After a toss between them, Xu Hao became more and more energetic. Holding Bai Yan, Xu Hao had a new idea about the vegetable base. He couldn't help turning to Bai Yan and asked, "aunt Bai, do you think we can change our thinking?"

"Change your mind?" lying in Xu Hao's arms, Bai Yan was almost asleep. When Xu Hao said this, Bai Yan opened her eyes vaguely and looked up at Xu Hao.

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "do you remember the problem Director Wei said before?"

"What's the problem?" Bai Yan can't remember what Wei Ping said at the moment. If Xu Hao hadn't talked to her, she might have fallen asleep. Xu Hao, a little rascal, tossed her for a long time. Bai Yan felt that her whole body was about to fall apart, and a burst of fatigue hit her.

Knowing Bai Yan's current state, Xu Hao couldn't discuss things with him. Xu Hao leaned over and kissed Bai Yan on the forehead and said, "it's all right. Talk about it tomorrow. Go to sleep!"

Nodding, Bai Yan leaned against Xu Hao's arms and soon fell asleep.

Bai Yan fell asleep, but Xu Hao couldn't sleep. He just got up and wrote down all his ideas.

When Xu Hao finished writing all these things, it was more than three o'clock in the morning. After yawning, Xu haogang was ready to go to bed, but he woke up Bai Yan. Seeing Xu Hao, Bai Yan was stunned at first, and then hurriedly said, "Why are you still here? Go back to your own room!"

After glancing at Bai Yan helplessly, Xu Hao said, "aunt Bai, what time is it? I'm so sleepy. I'll talk about something tomorrow!" then, whether Bai Yan wants it or not, he directly fell asleep.

Seeing Xu Hao playing rogue, Bai Yan was speechless for a while, but she had no choice.

At more than 5 a.m., Xu Hao was awakened by Bai Yan again. Originally, Xu Hao wanted to play a rogue and continue to sleep, but Bai Yan didn't agree with anything! It took a long time to wake Xu Hao up. Bai Yan said, "Xiao Hao, listen, go back to your room and sleep again!"

"Isn't it the same where you sleep?" Xu Hao looked up at Bai Yan, closed his eyes again and continued to sleep.

Bai Yan was speechless for a while. After a long time of effort, she finally called Xu Hao up, coaxed and cheated, and finally persuaded Xu Hao to go back to his room to sleep.

After looking at Bai Yan in his pajamas, Xu Hao said, "aunt Bai, you have to remember what you promised me!"

With a red face, Bai Yan nodded and said, "you little scoundrel, you know how to bully your aunt. Let's go. It's bad to be seen in a while!"

He hugged Bai Yan again and patted her plump buttocks twice. Xu Haocai went out of Bai Yan's room and went back to his room to sleep.

When Xu Hao woke up again, it was already more than 10 a.m.

After looking around, I didn't find Bai Yan and Wei Ping. Xu Hao called Bai Yan again and knew that they had gone to the office. After a simple wash, Xu Hao also went directly to the office.

When Xu Hao arrived at the office, Bai Yan and Wei Ping were taking Liu Yuling with them to make a more detailed investigation report and investment planning. Seeing Xu Hao coming, Liu Yuling quickly invited Xu Hao in.

"Stop this investment plan first..." looking at Bai Yan and them, Xu Hao said: "I have a new idea about the vegetable base..."

Listening to Xu Hao's new ideas, everyone couldn't help looking at Xu Hao, especially the two clerks in the office, which was a headache. Because Xu Hao has new ideas, it means they have to redo the plan.

"Before, we considered renting farmland from local villagers at one time. However, Director Wei reminded me yesterday that if we rent farmland, our management cost is too high..." looking at the people present, Xu Hao said: "So, I'm going to change my thinking to the cooperation mode! The farmland is managed and planted by the local villagers themselves, and the company signs a purchase agreement with them and agrees to buy vegetables from them at an appropriate price! In this way, we can save a lot of management cost. More importantly, because these villagers grow their own land and earn more for more work Will be more attentive...... "

Xu Hao said all the plans he wrote last night, then looked at everyone present and asked, "do you think this plan is feasible?"

"It's feasible, but the risk is a little high." looking at Xu Hao, Bai Yan said, "what if someone maliciously competes with us and raises the purchase price? When the villagers sell all their vegetables to our competitors, where shall we cry?"

Bai Yan's question was raised and everyone was silent. This is also the biggest disadvantage of this model. Everyone present knows that the reason why Dongping juice is favored by so many people is that there are high-quality vegetables in the vegetable base. If competitors directly start from raw materials at that time, Dongping beverage company will completely wax! This is not for nothing to the competition Did your opponent make a wedding dress?

"In fact, it's easy to solve this problem, that is, let the local government act as the intermediary. Our company signs a cooperation agreement with the local farmers to agree on a high amount of compensation. Once someone breaches the contract, we'll go through legal procedures!" Wei Ping said after thinking about it. This is also the only feasible solution at present.

"That's not good. It's no problem for villagers to pursue high prices. They can't stop others from making money?" Bai Yan was kind-hearted and couldn't help but say.

"OK, we have a headache and can't get any results. We'd better throw it to Chuncheng to solve it by ourselves." some people with a headache rubbed their heads, and Xu Hao said. The vegetable base once encountered such a thing, which is why Bai Yan thought of this possible trouble at the first time.

"Sister Xiaoling, please call secretary general Jiang for me to hurry up his progress." Xu Hao looked at Liu Yuling again and said. Although only one day has passed, Xu Hao doesn't have much patience to wait. Chuncheng is put into production one day earlier, and Xu Hao can be relieved one day earlier!

"OK, Mr. Xu, I'll contact Secretary General Jiang right now." Liu Yuling said and hurriedly went out to call Jiang Hua.

"President Xu, I don't know if I should say..." looking at Xu Hao, Wei Ping hesitated for a long time, and finally chose to speak.

Looking at Wei Ping, Xu Hao said, "Director Wei, please speak!"

"Mr. Xu, we still lack a set of effective management and operation mode. I suggest we appropriately reduce the scale of investment?" Wei Ping once again put forward the matter of reducing the scale of investment.

Hearing Wei Ping's words, Xu Hao's face turned green. At this time, Wei Ping even said something to shake the morale of the army. If Wei Ping were not the old man of the company, Xu Hao might have to swear!

"Director Wei, there is no need to talk about this. This is the development strategy formulated by the company, and no one can change it!" Xu Hao said in a very strict tone when looking at Wei Ping.

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