"Mr. Zhou, why are you free?" Xu Hao, who was so busy that he suddenly found that Zhou Daqiao didn't know when he came to their booth. At the moment, he was carefully checking the relevant products of Dongping juice factory.

Hearing Xu Hao's voice, Zhou Daqiao put down the product in his hand and walked towards Xu Hao, "Mr. Xu, congratulations. This time, your Dongping juice factory completely stole the limelight of Tianle beverage group. It not only stole their limelight, but also their booth! I don't think the people of Tianle beverage group have appeared at the venue these two days!"

Zhou Daqiao felt happy when he thought of the collapse of the children's music and beverage group in the past two days! After holding his breath for so many years, he finally came out happily this time! Although their children's music and beverage company is not the protagonist, Zhou Daqiao is also happy from the bottom of his heart!

"I'm a little embarrassed about what you said, Mr. Zhou. We don't want to steal the limelight. We just want to sell our products." Xu Hao said very modestly, but he couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart.

Zhou Daqiao just smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, in the evening, we have a party for the heads of several small enterprises. I don't know if Mr. Xu is willing to honor us?"

Hearing Zhou Daqiao's invitation, Xu Hao was stunned at first, and then figured out the joints. Zhou Daqiao and their small enterprises have been suppressed by Tianle beverage group, and they must have more private contacts. I'm afraid they will have a private dinner at the Expo every year!

"President Zhou personally invited me to go!" Xu Hao happily agreed. Now Dongping juice factory is still very weak and needs more allies, so it can at least help against Tianle beverage group.

"Then we'll wait for president Xu." when Zhou Daqiao heard Xu Hao's promise, he said with a smile, "I won't disturb president Xu. I'll see you at night!" then Zhou Daqiao turned and left.

As soon as Zhou Bridge left, Huang Xin came over and asked, "what can I do for you this week?"

After a brief analysis of what Zhou Daqiao said and his own analysis, Xu Hao said: "I think this is a good opportunity. If we can form an alliance with these small enterprises, it will also help against Tianle beverage group at that time, won't it?"

"Your ambition is really big." Xu Hao gave a white look and Huang Xin said. Although Xu Hao said he wanted to work for fantianle beverage group, Huang Xin didn't think that Dongping fruit juice factory would be able to turn Tianle beverage group one day. After all, Tianle beverage group and Dongping fruit juice factory are like elephants and ants, which are not of the same order of magnitude. However, judging from Xu Hao's posture, it seems that Xu Hao is really I think so. I'm also going this way.

Thinking of this, Huang Xin couldn't help looking at Xu Hao more. The man in front of him was really a freak! He was a full house man in silence two years ago. Now why did he suddenly become ambitious?

"Sister Xin, why are you looking at me so affectionately? I'll be embarrassed!" Xu Hao said, deliberately making a shy expression, making Huang Xin want to beat him up!

After looking at Xu Hao discontentedly, Huang Xin seemed to be angry. She stretched out her delicate little foot to kick Xu Hao and said, "I think you owe a beating, don't you? You know you're blind and poor all day!" with that, Huang Xin stopped talking to Xu Hao and turned to receive those big customers who came to consult.

Xu Hao was free here. He was just about to be lazy. When he had a rest, Shen Rong led a man in his forties towards him.

Seeing Shen Rong and them coming, Xu Hao quickly stood up.

"Chairman Jin Ming, this is president Xu of our Dongping juice factory." Shen Rong politely introduced Xu Hao to Jin Ming around him, then looked at Xu Hao and said, "president Xu, this is chairman Jin Ming of Jinghua supermarket chain!"

"Chairman Jin, welcome." Xu Hao warmly extended his hand to Jin Ming and said.

Jin Ming also held out his hand, shook hands with Xu Hao, and said, "I've wanted to visit president Xu for a long time, but I haven't had a chance. I'm lucky to see President Xu today. It's really a hero's youth!" Jin Ming said, laughing.

After inviting Jin Ming to sit down, Xu Hao asked about Jin Ming's intention.

"Originally, I didn't ask about procurement, but yesterday, after the procurement manager reported to me about cooperation with you, I made a special trip to Chuncheng." looking at Xu Hao, Jin Ming was not vague and said it directly, "I have read all the conditions you mentioned. To be honest, no supplier has dared to mention these conditions to chain supermarkets. We have always squeezed suppliers."

Not sure what Jinming's purpose was, Xu Hao simply didn't speak, but continued to wait patiently for Jinming's following.

After a pause, Jin Ming said, "however, I know there are many supermarkets looking for your cooperation, including Carrefour, a large global chain supermarket. If you are willing to cooperate with Jinghua chain supermarket, you must recognize us and talk!"

"Chairman Jin's words are serious. We really don't mean that." Xu Hao hurriedly said. Although he really meant that, he couldn't say it so frankly. It seemed that he didn't respect Jin Ming enough.

Jin Ming just smiled, waved his hand, and then said, "it doesn't matter. We still understand our own situation! It's for this reason that we accept your overlord clause! This is our Jinghua chain supermarket's official declaration of war against those large chain supermarket groups!"

Hearing Jin Ming say so, Xu Hao couldn't help looking at Jin Ming. Xu Hao did not expect that people of Jin Ming's age were still competitive with young people in their twenties.

"Chairman Jin means to fully accept our terms?" Xu Hao asked in shock when he looked at Jin Ming.

Nodding, Jin Ming said, "yes, I'm here today to show the sincerity of Jinghua supermarket chain!"

After hearing Jin Ming's words, Xu Hao was completely shocked. You know, Xu Hao's offer is to pay back the money at exorbitant prices. Unexpectedly, Jin Ming didn't bargain at all!

The conditions proposed by Shen Rong on behalf of Dongping fruit juice factory include no less than 50 million purchases per year, no less than five large-scale promotional activities per year, and the payment settlement cycle can not exceed one month. In short, this is a complete overlord clause. Jin Ming didn't make any counter-offer and agreed to it all, which made Xu Hao feel unreal!

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