"Mr. Xu, what do you mean? Do you think we have only one purchase channel for you?" an agent patted the table and shouted at Xu Hao, "believe it or not, all our agents unite to boycott the products of your Dongping juice company?"

"Whatever!" glanced contemptuously at the agent, Xu Hao said: "I'd like to see how much energy all your agents can unite? You don't look at the current situation. As long as you get the goods from me, you can make a lot of money! I'd like to know who has a grudge against money?"

As soon as Xu Hao said this, many indignant agents immediately calmed down. Now Dongping fruit juice products are in a very high heat. Now who can get as many goods as possible means making as much money as possible! At this time, falling out with Xu Hao means you can't live with money!

These people here are businessmen. The profits of Dongping juice products are relatively good! At this time, they don't want to quarrel with Xu Hao.

"Mr. Xu, I want to ask how much the deposit should be paid?" finally, an agent couldn't help asking. After the agent asked, everyone else immediately pricked up their ears. After all, it concerns their vital interests.

Huang Xin was relieved to see that these agents not only didn't turn over, but also asked about the deposit. At least, Xu Hao's move is right. Just now Xu Hao almost fell out with those agents, and Huang Xin's heart almost jumped out.

"The amount of the deposit depends on how much you purchase. If you purchase more, you have to pay more deposit, and vice versa." looking at the agent, Xu Hao said, "boss Qian, listen to what you mean, are you going to pay the deposit?"

"Yes, who can't get along with money." boss Qian looked at Xu Hao awkwardly and said, "I don't know what proportion to pay this deposit?"

"30% of the payment." looking at boss Qian, Xu Hao raised three fingers.

This time, everyone present couldn't help taking a breath. Xu Hao was really cruel.

"Of course, I won't take your deposit for nothing." looking at these agents present, Xu Hao said: "since we have paid the deposit, we are the strongest partner. I'll reduce your purchase price by 10!"

"Really?" all the agents were boiling when they heard that the purchase price was reduced by 10. This means that their earnings can be further improved. The product income of Dongping juice company was good. Now Xu Hao has taken the initiative to reduce it by 10, which means higher income.

"Mr. Xu, I'm willing to pay the deposit." boss Qian agreed directly without any hesitation.

Some people took the lead. Although others still hesitated, they finally chose to compromise considering the conditions given by Xu Hao and the current heat of Dongping fruit juice products!

"If you are willing to pay the deposit, go to the sales department to register now, and then go to the finance department to pay the deposit. When your deposit is in place, I will arrange delivery for you at the first time!" as soon as Xu Hao said, the agents hurried to pay the guarantee.

"Xu Hao, I was really scared to death!" as soon as the agents left, Huang Xin immediately said, "I'm really afraid you fell out with those agents!"

"Sister Xin, didn't I tell you? I will never joke about the future of the company." Xu Hao smiled and said, "when this batch of deposit is collected, the company's working capital will be available. Tianle Beverage Group's attack on us is a complete failure!"

"We can't be careless..." Huang Xin did not forget to remind Xu Hao at the critical moment that Tianle beverage group has been able to stand in China for so many years and has always occupied the largest market share for a reason.

"Sister Xin, you can rest assured." Xu Hao said and looked at Shen Rong again. "President Shen, the sales department still has to speed up. This time, Yang Si has tried his best. Your sales department must keep up and distribute goods across the country as much as possible!"

"Yes!" Shen Rong is full of fighting spirit at the moment. Until now, Shen Rong was really impressed by Xu Hao and asked the agent to pay the deposit. This is really an unheard of way of cooperation! The most important thing is that those agents actually chose to pay the deposit!

As soon as he returned to the office, General Xu Hao called Yang Huan, deputy director in charge of the production of the fertilizer plant, "how much fertilizer has the fertilizer plant accumulated during this period?"

"About thirty tons," Yang Huan said, looking at Xu Hao strangely. Originally, all these fertilizers were sold to Shengshi flower chain company. However, since Xu Hao came back from Chuncheng, he asked that all fertilizers be temporarily stored in the warehouse and not allowed to be sold.

"You arrange to send all these fertilizers to Chuncheng in the near future." after looking at Yang Huan, Xu Hao said: "in addition, tell Miss Sun that the fertilizer factory should not supply her in the next six months!"

"Mr. Xu, you are..." Yang Huan looked at Xu Hao in shock. The sun family is the largest customer of the fertilizer factory. Xu Hao has offended this big customer now. It will be difficult to establish a cooperative relationship in the future.

"Just do as I say." Xu Hao waved his hand and interrupted Yang Huan.

Of course, Xu Hao knows that cutting off the fertilizer supply to the sun family at this time will certainly affect the sun family's entry into the international market. However, Xu Hao did not sign any agreement with the sun family. He must ensure the fertilizer supply of the sun family. Now, Xu Hao must give priority to ensuring his own development.

"Yes, Mr. Xu." Yang Huan looked at Xu Hao and asked, "what other orders does Mr. Xu have?"

Just as Xu Hao was about to speak, he saw his mobile phone ring. When I picked it up, I found that it was Yang Si. After waving Yang Huan out, Xu Hao answered Yang Si's phone.

"Mr. Xu, this one dollar endorsement fee didn't disappoint you?" Yang Si's voice soon came from the other end of the phone. It seemed that Yang Si was in a good mood.

"Thanks to Miss Yang this time. If I didn't know that Miss Yang is a busy man, I would really like to invite Miss Yang to dinner." Xu Hao joked. Anyway, Yang Si is not sure where he is busy at the moment. He doesn't have to spend money to say a polite word.

"Let's make a deal. Next time I go to Jiangcheng, Mr. Xu won't forget to invite me to dinner." Yang Si's voice came from the other end of the phone again, and there was a burst of smile in his words.

Xu Hao wants to smoke his big mouth. What are you talking about! However, all the words were said. If you go back on your words, it doesn't seem appropriate, "it's too late for many people to envy you to have the honor to invite Miss Yang to dinner! Let's make a deal. Miss Yang must call me next time we come to Jiangcheng!"

"Let's have a deal, Mr. Xu. Don't stand me up then." Yang Si said and hung up the phone. And Xu Hao took the phone in a daze

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