Soon, many well-known domestic media reported the grand occasion of the Expo. In these reports, a lot of space is talking about the publicity of Dongping juice factory!

The media that reported the counterfeiting of Dongping juice factory before, even more shocking news, such as: the Dongping juice factory is back, the dark horse in the beverage industry: recording the growth history of Dongping juice factory

Among the overwhelming reports about Dongping fruit juice factory, many media reported that Tianle beverage group took the initiative to give up the positive image of the booth! Needless to say, these media must have cooperated with Tianle beverage group!

Early in the morning, Xu Hao was called to her room by Huang Xin, and then asked Liu Yuling to show the news reports she collected one by one!

"Xu Hao, I'm sure it won't be less reported than the last time we were counterfeited! We may be angry again!" looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said excitedly.

Last time, Dongping juice factory was on fire for no reason. This time, it was on fire for no reason. Xu Hao could not help shaking his head and said, "this thing is very strange!"

"Whether it's strange or not, anyway, we've got benefits!" Huang Xin said excitedly, and then asked Liu Yuling to closely monitor the reports of major media platforms on the Expo and Dongping juice factory these two days.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Huang, come and see..." looking at Xu Hao and Huang Xin, Liu Yuling finally summoned up her courage and said, "this is the data analysis model I made, you see..." as she said, Liu Yuling pointed to the lines on the computer display and said: "From here, we can clearly see that our heat has been suddenly fired up! I doubt that someone is quietly helping us behind this!"

"Your man?" turned to Xu Hao, and Huang Xin asked.

With a blank look at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said, "if I have this energy, I still care about this shit Expo?"

When Xu Hao said this, Huang Xin couldn't help nodding. Indeed, people who can use this powerful media force don't seem to need to participate in this kind of Expo to improve their popularity.

"Who could it be?" Huang Xin wondered, but she didn't think much. Anyway, this thing is absolutely good for Dongping juice factory!

"Well, well, get ready. It's time for us to go to the meeting. There are so many reports from yesterday afternoon to this morning, and there will be more people today!" Huang Xin said hurriedly, looking at Xu Hao and Liu Yuling.

Several people hurried to the meeting after breakfast.

As soon as he came to the venue, Xu Hao received a call from Bai Yan: "Xiao Hao, congratulations on your success!"

"Aunt Bai, thank you!" Xu Hao said hurriedly. Bai Yan always cares about Xu Hao silently and will share the joy with Xu Hao at the first time.

After chatting with Bai Yan, Xu Hao just hung up the phone, Su Jing and Zhang Yue called one after another. Xu Hao naturally had to share his joy with them. Zhang Yue complained about Xu Hao on the phone. He didn't bring her with him!

Hang up. Before Xu Hao could say a complete word to Huang Xin, the phone rang again. This time it was Tang Jing.

As soon as the phone was connected, Tang Jing said, "your phone is really hard to call in. The line is always busy!"

"There are a lot of people calling me today. Do you also come to congratulate me?" Xu Hao asked.

Tang Jing at the other end of the phone smiled and said, "you are my friend. Your company has achieved such great success. Of course, I have to congratulate you! How about you? You must have received a lot of orders this time?"

"Yesterday, several purchasing enterprises came to us and talked about a preliminary cooperation intention. It mainly depends on today. I hope we can get more orders! Otherwise, I'm sorry for our hard work in the past two days and our hard preparation!" Xu Hao said with a smile that he is full of confidence in today. Dongping juice factory will win the most orders in this Expo.

"Then I'll congratulate you in advance!" Tang Jing said on the phone, "when you come back, I'll give you a big surprise!"

"What a surprise? Tell me now, or my heart can't stand it!" Xu Hao said half jokingly. Tang Jing, who is usually serious, rarely sells on the phone, which makes Xu Hao feel a little strange.

Jiao smiled on the phone. Tang Jing said, "it's confidential for the time being. I'll tell you when you come back!"

When Xu Hao hung up, Huang Xin came over, kicked Xu Hao dissatisfied, and said, "who are you talking to? You must not be a serious person with such a licentious smile!"

"Cough... Sister Xin, you're wrong. It was Tang Jing, our third shareholder, who just called me..." after that, Xu Hao found that Huang Xin's face changed and changed.

Huang Xin knows that Tang Jing is the boss of Yimei health club and a famous strong woman in Jiangcheng! However, Huang Xin didn't expect that Tang Jing would take the initiative to call Xu Hao and listen to the meaning of the conversation between them on the phone. They seem to be quite familiar!

Looking suspiciously at Xu Hao, Huang Xin asked, "when did your relationship with Tang Jing become so good?"

"Sister Xin, are you jealous? If you are jealous, say it!" looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao didn't answer her, but asked directly.

Looking at Xu Hao's cheap appearance, Huang Xin raised her foot directly, stepped on Xu Hao's instep ruthlessly, and said, "I'll eat your little bastard's vinegar, dream of you!" after that, she turned around smartly and busied herself.

"Mr. Xu, are you... Are you okay?" Liu Yuling saw the action between Huang Xin and Xu Hao just now. Especially when Huang Xin stepped on Xu Hao, Liu Yuling looked more painful.

Xu Hao, who showed his teeth in pain, looked at Liu Yuling and said, "do you think I'm okay? Come on, help me sit over there for a while. It hurts me!"

Seeing Xu Hao like this, Liu Yuling covered her small mouth and smiled unkindly. However, considering that Xu Hao is the boss, Liu Yuling dare not laugh too much. Holding Xu Hao to the side and sitting down, Liu Yu asked timidly, "president Xu, do you want to buy you some band aids?"

Hearing Liu Yuling's words, Xu Hao was speechless for a while. Besides, this kind of wound, the band aid doesn't work!

With a wry smile, Xu Hao waved his hand and said, "no, I'll just have a rest. Go and do your work!"

After looking at Xu Hao, Liu Yuling said, "Mr. Xu, I'll be busy first. If you have anything, you can tell me at any time." with that, Liu Yuling ran away with her small mouth covered. Obviously, Liu Yuling smiled unkindly again!

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