After two busy days, everyone was tired. Especially the two little girls in the office. They wear high heels and run so many places with Xu Hao and Bai Yan these two days. They really broke their feet. The point is, they still have pain to say!

"Well, let's go back and have a rest. We've worked hard these two days. I'll give you two days off and have a good rest." Xu Hao is not hard hearted. Anyway, the office should have nothing to do these two days, so he simply gave several employees accompanying him a holiday.

"Sister Xiaoling, I won't give you a holiday. You'll work hard these days." looking at Liu Yuling, Xu Hao added.

Smiling at Xu Hao, Liu Yuling said, "president Xu, I don't work hard. If you have any orders, just say it directly!"

"Please summarize some of the information we collected during our inspection these two days and send a copy to president Huang and them," Xu Hao said, looking at Liu Yuling. This is also Liu Yuling's job. Who let her also serve as Huang Xin's secretary.

"OK, Mr. Xu, I'll do it now." Huang Xin said, and quickly got up to summarize the information.

Looking at Liu Yuling's back, Xu Hao wondered whether to discuss with Huang Xin and ask Liu Yuling to come and be his assistant. Such a capable assistant can save him much heart!

Of course, this is also his unilateral thinking. Even Liu Yuling will not agree without saying whether Huang Xin will release people!

During this inspection, Wei Ping has never expressed his views. Until he returned to the office and chatted with Xu Hao and Bai Yan, Wei Ping expressed his opinion: "president Xu and President Bai, through these two days of investigation, I also talk about some of my ideas..."

"Director Wei, please speak." looking at Wei Ping, Xu Hao said quickly.

Wei Ping was not polite, so he said what he had found in the past two days. "The geographical location of yaowan town is unknown, and the roads are well built. However, the overall atmosphere of yaowan town is not good. Wang Dayong also said that several leaders in the town..." as he said, Wei Ping took a look at Xu Hao, and the meaning was self-evident.

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "I know this situation. I will also mention it to mayor Zhou at that time!"

"I'm still worried. After all, our factory will have to be built in yaowan town. If the leaders of yaowan town ask us for some benefits from time to time, the factory will not be able to operate at that time." looking at Xu Hao, Wei Ping said with some worry.

Xu Hao also considered this problem. Any local ruffian in yaowan town dares to steal money from him, which shows how bad the atmosphere in the town is. Moreover, Wang Dayong also said that the huge losses in yaowan town are inseparable from the leaders of the town. Once Xu Hao really builds a factory in yaowan Town, the leaders of the town will come to him from time to time to ask for some benefits. Will his factory still open? Despite the support of mayor Zhou, the county magistrate is not as good as the present one!

"Another problem is that the villages in yaowan town are relatively scattered. In the past, each village was in charge of each village, which is no problem. If we manage it uniformly, it will be much more difficult." looking at Xu Hao, Bai Yan also raised her own question.

"And the management cost is also a big problem," Wei Ping added.

Xu Hao carefully wrote down some questions raised by Wei Ping and Bai Yan. When it's time to talk about the investment agreement with Chuncheng, Xu Hao may have a good communication with Chuncheng on these issues.

"Well, you've been tired for two days. Have a good rest today. If you have anything, we'll talk about it tomorrow." after recording all the problems of Bai Yan and Wei Ping, Xu Hao said to Bai Yan and Wei Ping.

Liu Yuling had already arranged accommodation for them, so Xu Hao came out of the office and went straight to the hotel to have a rest.

Because the staff of the office have temporary accommodation in Chuncheng, only Xu Hao needs to live in a hotel. So as soon as he got to the hotel and took a bath, Xu Hao went directly to Bai Yan's room.

Bai Yan, who was preparing to take a bath, heard someone knocking at the door and saw that the person standing outside the door was Xu Hao. Bai Yan's heart beat faster. At this time, it is self-evident what Xu Hao, a little villain, wants to do.

With a little hesitation, Bai Yan quickly opened the door. If Xu Hao, a little villain, is allowed to stand outside and knock on the door, it will be in trouble if Wei Ping sees him at that time!

Quickly let Xu Hao in. Bai Yan leaned out like a thief and looked in the corridor. After confirming that no one saw it, she was relieved and closed the door.

"Aunt Bai, why do you look like a thief?" Xu Hao couldn't help laughing at Bai Yan's appearance. I'm just an ordinary person. Do you want to have an affair?

She glared at Xu Hao discontentedly. Bai Yan said, "you're okay. What if someone sees you? Well, well, you go back quickly!" and Bai Yan was about to pull Xu Hao up and push him out of the sofa!

Speechless glanced at Bai Yan. Xu Hao said, "aunt Bai, as for you? As the general manager of the company, can't I talk to you about something?" Xu Hao pulled Bai Yan. Bai Yan couldn't stand steadily and sat directly on Xu Hao's leg.

One hand tightly hugged Bai Yan's waist, while the other hand was restlessly stroking Bai Yan's plump legs across his trousers.

Looking back, she glared at Xu Hao discontentedly. Bai Yan said, "didn't you say you wanted to talk to me about things? You seem to want to talk about things like this?"

He coughed awkwardly. Xu Hao said, "aunt Bai, how can you be more serious!"

"I know you're a little villain with no good intentions!" he reached out and gently poked Xu Hao in front of his chest. Bai Yan took Xu Hao's hand away and said, "let go of me. I'm going to take a bath!"

"Let's wash together," said Xu Hao. He quickly stood up and wanted to follow Bai Yan into the bathroom.

Looking back at Xu Hao, Bai Yan asked, "haven't you taken a bath?"

"Wash another one!" said Xu Hao, shamelessly pushing Bai Yan into the bathroom.

Dissatisfied, he pinched Xu Hao's waist gently, and Bai Yancai was pushed into the bathroom by Xu Hao.

Seeing Xu Hao's hot eyes staring directly at himself, Bai Yan gave Xu Hao a shy stare and said, "turn around, don't look!"

"Aunt Bai, why are you shy when you are old? Come on, I'll help you take off your clothes!" said Xu Hao and walked over.

Looking at the appearance of the little scoundrel Xu Hao, Bai Yan really lost her temper. Although she lost her temper completely, Bai Yan still glared at Xu Hao and let Xu Hao get rid of her clothes

Looking at Bai Yan standing in front of him, Xu Hao looked at Bai Yan up and down. Although she is already 30 years old, Bai Yan's skin is well maintained and full of elasticity. It is completely not as loose as a woman over 30.

Feeling Xu Hao's increasingly hot eyes, Bai Yan hurried to the aquarium. If Xu Hao looked at it again, Bai Yan really wanted to find a ground seam to drill in!

Seeing that Bai Yan was about to escape, Xu Hao couldn't help but have a bad taste in his heart. Thinking of the bold idea this morning, Xu Hao slapped Bai Yan on the hip that was completely exposed in front of him, and suddenly a wave of meat rolled around, which was not exciting

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