With yesterday's news report, more people came here today. As soon as the venue opened, a large number of people went straight to the booth of Dongping juice factory. Many people came here after seeing yesterday's news report!

"Xu Hao, there are too many people." looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "why don't we let the management committee add more people to us?"

Nodding, Xu Hao had no choice but to find director Liang of the management committee.

Although yesterday's incident was very unpleasant, director Liang lost face. Even in some news reports yesterday, director Liang's bureaucratic style was implicitly criticized. However, none of this can prevent Dongping juice factory from becoming the absolute dark horse of the Expo, and the Expo with general influence is on fire!

The direct consequence of the fire of the Expo is that the Expo Management Committee headed by director Liang has received great attention. Just last night, the two leaders of Chuncheng made a special call to director Liang and asked them to hold the expo well. If there are any problems, please ask the city at any time! Look at this change of attitude. In the past, director Liang wanted some support from the city. It was very difficult. Now, the city directly asked him to make a request! This makes director Liang feel great satisfaction. It's nice to be valued!

"Mr. Xu, no problem. I'll arrange it now and send you 50 volunteers right away." looking at Xu Hao, director Liang promised very forthright.

With the participation of 50 volunteers, the pressure on Xu Hao's side suddenly relaxed a lot. All the publicity and reception of ordinary consumers were handed over to volunteers, while Xu Hao mainly connected with enterprise customers!

Xu Hao was found this time, in addition to several large regional agents, as well as the purchase heads of several large supermarkets. Among them, there are many purchasing directors of Carrefour, chaoshifa and century Hualian.

Originally, they would sign a purchase agreement with Tianle beverage group as usual. After all, their cooperation with Tianle beverage group has been very happy for so many years. However, the dark horse of Dongping juice factory was suddenly killed, which changed the purchase heads of several large supermarkets!

With this batch of news reports, consumers will inevitably go to the supermarket to buy all kinds of drinks produced by Dongping juice factory. At that time, if their supermarket does not, it will have a great impact on the reputation of the supermarket! As a national chain of large supermarkets, the products are not complete, which is the most fatal!

When talking about cooperation with Xu Hao, these large supermarkets all mentioned the exclusive cooperation mode without exception. One of their purposes is to prevent competitors from purchasing drinks from Dongping juice factory. In this way, they can use this point to make articles to hype themselves and belittle their opponents at the same time!

The purchasing directors of several large supermarkets have mentioned the sales model of exclusive cooperation, which makes Xu Hao worry about which one to choose? Or, simply refuse the exclusive cooperation mode of these supermarkets and supply all supermarkets instead.

"Certainly not. After all, we are a niche product. If we supply all large supermarkets, we won't get enough attention. At that time, these supermarkets won't publicize us." Shen Rong said immediately. Shen Rong agrees to select a supermarket as a partner and grant exclusive sales rights! In this way, we can at least ensure that their products are paid enough attention by the supermarket!

"I agree with Shen Rong." Huang Xin thought for a moment and said, "let me tell you my reasons. First, only cooperating with one large supermarket can make us get enough attention and help us talk about cooperation terms with supermarkets; second, limited by our production capacity, we may not be able to supply several large supermarkets at the same time!"

Both Huang Xin and Shen Rong tend to supply only one supermarket, and their reasons are very good!

"OK, let's talk to several supermarkets separately and try to get the best terms of cooperation!" Xu Hao said, looking at Huang Xin and Shen Rong.

For two days in a row, Xu Hao received several large regional agents in addition to talking about cooperation with the purchase heads of several large supermarket chains. They are also aiming at the current reputation of Dongping juice factory and want to act as an agent for the sales of Dongping juice factory's products in their respective responsible areas.

For these regional dealers, Xu Hao will not be polite, and the conditions given are extremely harsh! After all, for the current Dongping juice factory, it does not need to rely on regional agents to develop the market for the time being!

Although the conditions given by Dongping fruit juice factory are extremely harsh, many regional dealers are unwilling to give up Dongping fruit juice factory, a hot selling product, and have reluctantly signed the "unequal treaty" proposed by Dongping fruit juice factory!

In the past two days, Xu Hao and his colleagues talked to the purchasing directors of several large supermarket chains separately! The bottom line of the acceptable conditions of several supermarkets are almost the same. The only one who makes a big concession is a second-line chain supermarket - Jinghua chain supermarket!

"Carrefour and chaoshifa have a tough attitude. Now it seems that it is basically difficult to meet our expectations. Instead, Jinghua chain supermarket has made great concessions. However, the number of their stores can't be compared with those large chain supermarkets." after summarizing all the opinions, Shen Rong said.

What Shen Rong means is that he prefers to cooperate with several large chain supermarkets. After all, their stores are almost all over every city in the country. Jinghua supermarket chain is different. They only have stores in the first and second tier cities in China, and there are few stores in the third tier and below cities. At one point, Jinghua chain supermarket can't compare with those large chain supermarkets.

"Our products are aimed at white-collar workers and business people in the first and second tier cities..." looking at Shen Rong and Huang Xin, Xu Hao said: "At this point, Jinghua chain supermarkets can meet our needs! As for the third tier and below cities, I believe that with the expansion of Jinghua chain supermarkets, we will gradually cover them! Besides, don't we still have online sales as a supplement? Yan Weiguo, let alone the third tier cities, small towns, can also achieve full coverage through express delivery!"

"That's true!" nodded Shen Rong. "Mr. Xu, should we press down some more conditions? I think Jinghua supermarket chain seems to have the possibility of concession!"

Smiling at Shen Rong, Xu Hao said, "it's natural. When have we ever suffered a loss in this kind of thing? It's up to you to do it! I believe you can do better!"

"Mr. Xu, don't worry!" Shen Rong said with a smile. Seeing Shen Rong's smiling face, Huang Xin couldn't help shivering. The smile was so much like Xu Hao that she couldn't help worrying about the of Jinghua supermarket chain

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