After some tossing between them, Bai Yan's face hung with the flush after passion, and she leaned weakly against Xu Hao. Her clothes still kept the state of Luo Shan's half solution, showing a more attractive posture.

If he didn't have to talk to Bai Yan about business for a while, Xu Hao would like to press Bai Yan under him again and make a fierce expedition.

After a while, Bai Yan recovered from the aftertaste of passion. While tidying up her clothes, she said, "you've killed you, Xiao Hao. You must have made a fool of yourself. You just want to see your aunt make a fool of herself, don't you?"

Holding Bai Yan gently, Xu Hao said in her ear, "where is it? How can I want to see Aunt Bai make a fool of you?"

"Yes!" Bai Yan said with an unreasonable attitude. After a while, Bai Yan asked with some guilt: "Xiao Hao, did aunt just have a big voice?" in that case, who can control his emotions well?

After kissing Bai Yan's earlobe, Xu Hao said, "not big, not at all!"

"Really?" Bai Yan asked suspiciously.

Quickly nodded, Xu Hao said in a very sincere tone: "of course it's true!"

"That's good, that's good! If someone hears it, my aunt really has no face to live!" said Bai Yan, covering her face with her hand to prevent Xu Hao from staring at her.

After talking with Bai Yan for a while, Xu Hao officially talked to Bai Yan about business. This matter is related to Xu Hao's career development. Xu Hao dare not be careless. The faster his career develops, the sooner he can kill back to the East China Sea! He urgently wants to know the real cause of his parents' death and revenge for his parents!

After listening to Xu Hao's overall idea of the company's reform, especially after she was asked to be the head of the raw materials department, Bai Yan quickly waved her hand and said: "Xiao Hao, it's not good. My aunt can't do it! My aunt can help you take care of the vegetable base. It's OK to manage the company. My aunt really can't. otherwise, you can let others do it. I think the girl named Huang Xin was very good last time. You let her come!"

Bai Yan's answer is expected by Xu Hao. However, Bai Yan is the person in charge of the raw materials department identified by Xu Hao. Therefore, no matter how Bai Yan refuses, Xu Hao will convince her!

"Aunt Bai, you should have confidence in yourself. In the past year, you have managed the vegetable base very well. The raw materials department is nothing more than managing several vegetable bases. You must have no problem!" Xu Hao opened his mouth again to persuade Bai Yan. Anyway, he will thoroughly persuade Bai Yan today.

"That's different..." Bai Yan said hurriedly, "it's no problem to manage a vegetable base. My aunt can eat and live in the vegetable base. But I can't let my aunt sit in the office to manage the vegetable base! Xiao Hao, can you find a more suitable person? My aunt can't do it!"

Seeing Bai Yan's flustered expression, Xu Hao was speechless. "Aunt Bai, why can't you? I have great confidence in you, and you should have confidence in yourself! I believe you can! The raw materials department is one of the most important departments of the company, and I don't trust it when I give it to others. Only when I give it to Aunt Bai, can I be at ease!"

Xu Hao's persistence made Bai Yan hesitate. Especially Xu Hao's last sentence gave Bai Yan no reason to refuse Xu Hao. Bai Yan was willing to do anything for Xu Hao!

After hesitating for a while, Bai Yan seemed to have made up her mind and said firmly, "OK, aunt promised you. Aunt assured you that the raw materials department will not lag the company. Aunt promised to supply the company with all kinds of vegetables and ensure the production of the company!"

Xu Hao knew that Bai Yan made this decision entirely for herself! He held Bai Yan in his arms again. Xu Hao said affectionately, "aunt Bai, thank you!"

"Xiaohao, my aunt is willing to do anything for you!" Bai Yan gently leaned against Xu Hao's chest and said affectionately.


Xu Hao's conversation with Bai Yan was very smooth. Although Huang Xin also encountered some difficulties, he finally persuaded Wei Ping!

The next day, Xu Hao returned to Jiangcheng with Bai Yan and officially held the first all management meeting of the company! Originally, Huang Xin meant to call only managers above the centralized level, but because this reform involves all aspects of the company, Xu Hao decided to let all managers, including grass-roots managers, come to the meeting!

At the beginning of the conference, Xu Hao first affirmed the efforts of all employees of the company and said the achievements of the company in the past year. Next, the highlight of the conference, the reform of the company.

When Xu haogang just announced the company's reform plan, most people present talked about it one after another, because this reform involves all aspects of the company and has an impact on most people.

"Everyone be quiet!" as the host of the conference, Huang Xin had to keep everyone quiet many times to maintain the order of the venue.

After everyone calmed down, Xu Hao said: "Next, announce the company's appointment decision: Huang Xin is appointed as the company's executive deputy general manager and senior director of production department, in charge of relevant affairs of production department, finance department and personnel department; Shen Rong is appointed as the company's deputy general manager and senior director of sales department, in charge of sales department and logistics and transportation department; Bai Yan is appointed as the company's deputy general manager and senior director of raw materials department, in charge of the company's operation It belongs to all vegetable base affairs; Wei Ping is appointed as the senior deputy director of the production department to assist the director in handling the daily work of the production department... "

With Xu Hao's series of appointments, the company's reform was officially determined! On the basis of the original department, the company has re established the production department, sales department and raw material department. The directors of these three departments are at the level of deputy general manager, which also shows that the company attaches importance to these three departments!

In addition to re merging the vegetable base into Dongping beverage company, Xu Hao also incorporated Dongping agricultural products sales company into the company's system and established an agricultural products sales department, with Wang Ting as the head of the Department. The financial department of the vegetable base and agricultural products sales company was also officially incorporated into the financial department of the company. Song Rui was officially appointed as the financial director of the company!

Although song Rui and Wang Ting are slightly inadequate in terms of qualifications and work experience, they have made important contributions to the company in the development process of the company, and Xu Hao will not chill them. Therefore, Xu Hao has also arranged good positions for them in this reform. Wang Ting, in particular, has made great strides to become the department director directly from the manager level.

Although the agricultural products sales department is a small department, it has to shoulder the docking work between the company's vegetable base and several major restaurants. In the follow-up work arrangement, Xu Hao plans to let the agricultural products sales department directly connect with Jinming's Jinghua supermarket chain. Of course, because the company has not officially confirmed the cooperation with Jinghua supermarket chain in the sales of agricultural products, this matter has not been mentioned on the company's agenda, but soon, this plan will appear, and Wang Ting's burden will become heavier and heavier!

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