yuling, Xu Hao said, "it's not what you think. Sister Xin has a stomachache. I'll stay with her!"

"President Xu, I understand. I promise I won't talk nonsense." Liu Yuling obviously didn't believe Xu Hao's explanation.

Xu Hao feels very helpless now, because no matter how he explains, Liu Yuling will only believe what she sees.

Reluctantly gave up the explanation. Xu Hao said to Liu Yuling, "well, sister Xiaoling, please keep this secret!"

Nodding hurriedly, Liu Yuling said, "Mr. Xu, don't worry, I promise I won't let others know!"

With a bitter smile, Xu Hao turned and left.

Back in his room, Xu Hao called Huang Xin, "sister Xin, I really tried my best, but I don't know whether sister Xiaoling believes it or not. You know, the more things are described, the darker!"

"You little bastard, wait for me and see how to clean you up after I return to Jiangcheng!" Huang Xin said, angrily hanging up the phone.

At dinner, Huang Xin deliberately distanced herself from Xu Hao. Liu Yuling blushed at the sight of Xu Hao and didn't dare to look at Xu Hao at all.

Others were all right, talking about the harvest of shopping in the afternoon and talking about the upcoming Expo.

When Xu Hao and them were having dinner, Zhou Daqiao and they just came to have dinner. Seeing Xu Hao, Zhou Bridge came over, "president Xu, what a coincidence!"

"It's president Zhou. If you don't dislike it, please sit on our side." Xu Hao said enthusiastically.

At dinner, Zhou Daqiao said some rumors he heard, "this time, Tianle beverage group seems to be releasing a heavyweight product at the Expo, and we will all become a foil!" Zhou Daqiao sighed helplessly. This is the case at the annual beverage Expo. Tianle beverage group is in the limelight, and other companies are basically a foil!

"Do you know what this product is?" Xu Hao asked when he looked at Zhou Bridge.

Shaking his head, Zhou Daqiao said, "I don't know. How could Tianle beverage group let the outside world know the real news of their heavyweight product before the last minute?"

After chatting with Zhou Daqiao for a while, Xu Hao said, "President Zhou, this is our first time to participate in this Expo. You have to help a lot!"

"Mr. Xu, I'll see if you say this." Zhou Daqiao said with a smile: "however, this Expo is actually like this. The limelight is from Tianle beverage group. Tianle beverage group eats meat, and lucky small companies can drink soup. Those who are unlucky basically come for nothing!"

Hearing what Zhou Daqiao said, Huang Xin and several of them couldn't help beating drums. Originally, they thought that the beverage Expo would bring a lot of orders to Dongping juice factory. Now it seems that the situation is not very optimistic!

After dinner, Huang Xin gathered everyone in her room and began to decorate some details of tomorrow's Expo.

"Although the Expo Management Committee has arranged a lot of staff for us, we can't relax ourselves. Others are not as attentive as our own!" looking at the people present, Huang Xin said: "there are many potential customers participating in the Expo tomorrow. We must try our best to keep every potential customer."

"Mr. Huang, you can rest assured!" looking at Huang Xin, Shen Rong said confidently, "this time I bring all the elite of the marketing department. This time we must win the most orders!"

Since the fruit juice factory expanded its production capacity, Shen Rong has been having a headache about sales! After all, he made a military order in front of everyone. If he can't complete the sales task, Shen Rong is to blame!

After the meeting, Huang Xin asked everyone to go back to rest and make every effort to prepare for tomorrow's Expo!

"Xiao Ling, you stay." seeing Liu Yuling getting up to go, Huang Xin quickly said, "I have something else to tell you alone!"

After everyone else left, Liu Yuling looked at Huang Xin nervously. After all, she saw something she shouldn't have seen this afternoon, and she didn't know what Huang Xin would do with her.

"Sit down." seeing Liu Yuling standing there, Huang Xin hurriedly said, "Xiao Ling, in fact, this afternoon..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Huang, I'll keep my mouth shut... No, I didn't see anything!" Liu Yuling hurriedly said to Huang Xin, for fear that Huang Xin would be angry with her because of this matter!

Seeing Liu Yuling's nervous appearance, Huang Xin quickly said, "Xiao Ling, you misunderstood. I asked you to stay, not to warn and threaten you. In fact, Xu Hao and I really have nothing to do. I have a stomachache this afternoon, and Xu Hao stayed here to take care of me!"

"Mr. Huang, I know. Don't worry. I promise I won't talk nonsense. Please don't fire me!" looking at Huang Xin, Liu Yuling said pitifully. She cherishes her present job and doesn't want to lose her good job because of such a small thing!

Hearing Liu Yuling's words, Huang Xin couldn't help laughing. "Xiaoling, where did you think of going? Can I still trust you? Besides, there's nothing between me and Xu Hao. I'm not afraid of the shadow!"

"Mr. Huang, after I went back, I forgot everything I saw this afternoon. I didn't come to Mr. Huang this afternoon!" Liu Yuling said nervously, looking at Huang Xin.

Knowing that there was no way to continue to explain this to Liu Yuling, Huang Xin had to reluctantly let Liu Yuling go back first. Worried about Liu Yuling's wishful thinking, Huang Xin also made a special trip to comfort her!

Looking at Liu Yuling who went out, Huang Xin had a headache. There was no way to explain this. Thinking of this, Huang Xin wanted to strangle Xu Hao!

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