Things did not develop according to Xu Hao's expected trajectory, and Tianle beverage group has begun to press step by step. Although due to the efforts of sales center personnel everywhere, their original agent sales points have not started mass returns, but some agent sales points are already delaying the settlement of payment for goods.

"President Xu, this is a very bad signal..." looking at Xu Hao, Shen Rong said with a headache. The reason why these agents have the courage to delay the settlement of payment for goods is that they have accurately calculated that Dongping juice company dare not force them too hard at this time.

"Slow down the payment!" looking at Shen Rong, Huang Xin said: "the sales system must be stable now, otherwise, we will really mess up!"

"But..." after looking at Huang Xin, Shen Rong had a headache. Before, Xu Hao transferred an 8 million fund from the company to Chuncheng. Now the 8 million fund gap is expected to recover the payment for goods. If the payment is delayed, the company can't stand it!

Waving at Shen Rong, Xu Hao looked at Cao Yu, the chief financial officer, and asked, "how long can the company's current working capital last?"

"Half a month at most. If a large number of agents follow suit and delay payment settlement, our capital chain may be broken..." Cao Yu looked at Xu Hao and Huang Xin and said what he was most worried about. As the financial director of the company, Cao Yu must remind Xu Hao of the company's current financial situation all the time.

Some headache rubbed his head, and Xu Hao let everyone go out first for the time being. They can't afford to sit in the office.

Others left Xu Hao's office, but Huang Xin didn't. After everyone left, Huang Xin said, "Xu Hao, why don't I go to the sun family and let them buy back that part of the shares!" now the only way to make money is to sell this part of the shares.

Looking up at Huang Xin, Xu Hao grabbed her hand and said, "sister Xin, this share is your personal asset. You can't let you because of the company..."

"Don't forget, I'm also a shareholder of the company." Huang Xin quickly interrupted Xu Hao and said, "besides, you made the money for me. It's a big deal. I'll take it as if I've never had the money!"

Firmly shook his head, Xu Hao said: "no! Sister Xin, I won't agree! I'll find a way to deal with the money!"

Knowing Xu Hao's temper, Huang Xin didn't mention it again. She stood up and gently hugged Xu Hao, and then walked out of Xu Hao's office.

All morning, Xu Hao sat in the company, thinking about how to make money! In the current situation, Xu Haoshi can't think of how to make money!

In the afternoon, an uninvited guest appeared in Xu Hao's office.

When the man named Fang Yong made a big call, Xu Haocai asked, "Mr. Fang, just tell me what you came for."

"President Xu is a simple man." Fang Yong smiled and said, "I heard that President Xu is short of money, so I specially sent money to President Xu!"

"Send money?" Xu Hao was stunned. This kind of pie falling from the sky would appear on him. Xu Hao was skeptical about it. At this time, no one came to bite him!

"Yes, Mr. Xu, please have a look at this." Fang Yong handed Xu Hao a document and said, "Mr. Xu, we can provide you with a 20 million loan!"

After receiving the document, Xu Hao looked at it carefully. Looking at it, Xu Hao was finally angry: "Mr. Fang, why don't I just give you Dongping juice company?"

Fang Yong handed him the contract and asked Xu Hao to pledge Dongping juice company. If Xu Hao doesn't pay the money within two months, he has to give him all the shares of the company. Of course, even if Xu Hao can pay back the money, he has to pay nearly 7 million interest!

Two months, seven million interest, this is no longer a simple problem of usury! This is an open robbery!

With a smile, Fang Yong was not angry, looked at Xu Hao and said, "president Xu, you may not know your current situation. Where else can you get money except us? In addition, I kindly remind president Xu that the money lent to you by the bank may be withdrawn in advance because your risk is too high..."

"You..." as soon as Xu Hao patted the table, Fang Yong was a straightforward threat! It seems that Fang Yong is definitely not an ordinary person. He can command the bank. Dongping juice company will not urge the loan in advance because of its good reputation and good profitability!

"I'll leave the contract here, and I hope President Xu can reconsider!" with that, Fang Yong got up and left Xu Hao's office.

"Son of a bitch!" Xu Hao finally couldn't help swearing.

After scolding, Xu Hao called Liu Yuling in, "sister Xiaoling, help me check this Fang Yong and his preferential loan investment company to see what the way is!"

"OK, I'll go now," said Liu Yuling, who went to check it immediately.


Liu Yuling's speed was very fast. After more than an hour, Liu Yuling came back. "The public information can't find any valuable clues. I entrusted several former students of the police school to find some useful information." Liu Yuling handed the relevant information to Xu Hao.

Opening the information handed over by Liu Yuling, Xu Hao's eyebrows wrinkled immediately. Fang Yong is an ordinary scoundrel with the no outstanding background. However, people with a clear eye can see that although this preferential loan investment company is nominally Fang Yong, there is another person behind it.

"Who are these people?" Xu Hao asked when he saw that several names were listed in the document given to him by Liu Yuling.

"In short, it's the second generation of officials in central and South China province. Although their Laozi's official position is not high, but these people combine together, their energy is not small." looking at Xu Hao, Liu Yuling said: "therefore, Fang Yong's threat should be true. They can command the bank to end the loan to us!"

Putting down the documents in his hand, Xu Hao patted the table, "these bastards actually stared at us. Do you really think we are soft persimmons?"

After looking at Xu Hao, Liu Yuling opened her mouth and didn't say it at last. In the eyes of these people, the current Dongping juice company is really a soft persimmon! In particular, this soft persimmon has been pinched by others. Therefore, they want to pinch this soft persimmon, more easily!

"Well, you'd better get busy first." Xu Hao waved and let Liu Yuling out. Now in this situation, even if Xu Hao goes to mayor Qin or others, it is of little use. Not to mention whether mayor Qin and his people can intervene in this matter. Even if they can intervene, won't there be resistance? Will mayor Qin help him when there is too much resistance?

Thinking of this, Xu Hao couldn't help smiling bitterly and shaking his head. The reason why mayor Qin worked so hard to help Dongping juice company before was just to see Wang Yumin's face. However, facing the second generation of dandies in the province, mayor Qin may not have the courage. We have to find other ways to solve this matter!

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