The next day, as soon as Xu Hao returned to the company, Huang Xin hurried to Xu Hao's office: "there are new moves in Tianle beverage group!"

"What flowers can they turn out?" Xu Hao asked after seeing Huang Xin. Under the huge advertising offensive of Dongping fruit juice company, the cucumber juice and tomato juice drinks of Tianle beverage group have been gradually defeated!

"Look at this..." Huang Xin handed Xu Hao the tablet in her hand. "Early this morning, they put a lot of advertisements on major media platforms..."

"Enjoy a passionate summer and enjoy a high-quality sports life! Half price discount for all new products of Tianle beverage..." Xu Hao was stunned at the new advertisement of Tianle beverage group. Is this Tianle beverage group crazy?

"Are they crazy?" Xu Hao asked after glancing at Huang Xin.

"Just the opposite..." sitting on the chair in front of Xu Hao's desk, Huang Xin's hand beat rhythmically on the desk: "In fact, the market scale of domestic drinks is fixed to some extent. Summer is the peak season of beverage sales. Tianle beverage group can attract a large number of consumers by using this means. Consumers have consumption inertia. Once they are used to a product, they will gradually become loyal consumers of this product..."

Listening to Huang Xin's explanation, Xu Hao also understood! Tianle beverage group made it clear that it was going to have a knife to knife war with Dongping juice company this summer! The purpose is naturally to eliminate the fierce Dongping juice company in the bud in the future!

"Those who come are not good!" originally, Xu Hao thought that Tianle beverage group would stop for a while after the failure of blocking new products. Unexpectedly, they made more noise just one day later!

"Fortunately, our agents are still rational." Huang Xin said with a bitter smile. She didn't know how long these agents could keep their rationality. In fact, all their agents have been in contact with Tianle beverage group. I heard that Tianle beverage group has introduced a new agent compensation scheme, which is very attractive!

"What about Shen Rong? Why didn't you see his people?" this situation usually happened in the past. Shen Rong must be the first to find Xu Hao, but until now, Shen Rong didn't appear. Xu Hao was very curious.

"President Shen is on a business trip." after looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "President Shen is not very confident about several sales centers everywhere. He decided to go and have a look separately! It will take at least half a month!"

Some headache rubbed his head. Xu Hao couldn't figure out why Tianle beverage group had to live with him!

"Well, sister Xin, I see. Go ahead." after looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao knew that Huang Xin wanted him to make an idea, but what idea could he have at this time? Tianle beverage group made it clear that it had to fight to the end with Dongping juice company even if it was struggling to lose money.

Tianle drinks group is a big business, even if it loses hundreds of millions, it doesn't matter. However, Dongping juice company can't. a small loss may make the company face bankruptcy!

After hesitating for a while, Xu Hao decided to call Yang Zonglin.

"Mr. Yang, are you not going to make a living for your little brother?" Xu Hao said half jokingly as soon as the phone was connected.

Hearing Xu Hao's words, Yang Zonglin was also embarrassed. In fact, Yang Zonglin admired Xu Hao very much. He knew more or less about the growth process of Dongping juice company. It can be said that the growth of Dongping juice company is a miracle!

"Mr. Xu, what do you say?" Yang Zonglin said to Gu Zuo, "besides, the business strategy is set by the board of directors. We are just a specific executive."

Of course, Xu Hao knows that such a big move can't be decided by Yang Zonglin, the general manager of Jiangcheng production base. He called Yang Zonglin today to inquire about the news.

"Mr. Yang, it's not a good way for you to burn money like this? Why don't we take a step back?" the current Dongping juice company is still very weak. If we really kill the enemy with Tianle beverage group, we'll lose 800. I'm afraid Dongping juice company will have to fall first!

After a bitter smile, Yang Zonglin said, "president Xu, there's nothing I can do. I'm a worker and can't affect the decision of the board of directors. However, it is said that the attitude of the board of directors is very firm this time!"

"Thank you, Mr. Yang, for being frank." in fact, Yang Zonglin's last sentence almost told Xu Hao that this time Tianle beverage group and Dongping juice company are in an endless situation!

"Mr. Xu is very kind, but I have a deep memory of your bitter gourd juice drink!" Yang Zonglin remembered that when he visited Dongping juice company for the first time, Xu Hao and his colleagues deliberately took bitter gourd juice to fix him.

Xu Hao laughed and said, "President Yang, it's hot. This balsam pear goes to the fire!"

After a few more greetings, Xu Hao hung up the phone.

Just after hanging up Yang Zonglin, Liu Yuling led two employees of CCB, one of whom was Xu Ting.

"Sister Xiaoling, go ahead and get busy first." Xu Hao waved to Liu Yuling to go out first, then stood up and took the initiative to meet Xu Ting and her colleagues.

"Miss Xu, let's meet again." Xu Hao said and offered his hand.

Hearing Xu Hao's voice, Xu Ting's face turned red to her ears. She didn't dare to look at Xu Hao at all. On the contrary, Xu Ting's colleague shook hands with Xu Hao gracefully: "Hello, Mr. Xu, I'm Zhu Xiaoli from CCB. Excuse me." after that, at Xu Hao's invitation, he sat down on the reception sofa.

"Mr. Xu, that's right. Your company made a 15 million loan request to CCB. After detailed examination and evaluation, we officially approved the loan to you..." after Zhu Xiaoli said something routinely, she took out several documents and handed them to Xu Hao.

After receiving the documents and reading them, Xu Hao called the legal director and the financial director again. After they read them, they confirmed that there was no problem. Xu Hao signed the documents. Yang Jie will take the initiative to help with the rest, but Xu Hao doesn't need to go to the bank.

When things are done well, Xu Ting can't wait to escape from this place. Every time Xu Hao's eyes look at her, she feels that her whole body is not like a wisp! That feeling made her very uncomfortable.

"Mr. Xu, let's leave first. After all the formalities are completed, we'll inform your company." Zhu Xiaoli sees that Xu Ting has been blushing and silent. Although she feels a little strange, she can only undertake all the important tasks alone! Can't people feel that the employees of CCB are unprofessional?

"Then I won't keep you." Xu Hao said and looked at Xu Ting. "Miss Xu, I have some personal financial problems. I want to consult you. I don't know if it's convenient for Miss Xu now?"

"Ah?" Xu Ting was stunned, and her already red face became even more red. Zhu Xiaoli gently touched Xu Ting, and then said for Xu Ting, "president Xu, you are a VIP customer of CCB, of course we are willing to serve you!" then Zhu Xiaoli looked at Xu Ting with envy, and then left Xu Hao's office with some regret

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