"What's your idea?" after Liu Yuling left, Huang Xin came to Xu Hao, gently pushed him and asked.

With a smile, Xu Hao said, "you'll know later. Sister Xin, call president Shen back and have a good rest. The afternoon is our highlight!"

Although some doubts, Huang Xin called Shen Rong and them out.

Back at the booth, Shen Rong couldn't help complaining, "it's so annoying. Those people don't want to take our leaflets! They're all going to Tianle beverage group!"

"Expected." Xu Hao smiled and said, "if it were you, would you like to see the exhibits of the largest beverage company in China first, or those little-known small companies?"

"That's what I said, but..." Shen Rong wanted to refute, but found that he couldn't find a reason to refute.

Smiling and waving his hand, Xu Hao said, "well, well, don't complain. While there are no people in the morning, everyone is refreshed and busy in the afternoon!"

"President Xu, what good idea do you have?" Shen Rong looked at Xu Hao with bright eyes and asked. The others were almost the same. They all stared at Xu Hao.

With a smile, Xu Hao said, "it's confidential for the time being. Well, you have to rest first. I have to prepare." with that, Xu Hao slipped out of the booth.

After checking the terrain of the whole venue, Xu Hao also had a dispute in his heart! Just wait for Liu Yuling's things to be made, and you can make plans for the afternoon. At that time, it's hard to say who will be in the limelight!

At noon, Xu Hao and Liu Yuling hurried back after they had finished their meal. Behind her were four or five strong men with big boxes.

Seeing Liu Yuling coming back, Xu Hao looked at her and asked, "are you ready?"

Liu Yuling made an OK gesture and said, "all of them were done according to your instructions. In order to make these billboards and leaflets, she was killed by the black hearted boss for more than 1000 yuan!"

"Sister Xiaoling, as long as these things can be made, let alone be slaughtered for more than 1000 yuan, we don't care about any more!" Xu Hao doesn't care about the more than 1000 yuan. Now what he has to do is to show these billboards before the new product launch of Tianle Beverage Group.

"Xiao Ling, you have a rest and have some food. You'll be busy in the afternoon." seeing that Liu Yuling wants to help, Huang Xin hurriedly said. In order to make these billboards and leaflets, Liu Yuling didn't even have time for lunch!

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Huang. It's a critical moment. It's all right if I don't eat. When I was busy in the police station, who cares about eating." Liu Yuling smiled at Huang Xin and said.

Xu Hao was not polite to Liu Yuling and assigned tasks to Liu Yuling directly.

Liu Yuling took several people to distribute leaflets, while Xu Hao, together with Shen Rong and their men, set up the billboard of Dongping juice factory in various positions of the venue. The slogan on the billboard is very simple: the ancestor of fruit and vegetable drinks, do not understand is the loss of your life! Then there is an arrow. The direction indicated by the arrow is naturally the position of the booth of Dongping juice factory.

From the entrance of the Expo, this kind of billboard stood all the way to the booth of Dongping juice factory! The leaflets issued by Liu Yuling also introduced the advantages of fruit and vegetable drinks and their benefits to the human body!

Now that he knows that the new product of Tianle beverage group is fruit and vegetable drinks, Xu Hao naturally wants to grab the title of the ancestor of fruit and vegetable drinks! At that time, even if the media hype the fruit and vegetable drinks of Tianle beverage group, don't mention Dongping juice factory! This is Xu Hao's wishful thinking.

Moreover, Xu Hao doesn't think that the fruit and vegetable drinks of Tianle beverage group can compare with those of Dongping fruit juice factory! Since it is the same fruit and vegetable drink, those who have tasted it naturally have to compare it! This comparison is what Xu Hao wants to see very much. Without comparison, how can we highlight the excellence of the products of Dongping juice factory! What Xu Hao wants to do this time is to steal the limelight of Tianle beverage group! Let Tianle beverage group spend a lot of money to prepare the press conference to publicize Dongping juice factory!

Although many people went out to dinner at noon, there were still many people at the Expo site. When Xu Hao's billboard stood up, it immediately attracted a lot of people's attention!

Many people came to the booth of Dongping juice factory with curiosity and following the guidance of the billboard. Out of curiosity, most of them will choose to taste the fruit and vegetable drinks of Dongping juice factory, which is naturally what Xu Hao is happy to see.

Just before the launch of Tianle beverage group, the relevant person in charge of the Expo management committee found Huang Xin and asked Huang Xin to remove the billboards in the venue!

"These billboards you arranged have seriously affected the interests of other manufacturers." looking at Huang Xin, the person in charge said solemnly, "and your advertising is very inductive, which we don't allow!"

"Director Liang, this kind of billboard is not our initiative. Look at Tianle beverage group, they have many billboards! Why, only allow them to do this, and other manufacturers are not allowed to do so? The management committee is too eccentric?" looking at director Liang of the management committee, Huang Xin said stubbornly. When setting up these billboards, Xu Hao told Huang Xin how to deal with the difficulties made by the management committee.

"You..." director Liang looked at Huang Xin and said, "however, Tianle beverage group has not arranged billboards in the whole venue like you! You are disturbing the order of the venue!"

"Director Liang, we didn't arrange billboards in the whole venue. We just used billboards to guide customers to find our booth! Tianle drinks were placed all the way from the door to their booth!" Huang Xin didn't give in at all.

Director Liang could not refute at the moment, because Tianle beverage group did so, and the practice of Tianle beverage group was tacitly approved by the management committee. After all, every year's beverage Expo is sponsored by Tianle beverage group. Naturally, the management committee will give more convenience to Tianle beverage group! However, this time, I didn't expect that a small factory like Dongping juice factory should learn from Tianle beverage group and ask for privileges. Isn't it difficult for the management committee? If other manufacturers do the same, the order of the venue will be completely chaotic!

"There's no problem placing billboards, but you have too many billboards! You must take away at least half of the billboards!" director Liang had to step back and asked Huang Xin to reduce the number of billboards and not exceed the number of billboards of Tianle beverage group!

This time, Huang Xin is a little embarrassed. If he doesn't do what director Liang said, the management committee will directly take action; If you do what director Liang said, their hard work will be in vain!

Thinking of these, Huang Xin had a headache!

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