After entrusting the matter of Jiangcheng to Huang Xin and Shen Rong, Xu Hao flew to Chuncheng with Bai Yan and Wei Ping. The first large investment of Dongping juice company was officially launched.

Because Xu Hao wanted to investigate yaowan town first, he didn't inform Chuncheng this time. Only Liu Yuling and several staff of the office came to pick up the plane.

On the way to the office, Liu Yuling gave a general report on the work of the office during this period. At the same time, Liu Yuling focused on all the information she collected about yaowan town.

"The loss situation of yaowan town may be more serious than that introduced by secretary general Jiang. The main reasons are poor management and the overall atmosphere of yaowan town..." speaking of this, Liu Yuling glanced at Xu Hao and found that Xu Hao's face had no other changes before she said: "individual leaders in yaowan town have too much appetite and black hands!"

Xu Hao certainly understood what Liu Yuling meant. Yaowan town can produce such a huge loss, there must be internal factors. The individual leaders of yaowan town must be one of these factors.

After listening to Liu Yuling's introduction to yaowan Town, Xu Hao said: "go directly to yaowan Town, not to spring city for the time being!"

"Mr. Xu, do you want to have a rest first?" Liu Yuling was worried. After all, Xu Hao and they had just got off the plane, so they had to have a rest first.

After waving his hand, Xu Hao looked at Wei Ping and asked their opinions.

Since Xu Hao said that he would go directly to yaowan Town, Wei Ping and some of them would not say that they would go back to rest. Therefore, several people in Wei Ping also said that they would go directly to yaowan town.

Liu Yuling nodded and directly told the driver to go to yaowan town.

Yaowan town is far from Chuncheng city. But fortunately, yaowan town built vegetable greenhouses a few years ago, so the road was well repaired. Xu Hao and his party arrived in yaowan town in more than an hour.

"Do you need to inform the town?" Liu Yuling asked again, looking at Xu Hao.

After waving his hand, Xu Hao said, "let's go and see it ourselves. This is the investigation. If we inform the town, we can only see what they want us to see!" Xu Hao couldn't help taking a look at Wei Ping.

Wei Ping smiled at Xu Hao. Wei Ping is the best at this method!

Following the road from yaowan town to each village, Xu Hao and his team arrived at Tingkou village. After parking the car, Xu Hao and his party looked around Tingkou village.

"The quality of vegetable greenhouses in each village is different..." Liu Yuling walked beside Xu Hao and introduced it in detail. "Some villages have strict management, and the facilities such as vegetable greenhouses are relatively perfect. Some villages neglect management, and the facilities such as vegetable greenhouses are basically unusable..."

Hearing this, Xu Hao could not help frowning. As expected, there is no pie in the sky. There must be a reason for taking the initiative to come to the door for investment. Jiang Hua didn't mention any of these situations when talking about cooperation with Xu Hao! Of course, it doesn't rule out that Jiang Hua really doesn't understand these situations.

After a turn in Tingkou village, Xu Hao was stopped as soon as they returned to the parking position. "Are these cars yours?"

"Yes, it's our car." Liu Yuling hurried forward and said to the man, "isn't parking allowed in this place?"

"You have to pay the parking fee!" the man said, wrote a receipt directly, handed it to Liu Yuling and said, "pay the money!"

Although Liu Yuling was shocked that parking fees should be charged in such remote places, she agreed. It is also reasonable to pay parking fees. However, when she saw the amount on the receipt, she was stunned: "the parking fee is 500 yuan? Are you right?"

"Yes, it's 500 yuan!" the man looked at Liu Yuling and said, "you only charge 500 yuan for your three cars. It's already very cheap!"

Rao is Liu Yuling, who has a good temper and can't help getting angry. Not to mention that their parking time is not long. Even if they park for a long time, there is an upper limit on the daily charge!

"Why? I'm not going to pay!" the toll collector sneered and said, "you can't leave without paying!" then the man took out his cell phone and called.

Soon, Xu Hao saw seven or eight people with guys in their hands coming towards them.

"Call the police!" Xu Hao said to the staff of another office nearby without any hesitation.

The staff member was also frightened. Hearing Xu Hao's words, he quickly took out his mobile phone and called the police.

Walking forward, Xu Hao asked the charging man, "are you from Tingkou village?"

"Nonsense, it's not from Tingkou village. I dare to charge your parking fee here? Don't talk nonsense and pay quickly, or your car won't leave Tingkou village!" the man said very arrogantly. Moreover, it seems certain that Xu Hao and others will compromise.

"It's OK for you to let us pay the parking fee, but there's a problem with your charge!" looking at the man, Xu Hao said: "besides, you didn't provide a formal invoice!"

"Didn't I give you the receipt? Stop talking and get the money quickly, or we'll detain the car!" the man looked at Xu Hao impatiently and said.

Knowing that he couldn't agree with these people, Xu Hao simply let everyone get on the bus and prepare to leave directly.

However, Xu Hao had just got on the bus. The charging man asked the people he called to surround Xu Hao's three cars. The man was extremely arrogant and said, "I tell you, if you don't give money today, you can't leave here!"

"It's illegal for you to do this, you know?" Liu Yuling shouted at the charging men: "we've called the police!"

With a sneer, the charging man said, "call the police and scare who? When I was scared!" he took a stick from a man nearby and hit it on the window.

The two female employees on the bus were so frightened that they cried. Bai Yan quickly comforted the two female employees in a low voice. At the same time, she gently pulled Xu Hao's clothes, indicating that Xu Hao's hero didn't suffer losses at present!

Worried that things are getting worse and worse, which is bad for him, Xu Hao had to agree to pay! Now in this situation, we have to pay first and clean up these people later!

Just as Xu Hao was about to pay, a police motorcycle finally appeared.

Xu Hao was relieved to see the police coming. He is really afraid of accidents. No matter which employee has a little accident, it is a great loss! Not to mention 500 yuan, that is 50000 or 500000. Xu Hao doesn't want to see an accident happen to his employees.

Seeing the police car coming, the people who collected fees around Xu Hao's car seemed confident, and one of them walked straight towards the police motorcycle.

Seeing this scene, a bad feeling appeared in Xu Hao's heart

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