When Xu Hao and his party entered the Expo venue, they fully understood what Zhou Daqiao said: the Expo is the home of Tianle beverage group, and other enterprises are just a foil!

The large booth of Tianle beverage group occupies the middle of the whole venue, and the booth is much larger than that of other companies. Not to mention, in front of the booth of Tianle beverage group, there are at least more than 30 beautiful girls in cheongsam who are responsible for the publicity and introduction of products.

In contrast, other companies, both the size of the booth and the staff responsible for publicity, are far from comparable to the scale of Tianle beverage group.

"Is this management committee too much?" seeing this situation, a female employee in the marketing department couldn't help complaining.

Looking back at the employee, Huang Xin said, "well, don't complain. Let's prepare quickly. This first day is also very important to us!"

When Xu Hao and his party came to the booth of Dongping juice factory, several people couldn't help frowning. The layout of this booth is really not distracted. The location was remote, and the booth was not even arranged according to Huang Xin's premise. If the sign of Dongping juice factory was not hung beside the booth, they might not be able to find this booth.

"It's too much. I'll go to the management committee to argue!" Shen Rong was completely angry when he saw this scene.

"Shen Rong." stopped Shen Rong, and Huang Xin said, "what's the use of going to the Management Committee now? What we have to do is to expand our own influence as much as possible and achieve our set goals under the influence of such adverse factors!"

Shen Rong also knows that it is of little use to find the management committee at this time. Even if we win the theory with the management committee, I'm afraid the whole Expo will be over when the management committee helps to rearrange the booth. Now, what they can do is to use the existing conditions to publicize Dongping juice factory as much as possible.

"All right, all right, let's start taking action." Huang Xin clapped her hands, attracted everyone's eyes and said.

This time, the entourage of Dongping fruit juice factory is not many. Although the management committee has arranged several volunteers for Dongping fruit juice factory, these volunteers are only responsible for maintaining the order of the site and doing some simple publicity and guidance work. They will never intervene in other work.

Although the booth arranged by the management committee is not satisfactory, it is not so poor after Huang Xin's modification. All kinds of fruit juices prepared long ago were put on the booth one by one according to the previous plan.

"Well, it's almost time..." raised his wrist and looked at his watch. It's almost ten o'clock. Ten o'clock this morning is the official opening day of the Expo. In addition to ordinary people, there are also purchasers of various units, large dealers and agents in various provinces. Therefore, the exhibition on the first day is also very important for major beverage companies!

Except that Huang Xin and Liu Yuling stayed at the booth and several volunteers arranged by the management committee were responsible for receiving customers who came to consult, all the others went out to distribute leaflets. There's no way. The booth of Dongping juice factory is too remote. If you don't take the initiative, it's almost impossible to expect someone to come to their booth!

Xu Hao did not participate in the work of distributing leaflets. He was carefully observing the exhibits of various beverage companies and would come forward to consult from time to time. The staff of those companies did not know that Xu Hao was also the exhibitor of this exhibition, so they were very enthusiastic about Xu Hao.

After a turn, Xu Hao finally came to the booth of Tianle beverage group. Compared with the cold in front of the booths of other companies, there are a large number of people in front of the booths of Tianle beverage group, and even many media reporters came in advance to prepare for the interview. After all, there are rumors that Tianle beverage group may release new products today!

Just as Xu Hao approached, a beautiful girl in cheongsam came forward and gave Xu Hao a leaflet of Tianle beverage group. She also enthusiastically introduced various drinks of Tianle beverage group, and even told Xu Hao that there were big surprises at the booth of Tianle beverage group in the afternoon, so he must not miss it.

Put away the flyer of Tianle beverage group, and Xu Hao carefully checked all kinds of exhibits of Tianle beverage group. We have to admit that Tianle beverage group is worthy of being the largest beverage enterprise in China, and their product types are also the most abundant. At first glance, there are at least 20 kinds of drinks, not counting other products they haven't shown.

After a turn, Xu Hao returned to the booth of Dongping juice factory. Compared with the grand occasion of the exhibition stand of Tianle beverage group, the exhibition stand of Dongping juice factory can only be described by luoque at the door!

Huang Xin is also extremely depressed at the moment. All kinds of adverse conditions add up to make her somewhat disheartened.

Seeing Xu Hao coming back, Huang Xin quickly called Xu Hao over and asked about the meeting.

Xu Hao gave an overview of the venue. Although the situation of other companies may be better than that of Dongping juice factory, they can't compare with Tianle beverage group! This national beverage Expo is not so much an exhibition for national beverage enterprises as a medium for Tianle beverage group to show off its strength!

"If you had known this, you might as well not come!" Huang Xin said somewhat disheartened. This time, it was obvious that she came to make a foil for others. They have made a lot of preparations for the Expo. Who knows the real situation?

"Sister Xin, don't lose heart." Xu Hao hurriedly said, "although all kinds of situations are unfavorable to us, why can't we take the initiative and grab the limelight?"

"What bad idea do you have?" Huang Xin asked, turning to Xu Hao. There are also some expectations in my heart, because every time Xu Hao says so, it will always bring people a big surprise!

"Sister Xin, what is a bad idea? Don't worry. I have a way." Xu Hao smiled and called Liu Yuling. "Sister Xiaoling, please come and reprint the leaflets and billboards!"

"Ah?" Liu Yuling didn't understand Xu Hao's meaning. They discussed this leaflet for a long time. Why should they change it suddenly?

"Sister Xiaoling, can't you trust me?" Xu Hao said with a smile, then leaned close to Liu Yuling's ear and whispered.

Liu Yuling blushed when she was blown by the heat of Xu Hao's words, but she had to remember what Xu Hao said one by one. When Xu Hao finished, Liu Yuling was also a little shocked. She looked at Xu Hao and asked, "are we really doing this?"

"The management committee didn't say it wouldn't do this!" with a smile, Xu Hao said: "didn't Tianle beverage group hold a new product launch this afternoon? Just in time, let's fight the challenge arena with them and have a good competition!"

"OK, I'll do it now!" Liu Yuling's excited little face flushed and hurried to the outside of the venue

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