"Which little girl are you hooking up with?" just when Xu Hao was in a daze, Huang Xin's voice sounded with discontent.

Quickly put away the mobile phone, Xu Hao said: "sister Xin, even if I hook up, I'll hook up with you first!"

"Go, no shape!" he glared at Xu Hao discontentedly. Huang Xin couldn't help thinking of the night in the hospital bed. Suddenly, a blush appeared on Huang Xin's face.

With a smile, Xu Hao sat with Huang Xin on the reception sofa in the office and asked, "sister Xin, what can I do for you?"

"Well, there are more and more things on President Bai's side. Just now she called me and wanted to transfer song Rui to Chuncheng to help her. There's nothing on my side. I just want to ask for your opinion." looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said the matter briefly.

"I was negligent..." Xu Hao patted his forehead. There were more and more things in Chuncheng, and many things were pressed on Bai Yan. Looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said: "in this way, transfer song Rui to Chuncheng as the assistant of general manager Bai, and then transfer some people familiar with the business from the agricultural product sales company to help general manager Bai set up the framework of the agricultural product sales company first!"

"I think so too." Huang Xin nodded and said, "chairman Jin of Jinghua supermarket chain has been urging us to provide fresh vegetables to his supermarket as soon as possible."

After a simple discussion with Huang Xin, Xu Hao finally determined a list of six people. In addition to song Rui, several other people are the business backbone of the original agricultural products sales company. They went to Chuncheng to help Bai Yan. Xu Hao believes that Bai Yan can set up the framework of the agricultural products sales company in the shortest time!

When the production base of Chuncheng is built, the agricultural products sales company is also officially on the right track. In this way, the production base of Chuncheng can be put into operation in the shortest time.

When Xu Hao and Huang Xin were discussing things, Liu Yuling gently knocked on the door, then opened the door of Xu Hao's office and came in, "president Xu, president Huang, President Yang of China Construction Bank!"

"Yang Jie? What is he doing here?" Xu Hao was stunned and asked curiously.

"Let president Yang come in." anyway, the guest came to the door. Huang Xin didn't embarrass Yang Jie, but asked Liu Yuling to invite Yang Jie in.

Although he didn't like Yang Jie, Xu Hao tried to maintain his politeness. After greeting Yang Jie, Xu Hao asked, "I don't know why President Yang suddenly visited. I remember the last loan. Have we paid it back?"

"Cough... Mr. Xu, I'm really sorry about the last time." Yang Jie said awkwardly. At first, the wall of Dongping juice company fell and everyone pushed it. Now that the wall of others did not fall, Yang Jie had to repair his relationship with Dongping juice company. If Xu Hao really moved the company's account from their bank, it would have a great impact on their branch!

"President Yang, you don't have to say an apology, just say your intention." Xu Hao didn't bother to talk nonsense with Yang Jie and asked directly.

Yang Jie stood there awkwardly, but he didn't know how to speak. However, no matter how hard it was, he had to say, "Mr. Xu, it's like this. After our re inspection, your company still meets the loan conditions. Therefore, we can lend that 8 million loan to your company at any time... Of course, in view of the last situation, our bank can make the most certain concession in interest rate..."

"No, you are not the only bank in Jiangcheng! According to the current business situation of Dongping juice company, most banks are willing to give us loans!" Xu Hao said with some dissatisfaction after seeing Yang Jie. Even the word has given the order to leave.

Yang Jie also heard Xu Hao's impatience, but he can't go now! I have scolded all the leaders of the branch in my heart, but Yang Jie still has to be patient and say, "president Xu, I know that the last thing did have a very bad impact on your company, so today I specially set a table in Wangjiang building to make amends for president Xu and hope President Xu will give me a face!"

Don't mention Yang Jie's anger at the moment. As the vice president in charge of credit of the sub branch, it has always been those enterprise managers who grovel to him. When is it his turn to be so humble? However, there is no way. Who let the Yimei health club stand behind Dongping juice company? Even if he lent Yang Jie a hundred courage, he didn't dare offend Yimei health club!

Yang Jie's words are all about this, and if CCB can really give a low interest loan, it will be very good for the development of the company. So Huang Xin gently pushed Xu Hao.

"Since Yang Xingchang said so, I will go then!" Xu Hao nodded and said.

"Well, well, I'll congratulate president Xu at Wangjiang building." Yang Jie said, relieved. As long as Xu Hao's side is settled, all problems will be solved.

As soon as Yang Jie left, Xu Hao looked at Huang Xin and asked, "sister Xin, what do you mean?"

"You're stupid!" silently glanced at Xu Hao and Huang Xin said, "Yang Jie obviously wants to give us a loan. Now the company needs money. Why should we refuse?"

"How can I forget this?" Xu Hao scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "sister Xin, will you go with me in that moment?"

"I won't go. The company still has a lot of things!" Huang Xin directly refused and said, "remember, we must find a way to borrow more money from the bank. I'm going to expand the production scale of Jiangcheng!"

"OK, sister Xin, just wait for my good news." Xu Hao nodded confidently.


Driving to Wangjiang building, Xu haogang stopped the car. A waiter in Wangjiang building immediately greeted him warmly, "president Xu, you're here. President Yang has been waiting for you in the box upstairs!"

Led by the waiter, Xu Hao came to the box. However, as soon as he entered the box, Xu Hao was stunned, because there was a beautiful girl in the box besides Yang Jie.

She was wearing a bank uniform light gray suit with white shirt work clothes, and below was a black short one-step skirt, with the skirt nearly 10 cm from the knee, showing a pair of slender beautiful legs wearing flesh colored silk stockings under her uniform skirt. The tailored work clothes wrapped her symmetrical and graceful figure. Two buttons were deliberately untied at the shirt collar, revealing a deep gully and white corset lace. The snow-white skin and a section of white tender breast muscle on the chest showed the woman's white skin.

"Mr. Xu, you are here. Let me introduce you. This is Xu Ting from the Credit Department of our bank." Yang Jie walked towards Xu Hao as he said.

After a little hesitation, Xu Ting also walked towards Xu Hao. Between her gestures and gestures, there was a more soul stirring style

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