Ignoring sun Xiaowen's anger and criticism, at this time, Xu Hao was overwhelmed by the strong attack of Tianle beverage group. If you can't think of an appropriate response, Dongping juice company may not last a month!

Just two days after the advertising of Tianle beverage group, several small agents called to try to return the deposit! These agents who have paid the deposit have regretted their guts. I knew that Tianle beverage group had a back move. They wouldn't pay the deposit if they said anything! If you are angry, you are still subject to Dongping juice company.

"Tell the sales department to be tough! These wall grass want to abandon us again after only a few days!" Xu Hao was angry. These agents really wanted to benefit and didn't even want to face!

"OK, I'll talk to the sales department. But it's not the way to go on like this? Moreover, we promised that we should return this part of the deposit if necessary!" Huang Xin said with a headache when looking at Xu Hao. This year is really an eventful year for Dongping juice company!

Looking up at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said firmly, "sister Xin, don't worry! The juice company is our painstaking effort. I will never let the company go bankrupt!"

Hearing Xu Hao's words, Huang Xin "puffed" and laughed, "OK, don't put too much pressure on yourself. What my sister said before counts! Really can't, just sell yourself to me and be your little white face!"

Speechless looked at Huang Xin. At this time, Huang Xin still wanted to joke with him.

As soon as Huang Xin walked out of the office, Xu Hao's mobile phone suddenly rang. When I picked it up, it was actually Yang Si. Although I don't know what happened when Yang Si called him at this time, Xu Hao answered.

"Miss Yang, how are you recently?" Xu Hao asked enthusiastically as soon as the phone was connected. Anyway, Yang Si helped him a lot in the last crisis. Xu Hao must recognize this favor!

"It seems that President Xu has not been forced to a dead end." hearing Xu Hao's voice and normal tone, Yang Si couldn't help laughing and said: "I thought president Xu must be worried and angry at this time!"

Xu Hao knew that Yang Si was talking about Tianle beverage group. With a wry smile, Xu Hao said, "Miss Yang knows this too?"

"After all, it's your spokesman. Your company has closed down, and I have no light on my face?" Yang Si said with a smile: "by the way, you won't refuse to admit what you promised me last time?"

Xu haogang wanted to ask something. He immediately wanted to come to the last time he said to invite Yang Si to dinner. He hurriedly said, "how can I? I don't know when Miss Yang will be free to come to Jiangcheng. I will definitely invite Miss Yang to eat the special dishes of Jiangcheng?"

"OK, I'm in Jiangcheng right now. Mr. Xu, where do you think we should eat?" Xu Hao didn't expect that Yang Sisi didn't mean to be polite and directly asked where to eat.

At this time, Xu Hao's mind was in a mess, and even his normal thinking ability subsided a lot. After thinking about it, Xu Hao asked, "why don't you go to Wangjiang building? Wangjiang building is the most famous restaurant in Jiangcheng!"

"Don't..." hearing that Xu Hao invited her to Wangjiang building for dinner, Yang Si hurriedly said: "I don't want the picture of me eating with President Xu to be posted in those gossip tabloids tomorrow! At that time, I'll be fine. It's president Xu. How should you explain to President Tang?"

"Which Tang am I talking to..." when Xu haogang wanted to ask which Tang general manager he was talking to, he immediately realized that Yang Si was talking about Tang Jing. Thinking of this, Xu Hao almost gushed out his old blood. Is Yang Si's imagination too rich? What can he have to do with Tang Jing?

"Mr. Xu, why don't we go to Mr. Tang's club?" Yang Si at the other end of the phone thought that Xu Hao was angry. He quickly put away his joking mind and changed the topic. For public figures like Yang Si, going out for dinner or activities is a headache! Yang Si proposed to go to Tang Jing's club with Xu Hao for dinner. On the one hand, it can naturally avoid some unnecessary trouble; Second, to avoid being misunderstood by Tang Jing about her direct relationship with Xu Hao!

Yang Si's rush to help Xu Hao was to curry favor with the Tang family. She doesn't want to be thankless. Tang Jing misunderstood her improper relationship with Xu Hao! At that time, all her previous efforts were in vain!

"Tang Jing's place is good. OK, I'll call Tang Jing later and tell her." Xu Hao also thought Tang Jing's place was good. After thinking about it, he directly agreed.

After hanging up, Xu Hao called Tang Jing. Tang Jing was slightly surprised when she received Xu Hao's call. These two days, she is also paying attention to the struggle between Dongping juice company and Tianle beverage group. But she can't help with such a thing?

"Xu Hao, why did you think of calling me?" Tang Jing asked with a smile.

"I miss you!" Xu Hao, who is used to teasing girls, didn't want to call him, so he began to flirt directly. As soon as he said this, Xu Hao regretted it. Tang Jing was on the other end of the phone!

Thinking of this, Xu Hao quickly changed the topic and said, "well... I'll invite Yang Si to dinner in your club later. Is it convenient for you?"

"Why did you invite Yang Si to dinner?" Tang Jing was a little unhappy when Xu Hao turned his face and said to invite Yang Si to dinner.

Xu Hao didn't hear the unhappiness in Tang Jing's tone. "Yang Si helped me so much last time. I promised to invite her to dinner when she came to Jiangcheng. Don't you let me break my promise?"

Tang Jing at the other end of the phone was silent for a moment and said, "come directly. I'll have someone reserve a box for you!"

"OK, I'll see you later." Xu Hao said and hung up the phone.

Out of the office, Xu Hao said to Liu Yuling and drove straight to Yimei health club.

As soon as he entered the Yimei health club, Xu Hao saw Tang Jing in a decent black business suit coming over with a smile.

"Tang Jing, I'm so sorry that you made a special trip to meet me." seeing Tang Jing, Xu Hao quickly said.

After looking at Xu Hao, Tang Jing said, "Yang Si hasn't arrived yet. Are you waiting for her here or in the box?"

As soon as Tang Jing finished her words, she saw Yang Si and her assistant Xu Rui appear at the door of the club.

Seeing Xu Hao and Tang Jing standing in the lobby talking, Yang Si trotted two steps and walked towards them, "president Xu and president Tang, I'm really sorry I'm late!"

"Miss Yang is very polite. We haven't agreed on a time. How can we say you're late?" Xu Hao said with a smile, and then invited Yang Si to walk towards the restaurant

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