Because Xu Hao called Tang Jing in advance, the meals were prepared early. They are the signature dishes of Yimei health club! It can be seen that Tang Jing took care of this table and prepared it very richly.

Seeing Tang Jing showing her face in the box, she was about to go out. How dare Yang Si really let Tang Jing leave. If you let Tang Jing go, doesn't it mean they treat Tang Jing as a waiter?

Therefore, Yang Si quickly stood up, walked to Tang Jing and said, "I don't know if Tang can always enjoy it and stay for dinner." after that, Yang Si saw that Tang Jing's face was not very good, and quickly added: "even if president Tang was busy!"

Tang Jing didn't speak, but turned to Xu Hao and asked, "you invited Yang Si to dinner today. Won't I bother you?"

Seeing Tang Jing coming out, Xu Hao was completely speechless. Miss Tang, which one are you singing?

"Well... If you have time, let's have dinner together? There are many people and it's lively!" Xu Hao said awkwardly after looking at Tang Jing.

Listening to the dialogue between Xu Hao and Tang Jing, and the little daughter posture of Tang Jing just now, what else does Yang Si not understand? The relationship between the eldest miss of the Tang family and Xu Hao is self-evident! It seems that she spent so much to help Xu Hao, which is the right bet!

"Mr. Tang, how can I bother you! It's my honor to have dinner with Mr. Tang!" Yang Si hurriedly came forward and hugged Tang Jing's arm, trying to narrow the distance between them.

When Yang Si said this and saw that Xu Hao also wanted her to stay for dinner, Tang Jing nodded and sat next to Xu Hao.

Because it was a private banquet, Tang Jing and Yang Si didn't want to be disturbed, so Xu Rui became the only waiter in the box!

At the beginning, Yang Si casually chatted with Xu Hao and Tang Jing about some topics. Slowly, Yang Si led the topic to the matter of Dongping juice company.

"President Xu must have scolded me in his heart at the moment? It cost you a dollar for endorsement..." Yang Si was very good at adjusting the atmosphere and opened the topic at once with this kind of joking words.

"Cough... I Xu Haoming remember what Miss Yang did for our Dongping juice company!" Xu Hao said, stood up with a glass of juice and said to Yang Si: "after all, people are not as good as heaven. No one thought that Tianle beverage group hates me so much!"

Yang Si smiled and said, "I'm sorry what president Xu said. I've heard about your company. I have a plan here. I don't know if President Xu is interested?"

"Oh? What plan?" when Yang Si said that he had a plan, Xu Hao immediately became interested. Now he has no idea at all. If Yang Si has a way, Xu Hao is naturally willing to listen!

After taking a look at Xu Rui, Xu Rui quickly took out a document from his bag and handed it to Xu Hao.

As Xu Hao looked at the document, Yang Si said, "this is the entertainment program" the strongest yoga group ", which is jointly run by the three most influential satellite TV channels in China , some of them are similar to the trainees from country h, but they are more entertaining on the whole. The overall tone of this program is consistent with the main style of president Xu's products. I wonder if President Xu is interested in naming this program? "

Xu Hao is holding the planning and publicity copy of the strongest yoga group in his hand. The program team auditioned 100 young and beautiful girls around the age of 20 from all over the country to participate in the recording of the program. After strict selection, it will eventually produce a most popular women's Yoga team! Just imagine that a hundred young and beautiful girls wearing close fitting yoga clothes can attract the attention of many people!

On the whole, this copy is really close to the product characteristics of Dongping juice company. However, this is a talent show jointly launched by the three most famous satellite TV channels in China. I'm afraid the advertising sponsorship fee is astronomical! Dongping juice company can't afford this money!

"Miss Yang, this program is very close to the publicity concept of our company's products, but I'm afraid the advertising cost is not low?" after seeing Yang Si, Xu Hao said in some embarrassment. Xu Hao has heard of these hot entertainment advertising fees. They are often billions of sky high fees, which can not be borne by small companies such as Dongping juice company!

"Cough..." Yang Si coughed twice in embarrassment and said: "Mr. Xu may have misunderstood that the biggest advertisers of this program are mobile phone manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies. In addition to the two main advertisers, the program will also accept some small advertisers. Although the advertising position will not be so conspicuous, it can show a face! Mr. Xu, you know, the influence of these three satellite TV channels and this program will Broadcast on the network platform, so the publicity effect should be very good! "

While Yang Si was talking, Tang Jing also finished reading the planning copy. She looked up at Yang Si. Tang Jing asked, "did Miss Yang ask about the approximate amount of advertising expenses?"

"About five million should be enough." Yang Si said, watching Tang Jing carefully. Yang Si paid a lot of money in order to help Dongping juice company talk about the opportunity to show his face in this program.

Originally, this program invited Yang Si to be a guest. First, it borrowed Yang Si's popularity to boost the ratings of the program. Second, it also hoped that Yang Si could cheer up the girls who participated in the program!

Yang Si has always been able to push such entertainment programs. After all, she doesn't lack this appearance fee! However, some of the information in the plan attracted Yang Si, because the concept of the main campaign in the plan is very close to Dongping juice company. In addition, Dongping juice company has just fallen into the current business crisis.

In order to help Dongping juice company, Yang Si talked to the program team. In order to win the opportunity to sponsor the program for Xu Hao, Yang Si changed from a guest of the program to a resident tutor of the program, and agreed to cooperate with the program group to promote the strongest yoga group.

This is also the first entertainment program recorded by Yang Si since his debut! The outside world is also full of expectations, and the column group has made a lot of hype by using Yang Si's popularity.

Seeing that Xu Hao is still hesitating, Xu Rui really wants to go up and kick Xu Hao. In order to help Xu Hao negotiate this advertising cooperation, Yang Si spent much thought!

"I think it's OK!" Xu Hao didn't say anything, but Tang Jing first said, "the price of five million is not high." then Tang Jing looked up at Yang Si, "thank you, Miss Yang. Without Miss Yang's efforts, five million would never have the opportunity to become the advertiser of this column!"

Hearing Tang Jing's words, Yang Si's only thought was that everything she paid was worth it! At least, Tang Jing received her favor. That's enough!

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