"Your tutor is also too inhuman?" Xu Hao couldn't help but say after listening to Su Jing complaining about things in the school. Su Jing's tutor obviously squeezed them as free labor!

"It's too late to regret now." Su Jing sighed as if she accepted her fate. However, it is Su Jing's choice to continue to study postgraduate, and what she is learning now is also what she is interested in, so Su Jing doesn't feel much bitter and tired.

After chatting for almost an hour, Su Dajiang and Huang Mei chatted loudly outside the door. Xu Hao didn't have to ask. This was a hint from his father-in-law to the two people in the house. After all, Su Dajiang is afraid to push the door in and see the embarrassing scene.

Hearing the voices of Su Dajiang and Huang Mei, Su Jing was like a frightened rabbit and hurriedly opened the distance with Xu Hao. But her little white and red face betrayed her!

Originally, Xu Hao planned to have a further in-depth chat with Su Dajiang about the transformation of the food street, but he had to rush back to the company because he received a call from Huang Xin.

Returning to the company, Xu Hao saw that the top management of Huang Xin, Shen Rong, Bai Yan and Wei Ping were all gathered in his office. Seeing so many people appear at the same time, Xu Hao feels some pressure.

"Mr. Xu, the investment amount of Chuncheng investment plan has been estimated..." Cao Yu, the financial director, took out an investment budget plan and handed it to Xu Hao. From the faces of Huang Xin and others, Xu Hao knows that this investment budget should greatly exceed their expectations.

After receiving the budget book handed over by Cao Yu, Xu Hao looked at it carefully. When Xu Hao saw that the overall investment amount would reach 60 million, he was stunned. Although Chuncheng agreed to give Xu Hao a 30 million low interest loan, the capital gap is still as high as 30 million!

"How much money can be squeezed out of the company's account now?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Cao Yu.

"Take out 10 million at most, which is to take all the money in the vegetable base account." looking at Xu Hao, Cao Yu said: "from a financial point of view, I suggest reducing the scale of this investment!"

"What do you think?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Huang Xin and them.

"I also agree to reduce the investment scale. Since Chuncheng has given 30 million low interest loans, I think the investment amount should be controlled at 30 million." Wei Ping was the first to speak. From beginning to end, Wei Ping opposed Chuncheng investment. Although Huang Xin tried to persuade Wei Ping, once he encountered some difficulties, Wei Ping would prefer to reduce investment.

Xu Hao knows that Wei Ping's approach is to be cautious. After all, it's not easy for the company to develop now. In particular, with the example of Jiangcheng soda factory, Wei Ping is more cautious. He wants to fight for stability at every step and strive to avoid a little risk.

"What about you?" Xu Hao asked, looking at others.

"If the investment is reduced, the whole investment plan will have to be revised." looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said: "this investment plan has been proved by a lot. Whether it is the scale of the plant or the scale of the vegetable base, the current investment scale is most in line with the development of the company. If the investment is reduced, I'm afraid..."

Although Huang Xin did not indicate her attitude, her meaning was also obvious and did not agree with reducing investment. However, according to the current investment plan, it means that the capital gap is as high as 20 million!

"Have you contacted the bank?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Cao Yu. The financial situation of Dongping juice company has been very good, and the problem of bank loan should not be big.

"Mr. Huang asked me to contact the bank before, and I also talked with the bank. The loan amount given by several banks is almost the same. The maximum amount given by CCB is only 12 million..." Cao Yu said while observing Xu Hao's face.

He rubbed his head painfully. Xu Hao didn't expect that the reform on his side was just going on. Not long ago, he fell on the lack of funds.

Putting down the plan in his hand, Xu Hao asked Cao Yu: "director Cao, how long can the 8 million gap be turned over according to the current capital turnover of the company!"

"Mr. Xu..." Cao Yu was startled when he heard Xu Hao's words. Xu Hao was obviously desperate. Starting investment on the premise of insufficient capital preparation, no matter any link has problems, the company will fall into financial crisis.

"Needless to say anything else, tell me how long it will take to raise the money." Xu Hao interrupted Cao Yu and asked directly.

"One month... At most... One and a half months at most." Cao Yu hesitated and said a relatively ample time. With the high profitability and high turnover rate of Dongping juice factory, one and a half months is enough to raise the eight million funds.

"President Xu, the risk is too high!" looking at Xu Hao, Wei Ping tried to dissuade Xu Hao from giving up his investment. The worst is to reduce the scale of investment. Otherwise, according to the current situation, the company will have a great probability of capital crisis! At that time, Dongping juice factory will have to repeat the mistakes of Jiangcheng soda factory.

"Well, I've decided!" Xu Hao stopped Wei Ping's persuasion. "Director Wei, I know you have a good intention. However, the operation of the company has never been smooth, and high risk can bring high income, which remains unchanged forever!"

Xu Hao has made a decision. Wei Ping can only sigh helplessly and no longer say anything. He just hopes that Dongping juice company can survive!

"Three vice presidents stay for a while, and others go back first." Xu Hao asked others to go back first, leaving only Huang Xin, Shen Rong and Bai Yan.

After the others left, Xu Hao looked at the three and said, "do you think I'm crazy?"

"To be honest, Mr. Xu, you're a little crazy this time, but as you said, there's no risk in doing business! If you're too conservative, you'll often miss a good opportunity!" Shen Rong looked at Xu Hao and said. He can understand and support Xu Hao's decision.

As for Huang Xin and Bai Yan, they naturally support Xu Hao's decision. Bai Yan, in particular, will unconditionally support Xu Hao.

"Now that we have decided to invest, we have to go to Chuncheng. This time, sister Xin and Shen Rong will stay in Jiangcheng. I'll take vice president Bai and Director Wei to Chuncheng." looking at Huang Xin and Shen Rong, Xu Hao said: "the pressure on Jiangcheng is all up to you!"

"Don't worry, such a little pressure is nothing." Huang Xin pretended to be relaxed and said to Xu Hao. Only she knows that Xu Hao has taken away all the funds of the company. Once there is a little risk, the company may not be able to support it!

"Mr. Xu, don't worry. The sales department will do its best to recover the payment as quickly as possible and strive to narrow the gap period of funds." Shen Rong also knows that the company will have problems if it maintains low cash flow for a long time.

"Jiangcheng side, please!" Xu Hao said again, looking at Huang Xin and Shen Rong.

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