As soon as she sat down, Xu Ting enthusiastically poured Xu Hao tea. Because the shirt buttons of Xu Ting's upper work clothes were untied, Xu Hao could easily see the white and tender hidden inside from the collar, and the capillaries under the white and tender skin could be seen clearly.

The snow white lace bra seems to be one size larger, so when Xu Ting bends down, the bra is naturally separated from the mountain in front of her. Xu Hao can clearly see the colorful flowers on the top of the mountain!

Xu Ting didn't seem to realize that she was gone. After pouring tea for Xu Hao, she sat down skillfully. Yang Jie has been apologizing for what happened before.

Soon, dishes came up one after another. Yang Jie took the lead in raising his glass and toasting Xu Hao to make amends. Yang Jie's words are sincere. Xu Hao really can't say no.

Xu Hao's drinking capacity itself is not big, so after a few glasses of wine, he is a little dizzy.

"President Yang, if you can't do it, I won't accompany you." Xu Hao said and turned the glass upside down.

However, Yang Jie obviously doesn't intend to let it go. If you don't let Xu Hao drink well today, how can you eliminate the estrangement between them! If Xu Hao really transfers the company's account from CCB at that time, the performance of their sub branches will be affected, and it will offend the Yimei health club behind Dongping juice company! This is not worth the loss for CCB.

It is no exaggeration to say that if you offend Yimei health club, the whole CCB in central and southern province will be affected!

"Mr. Xu, you can't give me face, but you have to give beauty face?" said Yang Jie, winking at Xu Ting.

Xu Ting quickly picked up the glass and said to Xu Hao, "Mr. Xu, come on, I'll give you a toast!" as she said, Xu Ting picked up the glass and drank it down in one gulp! After a glass of wine, Xu Ting coughed violently.

Xu Hao quickly handed Xu Ting a glass of water and said to Yang Jie, "President Yang, Xu Ting can't drink. Why don't we have some drinks?"

"Mr. Xu, I'm fine. I'll punish myself." Xu Ting said, so she picked up the wine bottle to pour her own wine.

Anyway, Xu Hao's eyes just took advantage of other girls. At this time, it's difficult for Xu Ting. If he doesn't drink this glass of wine, Yang Jie can't decide how to criticize Xu Ting. Therefore, Xu Hao had to turn the glass over, and Xu Ting quickly poured wine for Xu Hao.

"Yang, let's say," this is the last one. We'll have to talk about something later. "Terry Chui said, taking up the glass, looking at Xu Ting, and then drinking the Baijiu in the cup.

"President Xu still knows how to cherish fragrance and jade." Yang Jie said with a smile. "However, as the saying goes, good things come in pairs! Xu Ting, another toast to President Xu."

Hearing Yang Jie's words, before Xu Hao could object, Xu Ting filled him and herself, then picked up the glass, looked at Xu Hao and said, "president Xu, I'll give you another toast!"

Seeing Xu Ting's begging eyes, Xu Haoshi couldn't say no! He had to pick up his glass and have another drink.

Originally, Xu Hao's drinking capacity was not good. Yang Jie and Xu Ting poured several cups. Suddenly, Xu Hao's head was a little dizzy!

Sitting in a chair, Xu Hao waved his hand and said, "President Yang, I really can't do it. Don't pour me any more wine!"

Yang Jie smiled at Xu Hao and said, "in that case, let's replace wine with tea!" then he ordered Xu Ting to replace them all with tea.

Thinking of Huang Xin's account, Xu Hao tentatively asked about the loan. For this matter, Yang Jie naturally agreed. And the loan line is not 8 million, but 15 million! The interest is only about half of the previous one!

"Thank you, Yang Xingchang!" Xu Hao also knew that in order to ease the relationship with Dongping fruit juice company, Yang Jie paid a lot of money this time! This amount of 15 million is also the biggest commitment he can make within his authority.

With the 15 million yuan and the good operation of the juice company, the expansion of Jiangcheng production base has been basically solved!

"Mr. Xu, do we have to have a drink for this?" Yang Jie asked, looking at Xu Hao.

"President Yang..." Xu haogang wants to refuse, and Xu Ting has poured the wine for him. Moreover, Xu Ting seems not to know that her collar is easy to run out. She often bends down to pour wine in front of Xu Hao! Xu Haoda's eyes were full.

"Mr. Xu, I respect you." Xu Ting said and took up her glass. At this time, Xu Hao had drunk a little and his thinking was a little confused. Xu Ting said to drink to him, and Xu Hao did not hesitate to pick up the glass and finish the wine in the glass.

"Mr. Xu, I have another unkind request." Yang Jie said to Xu Hao with a wine glass: "I really don't know that Mr. Tang of Yimei health club is also a shareholder of Dongping fruit juice company. Last time, I offended Mr. Tang miserably. I hope Mr. Xu can always say a good word for me in front of Mr. Tang!"

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say!" Xu Hao, who has been completely drunk, directly took all the responsibility regardless of what Yang Jie said. "It's not a matter with my relationship with Tang Jing's chick!"

The so-called saying unintentionally, the listener is intentional! Hearing Xu Hao's frivolous words, Yang Jie immediately flashed countless ideas in his mind! However, no matter what the idea is, it shows a problem: Xu Hao has a good relationship with Tang Jing! Thinking of this, Yang Jie knew that he was right today!

Seeing that Xu Hao was also a little drunk and unconscious, Yang Jie glanced at Xu Ting and said, "you hold president Xu, let's go. Today you have to take care of president Xu for me!"

"President Yang, i... I..." hearing Yang Jie's words, Xu Ting's face turned red immediately. Originally, Yang Jie asked her to accompany her today. She had a bad hunch. In addition, after entering the box, Yang Jie specially asked her to untie two buttons of her shirt. When pouring wine for Xu Hao, Xu Ting naturally realized that she was gone. However, this was ordered by Yang Jie, and she had to do it.

"What are you? If you hadn't investigated the situation of Dongping juice company this time, would the sub branch make such a big mistake? Don't worry. After this thing is done, I'll suggest to the branch that you be the deputy section chief of the credit section!" looking at Xu Ting, Yang Jie quickly promised her benefits. This Xu Ting is known as a flower of the sub branch. Now Yang Jie can't care about anything else. Making Xu Hao happy is the most important thing.

"President Yang, I can't!" Xu Ting's attitude is very firm. She makes her sacrifice some color. Xu Ting can barely accept it, but Xu Ting can't accept it if she wants to spend the night with Xu Hao. She is not the kind of girl who doesn't love herself!

"Xu Ting, I tell you, you have to do this today, you have to do it or not! It's related to the honor of the branch!" Yang Jie's tone has no room for discussion!

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