When he was about to leave work, Xu Hao received a call from Song Yuwei. On the phone, song Yuwei didn't say anything. She just said that Xia Xiaomeng missed him and asked him to have dinner tonight.

"OK, I'll be there on time." Xu Hao quickly agreed. His intuition told him that song Yuwei asked him today, not only for dinner, but also more important things to tell him.

After greeting Huang Xin, Xu Hao left the company in advance and returned to the apartment building in the industrial park.

When Xu Hao came home, song Yuwei had already picked up Xia Xiaomeng. When Xu Hao came, Xia Xiaomeng looked very happy.

Song Yuwei, who was busy in the kitchen, saw Xu Hao, smiled at him and said, "you play with Xiaomeng first. I'll be right here."

"Brother Xu Hao, why do you seem unhappy to me?" Xia Xiaomeng looked at Xu Hao's face and asked with her head tilted.

He reached out and touched Xia Xiaomeng's head. Xu Hao said, "no, my brother is not happy to see Xiao Meng."

After playing with Xia Xiaomeng for a while, song Yuwei is also busy. Although only three people had dinner, song Yuwei cooked several dishes and prepared a bottle of red wine.

Seeing such abundance, Xu Hao couldn't help asking, "what's so abundance? Is there anything big today?" as he said, he habitually stretched out his hand and grabbed a piece of meat and stuffed it into the nearest place. Xia Xiaomeng was just about to stretch out her hand when song Yuwei ordered her to wash her hands.

Looking at Song Yuwei discontentedly, Xia Xiaomeng said, "brother Xu Hao didn't wash his hands!"

Embarrassed by song Yuwei, Xu Hao had to pick up Xia Xiaomeng and go to the bathroom. After washing his hands seriously, he came out.

At dinner, song Yuwei just talked with Xu Hao about some homely things. After dinner and coaxing Xia Xiaomeng to do her homework, song Yuwei asked, "why don't I transfer some money from the company? However, the project on my side has just started, and I can't draw too much money!"

After seeing song Yuwei, Xu Hao said, "sister Yuwei, thank you. The trouble this time is not about money. Tianle beverage group made it clear that it wants to kill us..." Xu Hao couldn't help shaking his head.

Even if Xu Hao gets a sum of money, so what? Will Tianle beverage group admit defeat so easily? As a brother of Huaxia beverage, Tianle beverage group may have prepared at least hundreds of millions of funds to fight this price war. Therefore, the money song Yuwei lent him is a drop in the bucket.

"Why don't I go home and look for the old man?" at this time, song Yuwei can only think of this way.

Reaching out to hold song Yuwei in his arms, Xu Hao said, "don't worry about me. I can figure out a way! Isn't it difficult for the old man to find him at this time? Besides, this is normal business competition. What can the old man do?"

When Xu Hao said this, song Yuwei just sighed helplessly. The market is like a battlefield. This sentence has never been empty. Even, to some extent, the mall is more terrible than the battlefield!

"Tianle drinks group is making a fierce attack this time. Based on what I heard, they have prepared a plan for encirclement and suppression for at least one year." speaking of this, song Yuwei couldn't help looking at Xu Hao with worry.

"Don't worry, I can stand it." Xu Hao quickly comforted song Yuwei and said. However, he knew that Dongping juice company might not survive this time.

She nodded heavily. Song Yuwei leaned her head on Xu Hao's shoulder and stopped talking about it.

After staying with song Yuwei for a while, Xu Hao went back to his room. If Xu Hao can't come up with an effective solution during this period of time, Dongping juice company really can't survive. Either sell it at a low price, or go bankrupt and be bought!

These two results are not what Xu Hao wants to choose! Over the past year, Dongping juice company has devoted all Xu Hao's energy and hope! If Dongping juice company can't survive this time, Xu Hao's plan to return to the East China Sea to avenge his parents will completely fail!

Thinking in his head, Xu Hao didn't know when he fell asleep. When Xu Hao woke up again, it was already dawn. After washing in a hurry, Xu Hao ate the breakfast prepared for him by song Yuwei and rushed to the company.

As soon as she arrived at the company, Huang Xin looked like she wanted to stop talking.

"Sister Xin, tell me what you want. I can stand it." after seeing Huang Xin, Xu Hao said.

After hesitating for a while, Huang Xin said, "the bank just called us and said that in view of the current business situation of Dongping juice company, the bank decided to end the loan to us ahead of schedule and asked us to repay the loan within a week. Otherwise, the bank may apply to the court to freeze some of our assets!"

"Son of a bitch..." hearing the news, Xu Hao really wanted to swear. Fang Yong's grandson is too much!

"Well, well, calm down. You can't solve the problem by swearing at this time." Huang Xin hurriedly said: "I told director Cao to squeeze and repay the bank's loan first! Otherwise, the bank's application for enforcement will have a great impact on us!"

"Can the company take out so much money?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Huang Xin.

Shaking his head, Huang Xin said, "don't worry about it. I'll find a way! It's not a big problem to gather around!"

"Sister Xin, you are not allowed to move that part of the shares!" Xu Hao guessed Huang Xin's plan at once and hurriedly said: "as long as there are some shares of the sun family, even if the company closes down at that time, sister Xin, you don't have to sleep on the Street, so that part of the shares can't be moved!"

"Didn't you say you would raise me? Why, I began to think that I would let me sleep on the street regardless of me?" looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin smiled and joked, "don't worry, I promise you that I will count! I won't move that part of the shares!"

"Sorry, sister Xin..." Xu Hao didn't know what to say to Huang Xin. If he hadn't insisted and had to build a new production base in Chuncheng, the company might not have the current situation!

"Why? Now I don't want to bear the responsibility of raising me? What the man said is really unreliable!" after Xu Hao glanced at him, Huang Xin said, "OK, it's a big deal. I'll lose some money. When I raise you, you can be a little white face!"

Hearing Huang Xin's words, Xu Hao couldn't help laughing, "sister Xin, this is what you said. When will I move to your side?"

"Get out, little bastard, no promise!" he stretched out his foot and kicked Xu Hao's leg. Huang Xin turned and walked outside with a red face. This little bastard can focus on the key points. He obviously complains that he didn't play a role. He's good. He actually kicked his nose and face!

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