Xu Hao didn't come back until Xu Ting ran out for a long time! What he just said really hurt people. For any girl with self-esteem, what Xu haogang just said is an insult to their personality!

Thinking of Xu Ting's last cry, Xu Hao naturally knows what it means. Think of here, Xu Hao is a headache! His love life was already a mess, and now Xu Ting is added. The most important thing is that he and Xu Ting have no emotional foundation at all!

Reluctantly shook his head. Xu Hao saw that Xu Ting's handbag was still on the table. Walking over, Xu haogang was ready to pick up Xu Ting's handbag. The mobile phone in it suddenly rang, startling Xu Hao.

Opening Xu Ting's handbag, Xu Hao found that there was only wallet, mobile phone, key and a packet of paper towels in the bag. There is nothing else. Some curiously picked up Xu Ting's wallet. Xu Hao saw the picture in the wallet: This is a family photo of four. That lovely boy should be Xu Ting's brother.

Just when Xu Hao was stunned, the mobile phone rang again. Xu Hao hesitated to answer. After a fierce ideological struggle, Xu Hao finally didn't answer. After all, these are Xu Ting's personal privacy.

Put everything into Xu Ting's handbag. Xu Hao has a headache. How can I return these things to Xu Ting?

Meanwhile, Xu Ting, who ran out of the hotel crying, regretted it. First, all her things were left in the hotel room. Second, she was worried that Xu Hao would become angry and say something to Yang Jie.

If the relationship between Xu Hao and Yang Jie is affected because of her, the 500000 special bonus promised by Yang Jie must be gone! That means she can't draw water with a bamboo basket!

However, if you go back at this time... Xu Ting is really embarrassed. At this time, even if she is killed, she can't go back! The most important thing is, if she goes back, Xu Hao really wants to have something with her, what should she do?

Standing on the road outside the hotel, the cool wind blew at night. Xu Ting stood on the road with her hands holding her chest. Her slightly helpless face was even more desolate.

"Mr. Xu, I can only apologize to you for my brother's operation expenses." standing on the road, Xu Ting made up her mind completely. She decided to insist that she had a relationship with Xu Hao tonight. Only in this way can she get money from Yang Jie!


After taking a bath in the room, Xu Hao dressed and walked out of the room. Returning the room card to the front desk, Xu Hao said, "if the person who opened the room comes back, tell her that everything is in the room and let her remember to take it away!"

"OK, sir." the receptionist smiled vaguely at Xu Hao, and then took the room card. These front desk ladies see too much about things between guests, so they don't think it's strange.

Out of the hotel, Xu Hao took a taxi directly back to his residence in the main industrial park.

As soon as Xu Hao got out of the elevator, he saw song Yuwei standing at the door. Song Yuwei was wearing a black nightdress, her plump body was wrapped in a black nightdress, and her dark hair was scattered around her shoulders at will. The neckline of the nightdress is relatively low, revealing a piece of white greasy in front of the chest. A pair of plump crisp breasts under the neckline fluctuate slightly with song Yuwei's breathing, which is particularly attractive.

"Sister Yuwei, why haven't you rested yet?" Xu Hao asked when he looked at Song Yuwei.

Stretching out her hand and gathering the hair scattered on her forehead, song Yuwei walked towards Xu Hao and said, "when you hear something, you know it's you who's back! How much wine you've drunk, such a big smell of wine!"

"I had a few more drinks on the wine table today," said Xu Hao, holding out his hand and gently embracing song Yuwei's plump waist.

Today, I was seduced by Xu Ting at the dinner table. Just in the hotel, another scene happened. Now, song Yuwei is so sexy in front of him. Xu Hao can't help it!

I felt Xu Hao's hand holding his waist doing mischief. Song Yuwei stretched out her hand, pinched Xu Hao gently, and said, "stop it! Let's go, I'll pour you a cup of honey water, or I'll have a headache tomorrow!" Song Yuwei first sent Xu Hao back to his own residence, and then turned back and went home to pour a cup of honey water.

After drinking the honey water handed over by song Yuwei, Xu Hao's hand dishonestly hugged song Yuwei's waist again. Around Song Yuwei's waist, Xu Hao's hand is still very dishonest to lift song Yuwei's Nightgown little by little.

"Stop fooling around!" patted Xu Hao's bad hand, and song Yuwei said, "it's dishonest to drink too much. Go to bed quickly, or it's easy to have a headache tomorrow!"

Burying her head in Song Yuwei's chest, Xu Hao said, "if you don't sleep, you can't sleep!"

"Be obedient..." Song Yuwei laughed when she felt Xu Hao like a child. Coax Xu Hao and let Xu Hao go to bed obediently.

At this time, the beauty is in her arms. How can Xu Hao sleep! From the wine table to now, the temptation around Xu Hao has not stopped. And Xu Hao is not a person with strong willpower! Even, it is no exaggeration to say that Xu Hao is a dissolute childe! In front of women, there is no concentration!

Feeling that Xu Hao's mischievous hand had reached into her clothes from the hem of her nightdress and touched her plump thighs, song Yuwei felt an electric current hit her whole body, and her body became sensitive.

However, at this time, song Yuwei still maintained a bit of reason. Holding Xu Hao's mischievous hand, song Yuwei said, "stop making trouble and go to bed. Otherwise, you'll have a headache tomorrow. Don't drink so much wine next time, do you hear me?"

He nodded perfunctorily, but Xu Hao didn't intend to stop his mischievous hand.

Feel Xu Hao's big hand all the way up along his legs and see that he is about to reach the key point. Song Yuwei is holding her legs to prevent Xu Hao from making any progress!

After kissing song Yuwei twice, Xu Hao took advantage of song Yuwei's relaxation and took off song Yuwei's sleeping skirt. Watching song Yuwei's nightdress empty, Xu Hao was stunned. No wonder he didn't touch the underwear in the nightdress just now!

"Don't look around!" Song Yuwei was shy and beat Xu Hao on his chest.

"Sister Yuwei, you are so beautiful!" said Xu Hao, pressing song Yuwei under her again.

Mature women's bodies are always extremely sensitive, not to mention Xu Hao, who seems to know song Yuwei's sensitive points! Under Xu Hao's attack, song Yuwei soon fell completely. Regardless of shyness, song Yuwei felt Xu Hao's hand carelessly and wanted to get rid of all Xu Hao's clothes

Feeling song Yuwei's affection, Xu Hao no longer hesitated. Three times, five times and two times, take off all his clothes. Xu Hao turns into a wolf again and pours on Song Yuwei

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