Jiang Hua's speed is very fast. It's only three hours since Xu Hao called him. Jiang Hua has personally rushed to yaowan town with the investigation team of the Municipal Bureau.

As soon as he saw Xu Hao, Jiang Hua apologized again and again for Xu Hao's experience in yaowan town. "President Xu, we didn't expect this to happen. After learning about this situation, mayor Zhou has given the Municipal Bureau a death order and must thoroughly investigate this matter!"

"Secretary general Jiang, I'm really sorry to bother you to come so far." Xu Hao said quickly. Although he said embarrassed, Xu Hao didn't feel embarrassed at all. What he wanted was this effect. It's better to make this matter bigger. At that time, Xu Hao can make use of the topic and ask for more benefits!

Although it was already more than five o'clock in the afternoon, the people of the Municipal Bureau were not idle at all. As soon as I arrived at yaowan Town, I immediately went to the police station to investigate the matter in detail. Jiang Hua opened a room in the hotel and stayed with Xu Hao to continue his investigation.

At more than 9 p.m., the investigators of the Municipal Bureau came to the hotel and reported the results of the investigation to Jiang Hua. After listening to the report, Jiang Hua asked, "are you sure? Are the relevant personnel under control?"

"Yaowan town police station has controlled all the relevant personnel, and now they are locked in the police station," said Wang Dayong, leader of the investigation team of the Municipal Bureau. Although the event was not big this time, the impact was very bad, otherwise the action of the Municipal Bureau would not be so fast.

Nodding, Jiang Hua said, "leader Wang, you go with me to explain this to President Xu. President Xu is personally invited by mayor Zhou to invest. President Xu must not feel that the public security of our spring city is not good!"

"Yes!" Wang Dayong also knew that it was important.

He knocked on the door. After Xu Hao opened the door, Jiang Huacai said politely, "I'm sorry to bother president Xu so late. This is leader Wang of the investigation team of the Municipal Bureau. The matter has been completely investigated this time. Leader Wang specially came to report the investigation results!"

Shocked, he looked at Jiang Hua and Wang Dayong. Xu Hao invited them in. He didn't expect that Jiang Hua and their speed was so fast. It seems that they really attach great importance to Xu Hao's investment.

When he came to Xu Hao's room, Wang Dayong briefly introduced him.

Wu Laoliu, who collects parking fees, is a famous naughty scoundrel in the town. Seeing that Xu Hao is not a local, he wants to steal some money. As for the so-called police, they are all temporary auxiliary police workers recruited by the town police station. After receiving the alarm, the town arranged for Jin Jianlin and another auxiliary police to go out because of the lack of police force. However, the town police station did not know the activities of Jin Jianlin and Wu Laoliu.

"This is what happened this time. Now Wu Laoliu and Jin Jianlin have been detained by the police station. After the matter is fully investigated, they will be transferred to the procuratorial organ." looking at Xu Hao, Jiang Hua said: "we have unshirkable responsibility for president Xu's experience this time! I promise president Xu that this will never happen in the future!"

"Secretary general Jiang is serious." Jiang Hua has this attitude, and Xu Hao is naturally not good to continue, "but Secretary General Jiang also knows that I am a businessman. If I don't even have a stable investment environment, how can I dare to invest in Chuncheng? Especially the amount of this investment is as high as 60 million, I don't want the money to drift..."

"President Xu, this is really an accident. I promise there will be no similar situation in the future." Jiang Hua is also a headache. At the moment, he wants to strangle Jin Jianlin. The investment that was almost settled may be stirred up by several of them, and the investment will be yellow!

The Yellow investment has the greatest impact on Zhou Jiaqiang. Zhou Jiaqiang has just been promoted from executive vice mayor to acting mayor. Now his ass is not hot. If there is a problem in yaowan Town, I'm afraid he'll have to leave! This is not what Jiang Hua wants to see!

"In addition, I'm afraid the situation of yaowan town is not exactly what secretary general Jiang introduced..." after a pause, Xu Hao talked about the situation of yaowan town again.

Of course, Jiang Hua knows that many so-called vegetable greenhouses in yaowan town have been completely damaged and can't be used at all. Xu Hao brought up this matter at this time, naturally in order to get more preferential conditions from Chuncheng.

Jiang Hua hesitated and said, "it's getting late now. I won't disturb president Xu's rest. How about we talk about this tomorrow?"

"Then bother secretary general Jiang." Xu Hao didn't ask Jiang Hua to give a solution now. He knows that Jiang Hua can't make a decision on such a big thing. This decision can only be made by Zhou Jiaqiang.

As soon as he got back to his room, Jiang Hua called Zhou Jiaqiang. He simply reported the matter, and then said, "mayor Zhou, things may be in some trouble. President Xu's determination to invest is wavering. In addition, he also knows the situation of some vegetable greenhouses in yaowan town..."

"It doesn't matter, Xu Hao just wants more benefits and preferential policies!" compared with Jiang Hua's worry, Zhou Jiaqiang is much more calm, "Now, apart from our Spring City, which city can give him such a big discount? Although the 60 million investment is not small, it is not a big investment when it comes to the table! Talk to Xu Hao tomorrow and explore his bottom line. You can promise him as long as it is not too much!"

"Mayor Zhou, I see. I'll talk to Xu Hao tomorrow." Jiang Hua was relieved after talking to Zhou Jiaqiang. He is also concerned about chaos. Because he was too afraid that Xu Hao did not invest in Chuncheng, he ignored a lot of things. Now listening to Zhou Jiaqiang's explanation, he has figured out many details!

Early the next morning, Jiang Hua took the initiative to invite Xu Hao to have breakfast, and then informally asked about Xu Hao's requirements. Xu Hao used to take advantage of the topic. Now that Chuncheng intends to give some more preferential conditions, Xu Hao naturally doesn't hide it.

"My idea is whether the city can offer more concessions for the plant land of the juice factory. The price is a little high for 35000 mu. In addition, the price of land contracting fee is also a little high..." looking at Jiang Hua, Xu Hao said. The factory covers an area of 500 mu. According to 351 mu, it is nearly 20 million! This does not include the cost of plant construction and equipment purchase in the later stage. According to Xu Hao, spring city had better only collect some land transfer fees symbolically. As for contracting the land of yaowan town to build a vegetable base, because Chuncheng converted the cost of vegetable greenhouses, the price is also very high! Xu Hao just wants to take advantage of this problem to reduce this part of the cost!

"For the land transfer fee, the city can coordinate yaowan town to give you the lowest price. However, when renting farmers' land, the city can only coordinate the price as much as possible. As for the final result, the city can't guarantee it!" looking at Xu Hao, Jiang Hua said cautiously. After all, these two things are very involved, and Jiang Hua dare not directly promise Xu Hao.

"Then I'll wait for the good news from secretary general Jiang. Secretary general Jiang must tell mayor Zhou that I am very willing to invest in Chuncheng!" looking at Jiang Hua, Xu Hao smiled a flower on his face.

Thanks to Wu Laoliu, Xu Hao can at least get back millions or even tens of millions of interests with 500 yuan this time. This deal is really profitable!

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