By Yao Ruili, Xu Hao and others became the focus of the audience. Xu Hao was embarrassed by the burning eyes of those around him.

Looking at Su Jing with a worried look on her face, Xu Hao said, "don't worry, it's okay."

"Hmm!" nodded heavily, and Su Jing stopped saying anything.

When this happened, Xu Hao and them were not good enough to stay in the restaurant. After checking out in a hurry, the three left the restaurant.

"It's boring. Is Yao Ruili a counselor? I don't even know how to resist!" Dong Yangfan seems to regret that things are not big enough.

Speechless looked at Dong Yangfan. Xu Hao simply took Su Jing's hand. They should walk ahead and ignore Dong Yangfan.

Dong Yangfan saw that they were gone and hurriedly chased up, "Hey, what are you doing? Do you want to get rid of me?"

Hearing Dong Yangfan's words, Xu Hao is very worried about Dong Yangfan's Eq. do you need to ask? Of course Xu Hao wants to get rid of her! Unfortunately, Dong Yangfan didn't realize this at all, and took the initiative to come forward and hug Su Jing's arm.

Some shyly shake off Xu Hao's hand, and Su Jing comes together with Dong Yangfan again.

After walking aimlessly in the street for a while, Xu Hao found that he was about to become redundant.

"You really don't go back to your apartment today? Why don't I make room for you two?" looking at Su Jing, Dong Yangfan is a rare girl who is considerate. It's just that Su Jing can agree with you!

"Yangfan, what are you talking about? I have to go back to my dormitory today and my tutor will call us for a meeting tomorrow." she pinched Dong Yangfan's waist shyly, and Su Jing said with some dissatisfaction.

Seeing Su Jing's pretty face full of blushes, Xu Hao really wanted to hold the silly girl in his arms and cherish her mercilessly. Unfortunately, Dong Yangfan, a big light bulb, existed at the scene.

Xu Hao and Su Jing first sent Dong Yangfan back to the apartment, and then Xu Hao took Su Jing's hand and walked towards Jiangcheng University.

Holding hands, they strolled around the campus of Jiangcheng University. There were couples like them. Some were walking, and more were looking for a place where no one was to hide and make love. From time to time, they made a voice that made people blush.

Su Jing was shy and wanted to find a place to hide. She pulled Xu Hao's hand and was going to stay away from this place. Listening to the voice that makes people blush, Su Jing feels that her legs have become weak and can't walk.

"Why don't we find a place to talk?" Xu Hao whispered in Su Jing's ear.

"No!" Su Jing's attitude was very firm and shook her head hard.

Knowing that Su Jing is a silly girl who is easy to be shy, Xu Hao didn't force her. Holding Su Jing's hand, he walked towards the girls' dormitory.

When approaching the girls' dormitory, Xu Hao suddenly hugged Su Jing and hid behind a big tree in front of the girls' dormitory. Under the shelter of big trees, it has become a dead corner of sight.

Before Su Jing reacted, Xu Hao's mouth had covered her mouth.

The tip of the tongue flexibly pries open Su Jing's small mouth, and Xu Hao's tongue soon catches Su Jing's fragrant tongue. Holding Su Jing tightly, Xu Hao savored the fragrance of the girl.

At the moment, Su Jing was afraid and shy, even with a trace of excitement and joy. After a little struggle, he began to cooperate with Xu haolai.

Hugging Su Jing, Xu Hao is not satisfied with tasting Su Jing's sweet tongue. The claw holding Su Jing's back has stretched in from the hem of Su Jing's T-shirt and gently stroked Su Jing's smooth and pink back

This is the first time Su Jing has had such close contact with Xu Hao in public. Although they were hiding behind a big tree, Su Jingsheng was afraid that if someone passed by and found them.

Su Jing's body became extremely sensitive under the alternation of two emotions, which were both tense and exciting. Xu Hao's hand seemed to have infinite magic. Su Jing couldn't help but sing

Su Jing's soft chant completely aroused Xu Hao's desire. The claw that had been gently stroked on Su Jing's back went all the way up and soon untied the lock on the back of the girl's bra.

At the moment, Su Jing is completely immersed in kissing with Xu Hao. She doesn't find that Xu Hao's claw has untied her bra and is preparing for further action.

When Xu Hao opened the distance with Su Jing, the claw also conveniently held a pigeon of Su Jing. Su Jing's body trembled slightly, and her legs were soft and couldn't stand. Su Jing had to put her hands around Xu Hao's neck to support her body from falling down.

Under the attack of Xu Hao's claw, the trace of spring feeling hidden in Su Jing's heart was stimulated. Although she was extremely shy, Su Jing didn't refuse Xu Hao's idea at the moment, but expected to be violated by Xu Hao

At this time, Xu Hao's other hand has touched Su Jing's hip tip. He pinched her hip tip gently across her thin jeans. When the sensitive position was attacked, Su Jing immediately gave a faint hum in her mouth, and even her breathing became a little short.

Just when Xu Hao planned to go further, Su Jing's reason finally defeated the trace of desire in her heart. If she wasn't in front of the girls' dormitory, if she moved to another place, maybe Su Jing would give herself to Xu Hao, but she can't do it now and here!

Su Jing shook her head hard, looked at Xu Hao and said, "Xu Hao, don't be here, okay? Please, it can't be..."

Seeing Su Jing's pretty red face, Xu Hao kissed her face, picked up Su Jing and sat on the lawn,

Let Su Jing sit on her lap. Xu Hao hugged Su Jing and kissed her red pretty face. Then he buttoned the lock of the bra in the T-shirt for her.

After sitting on Xu Hao's leg for a while, Su Jing recovered from the excitement just now. Until now, her heart beat very fast, as if she could jump out of her chest at any time.

"Dead you!" Su Jing beat Xu Hao gently on his chest.

Holding Su Jing's waist, Xu Hao kissed Su Jing's face again, then leaned close to her ear and said, "it seems to have grown up a little..."

Su Jing naturally knows where Xu Hao said he grew up. Shyly, he buried his head in Xu Hao's chest, and his hands were in an indomitable posture, beating gently in Xu Hao's chest.

After a while, Su Jing recovered from her shyness. She looked at Xu Hao discontentedly and said, "well, let me go quickly. I have to go back, or the door of the dormitory building will be locked in a moment!"

"Just locked, let's go out to live!" Xu Hao said, but his hand was dishonest and gently climbed up Su Jing's pair of pigeons across his T-shirt!

He quickly took away the hand that Xu Hao had damaged. Su Jing said shyly, "ignore you, big coyote, big villain!" as she said, Su Jing got up from Xu Hao's leg, covered her face and ran shyly towards the dormitory building

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