Xu Hao is very depressed because of the company these days. Being able to stay alone with Su Jing made him feel much better. However, the good times didn't last long. The two talents just walked out of school and discussed where to eat for a while. Su Jing called Dong Yangfan by phone.

"Why do you call her?" Xu Hao said with some dissatisfaction after seeing Su Jing. Even if you ask Dong Yangfan to come over, you have to tell him in advance.

Seeing Xu Hao's unhappiness, Su Jing hugged Xu Hao tightly and kissed Xu Hao shyly on his face, "people promised to have a birthday with her, so don't be angry, okay?"

Su Jing's silly girl is so coquettish. Can Xu Hao get angry? After looking at Su Jing, Xu Hao said, "you have to compensate me tomorrow, or tonight!"

"You... You are not allowed to think about unhealthy things!" Su Jing said with a blush after taking a shy look at Xu Hao. From Xu Hao's eyes, Su Jing also guessed what Xu Hao thought.

With a smile, Xu Hao reached out and patted Su Jing's little ass and said, "how do you know I think something unhealthy? Do you want to?"

"I didn't!" Su Jing frowned with discontent. She said, "I have to go back to my dormitory tonight. My tutor will call us for a meeting early tomorrow morning. We can't be late!"

Upon hearing Su Jing's words, Xu Hao knew that there was no play today. However, he didn't intend to talk to Su Jing today. What he just said was just teasing Su Jing.

While they were talking, Dong Yangfan also appeared. As soon as he saw Xu Hao and Su Jing sticking together, Dong Yangfan snorted discontentedly, then went to Su Jing and took the flowers from her hands. He also made a demonstration expression at Xu Hao!

Xu Hao had to smile awkwardly and pretend not to see it. Dong Yangfan's chick still remembers her revenge, but fortunately she didn't expose Xu Hao's ignorance of Su Jing's birthday, so Xu Hao didn't care about her.

After Dong Yangfan came, Su Jing was embarrassed to hug Xu Hao's arm. Instead, she hugged Dong Yangfan's arm. They whispered from time to time, but he Xu Hao became redundant.

"Why don't we change a place?" he hesitated. Xu Hao thought it would be better to eat in another place. It's really weird for three people to eat Western food. In this case, it's better to change to a big gear. At least they won't be embarrassed by this situation.

"Why should we change places?" he glanced at Xu Hao discontentedly. Dong Yangfan said, "three people can't eat Western food?"

"What do you say?" Xu Hao was going to have a couple candlelight dinner with Su Jing, but what's the matter with the three now? If they join the restaurant, I'm afraid they will become the focus of the whole audience!

"Su Jing, Xu Hao dislikes me." holding Su Jing's arm, Dong Yangfan directly made a preemptive strike.

Dong Yangfan was called by Su Jing. Now Dong Yangfan is pathetic. Su Jing comforts her immediately, and then looks at Xu Hao with her pathetic eyes.

As soon as Su Jing used this move, Xu Hao completely lost his temper. With a helpless look at Su Jing, Xu Hao said, "OK, just eat Western food." then he led them to the planned western restaurant.

Although he was curious about the combination of Xu Hao's three people, the waiter didn't ask much, but politely led Xu Hao in.

After the three sat down, many people looked at them frequently. In particular, several of the men showed envy in their eyes. Let the two women around you live in harmony, which is what all men dream of.

Su Jing also found that someone looked at them frequently and lowered her head shyly. Dong Yangfan didn't seem to find it at all. She still ate on her own and directly ignored the eyes of those around her.

Just as Xu Hao and others were eating steak, an unexpected guest appeared.

"President Xu is really a beautiful blessing. I just don't know if Miss Huang knows you have dinner with two beautiful ladies?" Yao Ruili said, and planned to sit down here.

"Who do you say is Miss?" Dong Yangfan, who was eating steak indecently, suddenly became angry, patted the table and stood up.

At this time, Yao Ruili also recognized Dong Yangfan. It was this chick who made a scene with a group of girls in his company last time, which made him lose face! Looking at Dong Yangfan, Yao Ruili clenched his teeth and said, "it's you!"

"It's Lao Tze. What's the matter? Believe it or not, I'll smash your company tomorrow?" I don't know where Dong Yangfan's anger came from. He pointed to Yao Ruili's nose and scolded.

Although Yao Ruili has a little money, and now he has the relationship with the Zhao family, he is also a famous figure in Jiangcheng, but he is still a little weak in the face of Dong Tianlong. If you really annoy Dong Tianlong, an unreasonable man, you may lose your life!

Simply pretending not to hear Dong Yangfan's words, Yao Ruili directly ignored Dong Yangfan, and then looked at Xu Hao, "president Xu is really calm. The company is going bankrupt, and he has leisure to pick up girls?"

"It's none of your business." Yao Ruili looked at it. Terry Chui said, "if Yao is idle, he can volunteer to help the cafeteria to wash the toilets. It's a good thing to do without a name."

"You..." pointing to Xu Hao, Yao Ruili said, "Xu Hao, do you really think I called you president Xu? You're a character? I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. You're waiting to be pressed for debt!"

"It's you fool making trouble!" Dong Yangfan, who was eating steak, heard Yao Ruili's words, directly backhanded picked up the plate in front of Xu Hao and hit Yao Ruili on the head.

Suddenly, the soup, steak and vegetable leaves all hung on Yao Ruili's face. At the moment, how embarrassed Yao Ruili should be!

"That's my steak!" Xu Hao said speechless after seeing Dong Yangfan. This chick, why don't you hit someone with your steak.

With a white look at Xu Hao, Dong Yangfan said, "if you don't eat a meal, you won't die of hunger!"

When Xu Hao was quarrelling with Dong Yangfan, the restaurant manager who heard the news rushed over. While helping Yao Ruili wipe his suit and all kinds of soup on his face, he paid for it.

"Xu Hao, do you believe I killed you?" Yao Ruili didn't dare to say anything to Dong Yangfan. Yao Ruili was angry with Xu Hao.

"Fool, believe it or not, I'll kill you first!" Xu Hao's heart has been on fire these days. Since Yao Ruili took the initiative to send it to the door, Xu Hao is naturally impolite! Originally, Xu Hao planned to slap Yao Ruili with a backhand, but seeing the soup on Yao Ruili, he kicked Yao Ruili instead.

Xu Hao suddenly started. The restaurant manager was startled. He quickly helped Yao Ruili up, and then persuaded both sides to calm down!

"Xu Hao, wait for me!" Yao Ruili knew he couldn't beat Xu Hao. At the moment, his bodyguard wasn't around, so he had to swallow the tone temporarily, and then left the restaurant with cruel words

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