All afternoon, Xu Hao and his colleagues were busy entertaining consumers and media reporters who were attracted by him. Xu Hao naturally welcomes the arrival of these consumers and media reporters. However, the booth of Dongping juice factory is too small to accommodate so many people.

As more and more people gathered here at Dongping juice factory, the management committee could no longer pretend to be blind and pretend not to see it. There are more and more people here. If the management committee does not take measures, various accidents are likely to occur!

Director Liang, the person in charge of the management committee, found Huang Xin and discussed the solution.

Looking at director Liang, Huang Xin always held a breath in her heart, so she naturally had no good attitude towards director Liang: "director Liang, the location of this booth is arranged by your management committee. What can we do? I don't know what solution director Liang can give?"

Choked by Huang Xin's bad attitude, director Liang wanted to leave. However, director Liang dared not do so. If he did, he would have to make the headlines tonight! At that time, does he want to be the director of the management committee?

With patience, director Liang looked at Huang Xin and said, "why don't you move a position?" director Liang said, and several positions also appeared in his mind. Now we can only grievance other enterprises to give up their position and temporarily give Dongping juice factory a bigger site! Although this is very unfair to other enterprises, director Liang does not serve everyone after all!

"That's a good idea." before Huang Xin spoke, Xu Hao took over and said, "but director Liang, I just looked around. It seems that the booths of other companies are similar to those of our Dongping juice factory. The only larger one is the booth of Tianle beverage group!"

Director Liang almost fainted when he heard Xu Hao's words! Tianle beverage group is the sponsor of this Expo. It is a real God of wealth! Lend director Liang a hundred courage. He doesn't dare to make such a request to Tianle beverage group!

Smiling at Xu Hao, director Liang said, "Mr. Xu, it's not good. Besides, you can't use such a large site! In my opinion, let several companies around you make room for you temporarily!" then director Liang asked the staff around you to discuss making room with those companies.

Xu Hao will not agree to director Liang's proposal. Let other companies make room, offend people is Dongping juice factory! Xu Haocai is unwilling to do such things that offend people. Making room for Tianle beverage group also offended Tianle beverage group, but it did no harm to Xu Hao! Anyway, they and Tianle beverage group are the actual enemies!

"Friends from the media, let's put it on hold..." looking at the media reporters with strong interest, Xu Hao said loudly: "it's not easy for director Liang of the management committee to be considerate of you, and he's ready to let several surrounding companies make room for you temporarily. However, I personally don't think it's appropriate. Our place is really too narrow..."

Xu Hao's words attracted the attention of those media reporters. These media reporters took a look at the two company booths next to Dongping juice factory, which are the same small booths as Dongping juice factory. The venues of the three companies are less than half of that of Tianle beverage group!

"Director Liang... Please stay!" suddenly, a female reporter stopped director Liang, "director Liang, I think the booth of Tianle beverage group is well arranged, which is very suitable for this interview. Why don't director Liang go and discuss with the people of Tianle beverage group?"

"Although the proposal of this reporter friend is good, our management committee believes that there is no need to make a big fight. It is also their contribution to the Expo to temporarily let the two surrounding enterprises give up their booths!" director Liang looked at the reporter and said with great embarrassment. Of course, he knows that the reporter's proposal is very good, but how dare he tell Tianle beverage group! Originally, Tianle beverage group was very angry about such problems in the new product launch. At this time, he asked others to give up the booth. Isn't that adding fuel to the fire?

"What director Liang said is biased!" looking at director Liang, the female reporter said: "In terms of quantity, director Liang must know what kind of behavior is a big fight when two companies give up the booth and one company gives up the booth. Fundamentally speaking, it is obvious that the booth of Tianle beverage group is more suitable! Is it because Tianle beverage group is the sponsor of this Expo that you maintain Tianle beverage Director Liang, this practice of the management committee will make those small enterprises who come to the Expo feel cold! "

"Yes, director Liang, why should we let?" the representative of one of the enterprises was already holding a stomach fire, but under the pressure of the management committee, he had to agree to give up the booth. Now he sees the help of media reporters, how can he continue to bear it!

The quarrel here has alerted more media reporters. The reporter of China consumer daily bluntly pointed out whether the management committee has any financial involvement with Tianle beverage group!

"Dear media friends, listen to me..." when the two sides were in a stalemate, Yang Zonglin, head of Tianle beverage group, came over and said loudly: "I heard what you just discussed. Out of a sense of corporate social responsibility, we Tianle beverage group are willing to temporarily give up the booth to Dongping juice factory to receive interviews from media reporters and friends and better serve all guests on site! In addition, we Tianle beverage group are willing to temporarily transfer all our volunteers to Dongping juice factory..."

Yang Zonglin's words immediately aroused thunderous applause on the scene, and several media reporters thanked Yang Zonglin.

Seeing the smile on Yang Zonglin's face, Xu Hao couldn't help looking at Yang Zonglin more. Yang Zonglin is definitely not a simple figure. He was able to restore the impression of media reporters on them through such a small matter under the situation that is not conducive to Tianle beverage group. Even if today's new product launch of Tianle beverage group is not very successful, out of gratitude to Yang Zonglin, the reporters of these media will show mercy!

"Mr. Huang and Mr. Xu, do you think it's OK to deal with this?" looking at Xu Hao and Huang Xin, director Liang said again. Since Tianle beverage group is willing to give up the booth, director Liang is naturally the happiest!

"Thank you, director Liang, but director Liang has to arrange some people to help us move the booth." looking at director Liang, Xu Hao said. Since Tianle beverage group has given up the booth, don't expect Xu Hao to return the booth again! This time, what Xu Hao has to do is to completely steal the limelight of Tianle beverage group!

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