Qi Longde was very punctual. As soon as he came to Yimei health club, he warmly greeted Xu Hao and Tang Jing without the airs of a big entrepreneur.

Qi Longde was not surprised to see Xu Hao appear with Tang Jing. From the last small banquet, Qi Longde keenly found that Xu Hao had an unusual relationship with Tang Jing. No matter who you are, it's hard for you to catch up with Miss Tang for the rest of your life.

"Take the liberty to invite Mr. Qi, didn't you delay Mr. Qi's business?" Xu Hao asked jokingly, looking at Qi Longde.

Qi Longde smiled and said, "I'm a big idle man. President Xu invited me. I'm really flattered!"

Xu Hao and Qi Longde exchanged greetings. Tang Jing had arranged everything in the box, and then came to Xu Hao's ear and whispered a few words before walking out of the box.

As soon as Tang Jing left, Qi Longde looked at Xu Hao with ambiguous eyes and said, "president Tang suddenly called me today. I'm a little strange. It turned out that President Xu asked me out! I don't know what's the matter with President Xu asking me out this time?"

"I don't know what Mr. Qi thinks of such characteristic tourist blocks as Yanjing Wangfujing, NanLuoGu lane, Hongya cave and Ciqikou in the mountain city?" looking at Qi Longde, Xu Hao asked. Since Qi Longde is engaged in real estate development, he will not be unaware of the value of such tourist blocks.

Shocked to see Xu Hao, Qi Longde asked, "what does president Xu mean? Does president Xu also intend to get involved in real estate development?"

Shaking his head, Xu Hao said, "I don't care about Mr. Qi. I have a plan. Mr. Qi has a look!" and Xu Hao handed the plan made by Su Dajiang to Qi Longde.

Qi Longde is engaged in real estate development. Although his company has not been involved in the development of such characteristic tourism blocks, this does not mean that he has not studied the profit prospects of such real estate projects. It is no exaggeration to say that the development of this tourist block is equivalent to raising a hen that can lay golden eggs, which is equivalent to a living money printing machine!

After browsing the plan, Qi Longde was even more puzzled. Since Xu Hao has even made the plan, why not develop it by himself? This kind of tourist block is clearly profitable! Moreover, Xu Hao has the Great Buddha of the Tang family behind him, and there is no need to worry about losing money.

"This plan is perfect. I can see that President Xu should be very sincere in developing this Jiangcheng characteristic food street project. However, I don't understand what president Xu called me. Does president Xu want to give me this profitable project?" Qi Longde asked bluntly. He is a businessman and naturally knows the rules of the mall. Since Xu Hao took the initiative to send benefits, he must have a plan.

"Of course, who can eat such a big project except president Qi? The conservative investment in this project is more than 200 million..." looking at Qi Longde, Xu Hao said: "I don't want to develop, but I don't hide from President Qi that I can't even get 20 million!"

Qi Longde was surprised. Even if Xu Hao couldn't get 200 million, the Tang family squeezed out a little from anywhere, more than 200 million! Is it true that Xu Hao doesn't want the Tang family to participate in this project? Qi Longde can't understand Xu Hao's intention!

"President Xu is joking. This is a project that can make no loss. I believe many people will be interested in it!" looking at Xu Hao, Qi Longde said: "as long as president Xu is willing to give up his love, I want to try this project!"

"I have two ideas about this project. First, President Qi is responsible for the construction of this project, and then I take the follow-up income of this food street as collateral, borrow money from the bank and repay the project money of President Qi; second, President Qi can participate in the operation of this project and share the income of the project, and my contribution is still mortgaged by the follow-up income of the food street and borrowed money from the bank After Xu Hao finished, he looked at Qi Longde.

Xu Hao's two plans seem to be empty handed, but Qi Longde knows that since Xu Hao can have such a detailed plan, it shows that Xu Hao has done his homework. Only Xu Hao can really operate this food street project well. The most important thing is that Xu Hao has a background behind him and can win the support of Jiangcheng city and even central south province to a great extent! With the support of the local government, the profitability of the food street project will further increase!

"I think President Xu's plan mentioned the establishment of a food street management committee to uniformly manage the food street. Will Jiangcheng participate?" looked at Xu Hao and Qi Longde tentatively. Qi Longde started his career in real estate. Of course, he knows the importance of good relations with government departments!

"Of course! Our main purpose this time is to repair and properly expand the food street. The ownership of the original merchants remains unchanged. After the food street is repaired, these merchants will move back." Xu Hao smiled, looked at Qi Longde and said: "In addition to these shops, most of the land of the food street belongs to Jiangcheng city! If we buy this part of land from Jiangcheng City, we will pay at least $4.5 billion more! The most important thing is that it will be more difficult to turn the food street into a tourism project without the support of Jiangcheng city!"

Nodding, Qi Longde also understood Xu Hao's meaning! Only with the participation of Jiangcheng City, tourism bureaus and tourism companies, can we really pay attention to this food street and pay enough attention to the tourist route!

"The investment of this project is relatively large. I need to go back and think carefully..." looking at Xu Hao, Qi Longde said with a smile. He neither refused nor promised. The main source of income of this project is the income brought by the expanded shops. According to Xu Hao's plan, after the transformation, the area of shops can be doubled. Therefore, even if the original merchants move back, the overall profit is still considerable.

Of course, Xu Hao knows that Qi Longde doesn't say he can take out the 200 million investment!

"Don't worry. After Mr. Qi has considered it, call me at any time." Xu Hao said with a smile. "In addition, I have a small request. I don't know whether Mr. Qi is willing to help?"

"Mr. Xu, please speak." Qi Longde looked at Xu Hao. He was looking forward to what would make Xu Hao willing to take out the food street project in exchange.

"It's said that Xu is always the major shareholder of Tianle beverage group. The recent loss of Tianle beverage group seems to be a little serious..." Xu Hao stopped after only half said. He believes Qi Longde is a smart man and can understand his meaning.

With a smile, Qi Longde said, "thank you for reminding me. In recent years, I haven't paid much attention to the operation of Tianle beverage group. I have to look at the financial statements!"

Both of them tacitly understood, but Xu Hao knew that this time, Tianle beverage group would feel not only external pressure, but also external pressure. Under the dual effect of internal and external pressure, how long can Tianle beverage group support?

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