"Mr. Xu, things are getting more and more troublesome." in Xu Hao's office, Shen Rong said with a sad face: "agents began to return..."

The headache rubbed his head. Xu Hao knew it would happen sooner or later! It's just that he didn't expect to come so soon!

"These agents really have no conscience. They didn't have this attitude when they cooperated with us to make money." Huang Xin couldn't help saying when he heard Shen Rong's report. Now she has seen the indifference of people in the mall!

"In the market, no one will pay attention to human relations with you. Businessmen always put interests first." Xu Hao reluctantly shook his head. He understood this problem as early as three years ago.

"Mr. Xu, what about the return..." looking at Xu Hao, Shen Rong couldn't help asking.

"Return, anyone who wants to return will return to them. It's not so easy to return our goods now and get the goods from us in the future!" said Xu Hao. When Dongping juice company survives this time, it can free up its hands to clean up these agents! Now, Xu Haogen had no time to take care of these agents.

"However, the company's working capital..." looking at Xu Hao, Shen Rong said with a headache. Now, on the one hand, the bank is urging the repayment of the loan, on the other hand, the agent has to return a large number of goods. In this way, the company needs more funds! I'm afraid the working capital that can last for half a month can't even last a week.

"We have to give them a refund." looking at Shen Rong, Xu Hao said, "if we show a reluctance to return, we will only let more agents join the ranks of this return!"

"OK, Mr. Xu, I know what to do." nodded, and Shen Rong stopped worrying about this problem. Xu Hao saw better than him. The agents who offered to return the goods this time were just a few small agents who couldn't hold their breath for the time being. Once the Dongping juice company shows the slightest embarrassment and is unwilling to return the goods, those big agents will be moved by the wind. At that time, it is the most terrible!


Shen Rong and Huang Xin had just left Xu Hao's office, and Fang Yong appeared in Xu Hao's office again.

Seeing Fang Yong sitting opposite him with his legs crossed, Xu Hao asked, "who let you in?"

"President Xu doesn't seem to welcome me." Fang Yong smiled and said, "I don't know if President Xu has considered it well. As long as president Xu signs, the 20 million funds will be in place immediately! President Xu, do you still have a choice?"

"Get out!" he stood up angrily, and Xu Hao shouted at Fang Yong.

Xu Hao's voice startled Liu Yuling in the next office. Liu Yuling hurried in, "president Xu, what's the matter?"

"Inform the security section and throw this man out! After that, no one is allowed to enter our factory without my order!" Xu Hao's anger is not only because of Fang Yong's threat, but also because of the negligence of those people in the factory security section. Otherwise, Fang Yong can enter his office quietly twice?

Soon, two security guards came to the security section. This time, without Xu haophen's instructions, they directly asked Fang Yong to go out.

"Xu Hao, you will regret it." Fang Yong pointed to Xu Hao and said when he came out of Xu Hao's office.

When Fang Yong went out, Liu Yuling said, "president Xu, I'm sorry, I didn't do my job well, I..."

"Sister Xiaoling, this matter has nothing to do with you. Go and be busy." Xu Hao waved his hand and let Liu Yuling go out.

Banks urge loans, agents return goods, and the company's capital chain is on the verge of collapse at any time! Xu Hao rubbed his head with a headache, but he couldn't think of any way! If the bank did not suddenly urge the loan, although the company was short of funds, it would not be on the verge of collapse! Who would have thought that banks that have always cooperated well with them would suddenly urge loans!

"A group of white eyed wolves!" Xu Hao couldn't help scolding.

"Who are you angry with?" just after Xu Hao scolded, Huang Xin came in.

Seeing Huang Xin coming in, Xu Hao smiled awkwardly at Huang Xin and said, "sister Xin, how did you come here?"

"Xiao Ling told me that I've rearranged the security section," Huang Xin said as she walked in. Walking behind Xu Hao, he gently massaged his shoulder and said, "don't worry about getting angry. We haven't reached the end of the mountain and water. Even if we do arrive at that time, isn't there a sister? What she said yesterday counts!"

"Sister Xin, are you really going to let me be a little white face?" Xu Hao smiled bitterly and said, "my temper can't be a little white face!"

"You are so rare that you don't want to be a little white face!" Huang Xin pressed Xu Hao heavily on his shoulder discontentedly, and then said, "why don't you have a good rest at home these two days and give it to me at the company for the time being!"

Watching Xu Hao suffer so much in the office every day, Huang Xin is also worried in her eyes. Instead of giving Xu Hao a headache in the company every day, it's better to have a good rest at home. Anyway, the current situation of the company, whether Xu Hao is there or not, the difference is not too great.

"I have something to do today, sister Xin. The company will give it to you for the time being. I'll go out first." Xu Hao said, briefly explained to Huang Xin and left the office.

After coming out of the company, Xu Hao bought a bunch of flowers and went straight to Jiangcheng University. Today is Su Jing's birthday. Xu Hao plans to surprise her.

When he came to Jiangcheng University, Xu Hao dialed Su Jing. After a while, Su Jing answered, "Xu Hao, why did you think of calling me?" Su Jing's tone seemed a little excited. After all, today is her birthday. If Xu Hao came to spend her birthday with her, she would be very happy.

"Of course I miss you. I'm in your school. Do you want to come out?" Xu Hao didn't disclose anything about Su Jing's birthday on the phone, which made Su Jing a little disappointed. But anyway, Su Jing was very happy when Xu Hao came to see her.

Soon Su Jing appeared. Seeing Xu Hao, Su Jing hurried over.

He handed the flowers in his hand to Su Jing. Xu Hao said, "Happy Birthday!"

"Ah?" Su Jing covered her mouth in surprise. She didn't think Xu Hao really came to celebrate her birthday. As for the little loss just now, I don't know where to go!

"Why is this expression? Unhappy?" Xu Hao asked awkwardly, looking at Su Jing.

"No, no, I'm too excited." holding the bouquet of flowers given to her by Xu Hao, Su Jing said excitedly: "the flowers are really fragrant!"

"The flowers are beautiful, but people are not happy." Xu Hao couldn't help but say when he saw Su Jing holding the bunch of flowers tightly, but ignoring himself.

Seeing Xu Hao's appearance, Su Jing couldn't help laughing. Then she hugged Xu Hao's arm and said, "is this servant happy?"

"If you kiss, you will be happier." Xu Hao said, looking at Su Jing, but only in exchange for Su Jing's white eyes.

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