Most of the company's managers have been appointed at one go. The company will certainly be in chaos for some time. However, during this period of time, as long as the sales department is not chaotic and the production department can stabilize production, this is enough. Xu Hao will also give you enough time to adjust!

"You're a good general manager. You just start as a shopkeeper!" in Xu Hao's office, Huang Xin complained to Xu Hao. Huang Xin has a headache for the company's big and small things, but Xu Hao continues to be his shopkeeper, regardless of everything.

Hei hei smiled. Xu Hao got up and went to Huang Xin and said, "sister Xin, I originally said to let you be the general manager, but you didn't agree with me. It's no wonder that I should be the general manager. If you really let me be the general manager and give orders at random in the company, the company will become chaotic at that time, and you can't clean up the mess, sister Xin?"

"You always have a reason!" he glanced at Xu Hao and Huang Xin said, "I don't care. You must give me a raise!"

"OK, add all my salary to your salary!" Xu Hao agreed without thinking about it.

"You..." hearing Xu Hao's words, Huang Xin became angry. Xu Hao clearly was angry with her! Xu Hao, the general manager, was demanded by Huang Xinqiang, so now Xu Hao has simply turned Huang Xin's army against him.

Seeing Huang Xin's angry appearance, especially when Huang Xin is angry, drives his chest to fluctuate continuously, which makes Xu Haoda happy! Originally, Xu Hao planned to comment, but Huang Xin didn't give Xu Hao this opportunity!

Ruthlessly stepping on Xu Hao's feet with high heels, Huang Xin directly angrily walked out of Xu Hao's office. This bastard, talk to him about business by himself. His mind is actually thinking about those messy things. It's really annoying!

"Sister Xin, you are too cruel..." staring at Huang Xin's back, Xu Hao bared his teeth in pain. Unfortunately, Huang Xin firmly walked out of Xu Hao's office without even looking back.

Pitifully, he rubbed his feet. Xu Hao had to go to Bai Yan's office to ask for comfort.

Although Bai Yan has only one vegetable base to be responsible for, the preparation of Chuncheng vegetable base is imminent. Bai Yan is studying the relevant information sent by Liu Yuling and planning for the preparation of Chuncheng vegetable base.

Seeing Xu Hao coming in with a sad face, Bai Yan quickly put down her work, stood up and walked towards Xu Hao, "Xiao Hao, what's the matter with you? Is this?"

"Aunt Bai..." stepped forward and held Bai Yan tightly. Xu Hao was really bitter.

Bai Yan didn't ask what happened to Xu Hao, but just hugged him and comforted him.

Holding Bai Yan, Xu Haocai found that women really have to be like Bai Yan. At least they are gentle and considerate, aren't they? Sister Xin is still too violent!

After staying in Bai Yan's office for a while, Xu Hao got up and left. He knew that the company reform had just begun, and everyone was busy. On the contrary, he, the initiator, had a lot of leisure. Who asked him to find some effective helpers for himself?


Looking at the time, Xu Hao took the gift he bought for Xia Xiaomeng in Chuncheng and drove to the kindergarten.

Just arrived at the kindergarten, Xu Hao saw song Yuwei's car. After parking, Xu Hao walked towards song Yuwei's car.

He tapped the window gently. Soon, the door was opened and song Yuwei came out of the car.

Song Yuwei should have come directly from the company. She is also wearing a coffee ol suit. The coffee suit jacket is V-necked. You can see song Yuwei's beautiful collarbone and the outline of the peak in front of her chest; The plump legs are tightly wrapped in flesh colored silk stockings, which is very attractive. I haven't seen it for some time. Song Yuwei seems to have a mature charm that belongs to young women alone. When she does everything, this mature young woman's charm is displayed incisively and vividly.

"Why are you here?" Song Yuwei was surprised to see Xu Hao. She didn't expect Xu Hao to rush back to Jiangcheng so soon. Originally, according to her expectation, Xu Hao would stay in Chuncheng for at least a week.

"The company has something to deal with, so I came back in advance." Xu Hao smiled and said, "I've brought you and Xiaomeng a gift. I'll bring it to you later!"

Song Yuwei just looked at Xu Hao and didn't speak. At the moment, Wang Tong sitting in the co pilot's position is embarrassed. After she knew the relationship between Xu Hao and song Yuwei, she was even more embarrassed. At the moment, it seemed extremely inappropriate for her to stay in the car.

Xu Hao also saw Wang Tong's embarrassment and said to the driver, "you take assistant Wang back first. I'll take you President song back later!"

Hearing Xu Hao's words, Wang Tong was almost pardoned. If he hadn't been worried about song Yuwei, Wang Tong couldn't wait to tell the driver to drive quickly.

When the car drove away, song Yuwei couldn't help but pinch Xu Hao's waist and said, "what are you doing? Wang Tong was... You still..." as she said, song Yuwei wanted to pinch Xu Hao again.

Because he was outside, Xu Hao couldn't be too close to song Yuwei, so he had to say awkwardly, "you didn't see Wang Tong. It's embarrassing. Besides, you really think Wang Tong doesn't know about us? She's not blind, let alone a fool! It's boring to deceive herself and others!"

"Hum!" the extremely young girl snorted, and song Yuwei stopped talking to Xu Hao.

This extremely young girl's action is displayed on charming young women such as song Yuwei, and there is no sense of violation. I have to admit that song Yuwei's occasional little daughter posture is actually more attractive.

"Well, Xiaomeng is out of school." Song Yuwei said. When she first walked towards the gate of the kindergarten, Xu Hao quickly followed up.

After waiting for a while, Xia Xiaomeng was led out of the school by the teacher. As soon as she saw Xu Hao, Xia Xiaomeng was like seeing her favorite toy. She couldn't even take care of her schoolbag and ran towards Xu haofei.

"Brother Xu Hao, did you bring me a gift?" she rushed into Xu Hao's arms and Xia Xiaomeng asked for a gift immediately. This is her agreement with Xu Hao. Xu Hao promised to go to Chuncheng to bring her a gift!

"Ah? What can I do? Brother Xu Hao forgot." Xu Hao deliberately teased Xia Xiaomeng and said.

Hearing that Xu Hao forgot to bring her a gift, Xia Xiaomeng's face immediately changed. "Smelly brother Xu Hao, bad brother Xu Hao, Xiao Meng doesn't like you anymore. She even forgot to bring my gift..." Xia Xiaomeng snorted with great dissatisfaction, turned her head and didn't look at Xu Hao.

Seeing Xia Xiaomeng like this, Xu Hao took out the gift for Xia Xiaomeng like a trick. Although it was only bought at the airport, it was also Xu Hao's intention. No way. Originally, Xu Hao planned to buy a gift for Xia Xiaomeng when he went shopping on his first day in Chuncheng. However, due to something unexpected, he didn't have time, so he had to buy a gift at the airport temporarily.

"I knew Xu Hao's brother wouldn't give Xiaomeng a gift." Xia Xiaomeng kissed Xu Hao on the face and said happily when she saw the gift that Xu Hao usually took out by magic tricks.

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