Jiang Hua had to leave Wang Dayong to protect Xu Hao's safety because he wanted to go back to Chuncheng and personally report the handling results of the incident and Xu Hao's conditions to Zhou Jiaqiang.

After thanking Jiang Hua for his kindness, Xu Hao agreed that Wang Dayong would stay and be responsible for his safety. With Wang Dayong, Xu Hao can hold chicken feathers as an arrow and learn more about the actual situation of yaowan town.

At the moment, Xu Hao and his party are checking the completeness of greenhouse facilities in detail in the field. Because the weather was a little hot, Bai Yan put a light gray lady's suit on her arm, stood beside Xu Hao with her chest in her hands, and told Xu Hao some of her views.

Bai Yan has beautiful long hair in the back of her head, and some sweat drips from her white face. When she raises her hands and feet, the charm of a mature woman is displayed incisively and vividly. The fitting white shirt on her body sets off the high and plump peak of Baiyan mountain. The two slender and plump legs are tightly wrapped by light gray trousers, and the thighs are tight, showing the plumpness of the beautiful legs and the round and plump buttocks of Bai Yan. If he hadn't taken care of the people around him, Xu Hao really wanted to reach out and feel the fascinating sense of flesh.

Feeling Xu Hao's slightly aggressive eyes, Bai Yan opened the distance with Xu Hao without trace. Otherwise, the little scoundrel might do something unusual.

"The overall situation of caojia village is much better than that of Tingkou village, and the vegetable greenhouse is well maintained..." Bai Yan is no stranger to the vegetable greenhouse because she has been responsible for the work of the vegetable base. After careful inspection, he told Xu Hao his findings.

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "aunt Bai, let's have lunch in caojia village. We've been to three villages this morning. I think everyone is a little tired!"

Hearing Xu Hao's words, Bai Yan looked back at the people who accompanied them to the investigation. Liu Yuling is better, because she used to be a policeman. She can barely accept this kind of intensive work. However, the other two female employees of the office looked a little embarrassed. Who told them to wear high heels. There is no need to say how difficult high heels are to walk in this field.

Although Wei Ping has been working in the front line, he is older after all, so he seems to be unable to do what he wants.

"Well, if you don't have a rest, it's estimated that they'll have to ask you to peel your skin." Bai Yan smiled and said.

After calling Liu Yuling over and giving a simple order, Xu Hao said, "go to find the village head of caojia village and say that we eat at their house at noon and remember to give money!"

"Mr. Xu, I know." Liu Yuling nodded and turned to Cao Guangyu, the head of caojia village, who was talking with Wang Dayong not far away.

The lunch was a genuine farmhouse meal cooked by Cao Guangyu's wife. Seeing that Cao Guangyu also took out two bottles of wine, Xu Hao quickly declined Cao Guangyu's kindness, "village head Cao, you are so polite. We won't drink the wine if we have something else to do in the afternoon!"

Seeing that Cao Guangyu still wanted to persuade, Wang Dayong also spoke a few words. Cao Guangyu smiled and put the wine away.

During dinner, Cao Guangyu kept asking about Xu Hao's investigation and investment. Xu Hao just smiled faintly and didn't explain. As for others, I wish I could have a rest at this time. Who has time to take Cao Guangyu.

After eating and resting at Cao Guangyu's house for more than an hour, Xu Hao and them set off for the next village.

After a day's sightseeing, Xu Hao also had an overall understanding of the vegetable greenhouse in yaowan town! The overall situation is still within the acceptable range of Xu Hao, but it is not a small amount of investment to really transform the vegetable greenhouse in yaowan town into a vegetable base. Fortunately, it's summer now. I'm not in a hurry to build a vegetable greenhouse! However, this money can't be saved!

Originally, Wang Dayong thought Xu Hao would stay in yaowan Town, but unexpectedly, Xu Hao ordered the driver to go back to Chuncheng directly.

"Mr. Xu, we won't continue our investigation?" Wang Dayong asked when he looked at Xu Hao.

With a smile, Xu Hao said, "just walk and have a look. If you run to the field every day, you should scold me behind your back!"

Wang Dayong smiled and hurriedly said, "no, no!" after glancing at Xu Hao, Wang Dayong asked, "president Xu, do you really want to contract all the land in yaowan town to build a vegetable base?"

"I have this idea," said Xu Hao. He couldn't help looking at Wang Dayong and asked, "is group leader Wang interested in this?"

Wang Dayong quickly waved his hand and said, "no, No. It's just that my family is from yaowan town. If President Xu can really contract all the vegetable greenhouses, it's also a great good thing for the villagers in yaowan town!"

Hearing that Wang Dayong was from yaowan Town, Xu Hao couldn't help being interested and asked, "can group leader Wang tell me about yaowan town?"

After a hesitation, Wang Dayong said. A few years ago, as the person in charge of poverty alleviation in yaowan Town, Zhou Jiaqiang led yaowan town to build vegetable greenhouses and led yaowan town to get rid of poverty and become rich. This is also Zhou Jiaqiang's most brilliant political achievement. However, the good times are not long. Yaowan town has just been out of poverty for two years and began to suffer losses. At first, the town wanted to hide the loss. But later, with the annual loss getting bigger and bigger, the town finally couldn't hide it. This year, Zhou Jiaqiang took the initiative to find Xu Hao and hoped that Xu Hao would accept the vegetable greenhouse in yaowan town.

"It's not the leaders of the town and the village directors of several villages..." Wang Dayong said with great dissatisfaction. However, he is an ordinary member of the criminal police team of the Municipal Bureau. His ability is limited. Although he knows what's going on, he can't do anything!

"Did the villagers in the town react to this?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Wang Dayong. If the villagers reported this situation to the city in time, yaowan town would not fall into today's land!

Shaking his head, Wang Dayong said, "however, the city should know something about this. Mayor Zhou is also trying to adjust..."

Nodding, Xu Hao stopped talking about it, but changed the topic and chatted with Wang Dayong. From the chat with Wang Dayong, Xu Hao knows that Wang Dayong hopes that one of his family can work in Xu Hao's vegetable base, and the poverty situation of his family will be greatly improved.

Of course, all these are Wang Dayong's expectations. After all, Xu Hao has not officially signed an investment agreement with the city, nor has he promised to recruit people from yaowan town!

When the car arrived in the city, Wang Dayong said goodbye, while Xu Hao returned to the office of Dongping juice factory in Chuncheng

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