Xu Hao's hunch has come true after all. Two policemen got off the police motorcycle. Seeing the situation at the scene, one of the elderly policemen shouted at this side: "Wu Laoliu, why is it you again?"

"It's director Jin coming!" the man called Wu Laoliu, who was the first, hurried to the old policeman, took out his cigarette and handed it to him.

Director Jin came towards Xu Hao and his party with a cigarette. Looking at Xu Hao and others, director Jin asked, "are you here to travel?"

"Yes, it's said that the scenery here is good. Come and have a look." Xu Hao looked at director Jin and began to talk nonsense.

"You don't know that you have to pay for parking?" director Jin looked at Xu Hao and said again: "if you have a big fart, you should also call the police. Pay the money and leave quickly!"

Xu Hao didn't expect that director Jin handled things like this. Not to mention whether he asked about the course of the matter, even this treatment method is completely unreasonable.

"The policeman, of course we know the parking fee, but when he opened his mouth, it was five hundred. The fee was unreasonable, and we refused to pay!" looking at the policeman, Xu Hao said the general situation of the matter again.

After looking at Wu Laoliu and Xu Hao, director Jin said, "I don't care how much the charge is. It's natural to have to pay for parking. Pay the money quickly and don't delay our official business!"

Listening to director Jin's tone, Xu Hao knew that director Jin was with Wu Laoliu and others. No more words, Xu Hao threw out five hundred yuan bills directly, and then ordered the driver to drive.

Seeing Xu Hao driving away, Wu Laoliu looked at director Jin flatteringly and said, "ha ha, I'm afraid some young children don't call the police! Gold, you still have a way! Your equipment has to be changed. It's too old!"

"I want to change the police car. You give me the money?" he stared at Wu Laoliu. The man called director Jin took the 200 yuan handed over by Wu Laoliu and turned away.

On the way back to Chuncheng, Xu Hao dialed Jiang Hua directly.

After receiving Xu Hao's call, Jiang Hua was surprised and asked Xu Hao when to invest.

"Secretary general Jiang, put aside the investment first. I have something I want to respond to you." Xu Hao briefly explained the investment investigation, and then said: "If this is the case in yaowan Town, I'm afraid I have to say sorry to secretary general Jiang. In this environment, I can't invest at ease. I don't know when the whole factory will have to be wrongly taken away! I'm extremely disappointed with the investment environment in Chuncheng!"

"Mr. Xu, don't get excited. There must be a misunderstanding here. I promise you that I will give you a satisfactory treatment result within three days!" Jiang Hua was also shocked to hear what Xu Hao said. If this situation really exists in yaowan Town, most of Xu Hao's investment will be yellow.

"Then I'll wait for good news from secretary general Jiang." Xu Hao said and hung up the phone.

When Xu Hao put away his mobile phone, Liu Yuling asked, "president Xu, shall we go back to the city and have a rest first?"

"No, just stay in a hotel in yaowan town and wait for the results of secretary general Jiang." after this happened, Xu Hao couldn't help wondering whether it was a mistake for him to come to Chuncheng to invest this time.

Since Xu Hao decided to stay in yaowan town temporarily, Liu Yuling had to make arrangements in advance. Fortunately, yaowan town has vigorously developed vegetable greenhouses in the past few years, and there are several special hotels in the town. Although the overall environment is general, there is no problem staying temporarily.

After opening several rooms, Xu Hao and others lived in yaowan town.

Because of the large entourage this time, Bai Yan naturally did not dare to be too close to Xu Hao. Even, Bai Yan seldom talked to Xu Hao along the way.

After staying, Bai Yan didn't go to Xu Hao's room, but called Xu Hao. She comforted Xu Hao on the phone, "Xiao Hao, don't get angry. Since Chuncheng invited you to invest, she will try her best to maintain the investment environment..."

"Aunt Bai, I know. Don't worry. Moreover, investing in Chuncheng is also a very important link in the development of the company. I won't stop investing because of such a small thing." Xu Hao quickly said to Bai Yan. In order to cooperate with the investment in Chuncheng, the company has made various plans. At this time, the investment will be suspended. For Dongping beverage company, the loss will be too great!

After chatting with Bai Yan for a while, Xu Hao asked Bai Yan if he could come and chat with him. Bai Yan naturally refused, "what do you think, you little villain? Do you want to have this face with so many people?"

"Aunt Bai, I said to have a chat with you. Where do you want to go?" Xu Hao said quickly.

"You bully my aunt. Sooner or later, my aunt will be angry with you!" then Bai Yan angrily hung up the phone.

Worried that Bai Yan was really angry, Xu Hao hurriedly called and talked with Bai Yan for a while before Xu Hao hung up.

Just hung up the phone, Huang Xin's call came in. Xu Hao knows that Liu Yuling must have told Huang Xin what happened today.

"What's the result of the investigation in yaowan town today?" Huang Xin asked as soon as the phone was connected.

Xu Hao didn't hide it from Huang Xin. He gave a general description of his investigation in yaowan Town, and then said, "this time, it's not a bad thing for us! Maybe we can take this opportunity to ask for more benefits from Chuncheng!"

"You, you..." hearing Xu Hao say so, Huang Xin was relieved. Originally, she received a call from Liu Yuling and was very worried about Xu Hao. Now listening to Xu Hao's words, Huang Xin can't help but doubt whether Xu Hao directed and performed this thing from beginning to end. The purpose is to get more benefits from the spring city.

"Sister Xin, you don't think I'm going to give up this investment?" Xu Hao asked with a smile. Although Chuncheng is not the only city suitable for investment, other cities will certainly not give Xu Hao such a big discount at this stage. After all, the current Dongping juice company is only a small company with tens of millions of assets. For the time being, it is not qualified to negotiate conditions with the local government!

"I'm afraid you're impulsive. However, I'm relieved to hear you say so." Huang Xin was relieved to know that Xu Hao would not give up his investment in Chuncheng because of such a small matter. "OK, I won't worry about it. The company still has a lot of things, and I can't care about you!" after that, Huang Xin hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy beep on the phone, Xu Hao was speechless for a while. Originally, he wanted to ask about Tianle beverage group. Since Tianle beverage group released new products at the Expo, it means that it is not far from their new products to the market! Once the new products of Tianle beverage group are introduced to the market, it will inevitably have an impact on the products of Dongping beverage company. Can Dongping beverage company withstand this impact at this stage? Xu Hao had a big question mark in his heart!

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