After successfully persuading Huang Xin, Xu Hao and Huang Xin find Shen Rong together. Although Shen Rong joined the company after its establishment, Shen Rong has very high authority in the company. Even the whole marketing system was established under the leadership of Shen Rong. It is no exaggeration to say that once Shen Rong opposes this reform, even Xu Hao has to stop the pace of reform temporarily.

When Xu Hao and Huang Xin finished their ideas, Shen Rong was completely stunned.

"This model is unheard of!" looking at Xu Hao and Huang Xin, Shen Rong exaggerated: "I think I am familiar with all kinds of business operation modes and have a deep understanding of the operation modes of different types of enterprises, but it's the first time I've heard of such an operation mode!"

"This is also a last resort." looking at Shen Rong, Xu Hao said: "In the previous video conference, Wei Ping's point of view attracted my attention. He was right. Once we build a fruit juice factory and vegetable base in Chuncheng, especially the scale of Chuncheng is much larger than that of Jiangcheng, it will turn Chuncheng into a de facto headquarters. At that time, I'm afraid Chuncheng will be opposed to Jiangcheng headquarters! What I'm doing now Mode, we can firmly grasp the rights of the company in the hands of the headquarters! "

"President Xu, I really want to praise you. You are a genius in business operation!" Shen Rong said excitedly, "if you learn this model from other companies, I think you will be scolded by countless people!"

After a bitter smile, Xu Hao said, "this is not what I want to consider. After all, my mouth is on others!"

After joking, Shen Rong said a more realistic question: what about the managers of the juice factory led by Wei Ping? The current practice will greatly reduce their management power, and they will never agree to this reform!

"This is also a headache for me." after looking at Shen Rong, Xu Hao said: "anyway, these people are also old people who grow up step by step with the factory. Even if they don't have credit, they also have hard work. I Xu Hao is not the kind of villain who breaks the mill and kills the donkey..." said, Xu Hao shook his head helplessly.

When discussing with Huang Xin, they all avoided this problem. However, from the perspective of company reform, this problem can not be avoided. Even, it is no exaggeration to say that this is the first problem to be solved. If we can't solve Wei Ping's problem, there is no way to talk about the company's reform!

"Shen Rong, do you have any good ideas?" Huang Xin asked when she looked at Shen Rong. She knew Shen Rong was a sales geek. Maybe she could come up with a better way.

"Why don't you take a rest job?" Shen Rong asked tentatively after looking at Xu Hao and Huang Xin. Although this practice is not the best, it at least shows that Xu Hao and the company have not stepped down.

"Do you think you can agree with Wei Ping's temperament?" Xu Hao asked directly.

Shen Rong also knows that if Xu Hao really talks to Wei Ping like this, Wei Ping may soon turn against Xu Hao. However, Shen Rong can't think of a better plan now.

"Wei Ping has rich production experience. Of course, limited by his age and vision, it is really not in line with the current development of the company..." Huang Xin said, looking at Xu Hao and Shen Rong. "My idea is that we should simply transfer him to the Deputy position of the production department, at least we can check the overall production and solve our current headache."

"This is a way..." Shen Rong nodded. "However, Wei Ping's character, he may not agree!"

"I'll talk to him about this problem." Huang Xin, who came from human resource management, is still very confident in this. She is confident that she can convince Wei Ping.

"Well, let's make a decision. The Expo is almost over. Let's start back to Jiangcheng the day after tomorrow, and then start the company's reform and Research on the investment plan of Chuncheng production base and vegetable base!"


Although the Expo ended, the relevant business relationship continued. After discussion, Xu Hao left the relevant personnel of the sales department brought by Shen Rong in Chuncheng and set up a temporary office. Liu Yuling served as the head of the office and was fully responsible for the work of the office. One of the reasons why this office was established was to be responsible for contacting large channel providers with cooperation intentions And sellers, second, they are also a front stop for the establishment of Chuncheng production base and vegetable base, and do some preliminary preparations. Otherwise, once the company decides to start the investment plan of Chuncheng, they will have to be in a hurry for a while.

After Xu Hao and his party returned to Jiangcheng, they hardly stopped and began to work separately. Huang Xin's task is to persuade Wei Ping to agree to the reform plan, while Xu Hao wants to find Bai Yan to discuss important matters of the reform. After all, this reform will set up a raw materials department, and the position of the head of the raw materials department is the most ideal person in Xu Hao's heart It's Bai Yan!

When Xu Hao suddenly appeared in the vegetable base, Bai Yan was a little stunned. "Xiao Hao, aren't you in Chuncheng? Why did you suddenly come to the vegetable base? Everything over Chuncheng has been handled?"

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "aunt Bai, things are almost handled. I'll come back this time and have something to discuss with you!"

Smiling at Xu Hao, Bai Yan said, "don't discuss it. As long as it's your decision, my aunt supports it. Tell me, what do you want my aunt to do?"

Bai Yan's unreserved support moved Xu Hao. If it weren't for the vegetable base, Xu Hao really wanted to hold Bai Yan in his arms!

Looking at Xu Hao's loving eyes, a blush immediately appeared on Bai Yan's face. Quickly turned off the topic and said, "let's go to my aunt's office and talk about your plan with my aunt." after that, Bai Yan walked out of the office first, and Xu Hao quickly followed up.

As soon as he entered the office, Xu Hao hugged Bai Yan from behind and locked the door of the office.

As soon as he hugged Bai Yan, Xu Hao's hand reached into Bai Yan's clothes restlessly. At the same time, his mouth kissed Bai Yan's small mouth. Bai Yan didn't refuse Xu Hao's intimacy. They haven't met for some time. Bai Yan also wants Xu Hao's intimacy.

She warmly caters to Xu Hao. Bai Yan tries to control herself not to make any sound. After all, the sound insulation of this office in the vegetable base is not very good. If the sound is too loud, it will be heard.

Feeling that Xu Hao's big hand was about to untie his clothes, Bai Yan quickly pressed Xu Hao's hand and said, "don't... that's it, aunt... Aunt is wearing a skirt..." with that, Bai Yan leaned shyly on the desk, her head moved deeply into her elbow and didn't dare to see Xu Hao again

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