After listening to Xu Hao's interest exchange with Qi Longde, Tang Jing frowned and said with some dissatisfaction, "isn't it a 200 million investment? I can give it to you!"

"Oh, I can't see. You're still a little rich woman!" Xu Hao said deliberately jokingly. By the way, he looked up and down at Tang Jing, as if he could see the money from Tang Jing.

Seeing Xu Hao's shapeless appearance, Tang Jing couldn't lose her temper. Sitting down angrily, Tang Jing said, "why should Qi Longde be cheaper for such a profitable project?"

"It's not about money." Xu Hao smiled, waved his hand and said: "The reason why Qi Longde was found was that he was a real estate developer and it was right for him to do this project; secondly, this project needed to be fully funded, and most people were unwilling to do it; the most important thing was that I took a fancy to the shares of Tianle beverage group in his hand! When this thing passed, there would be a certain gap between Qi Longde and Tianle Beverage Group..."

Xu Hao didn't say the following words, but Tang Jing, who was very clever, guessed roughly. She didn't expect that Xu Hao really had the ambition to swallow Tianle beverage group!

"OK! But how can you be so sure that Qi Longde will agree to cooperate with you? He can find Shangjiang city first, and then leave you to do the project!" Tang Jing said, looking at Xu Hao.

It's not impossible for Tang Jing to talk about this situation. Even, as long as Qi Longde is willing, this possibility is not small!

With a smile, Xu Hao looked at Tang Jing and said, "Qi Longde dare not!"

"Why?" Tang Jing asked immediately.

"Because Qi Longde can't do this project by himself!" Xu Hao said confidently: "Although Qi Longde has rich experience in the real estate industry, he has no experience in catering projects after all. In addition, he is not familiar with Jiangcheng. If there are problems in the operation of this project, it will be a bottomless pit for him! At that time, he will not only offend Jiangcheng City, but also put his company in trouble!"

Of course, there is another reason why Xu Hao didn't say, that is because of Tang Jing! Although Xu Hao doesn't know how strong Tang Jing's background is, this Yimei health club alone is a force that can't be underestimated. Qi Longde will never offend Tang Jing for his immediate interests.

"Anyway, I don't care. I want to participate in this project!" Tang Jing looked at Xu Hao and said to Xu Hao with a rare gesture of being a spoiled little daughter.

"OK, no problem!" Xu Hao naturally doesn't mind pulling Tang Jing to do the project. With Tang Jing's contacts, the project is easier to succeed.


After leaving Yimei health club, Xu Hao dialed Zhang Yue. Zhang Yue said she had a profitable project to take with her, and Xu Hao never forgot. Now there is a profitable project, so Xu Hao will not leave Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue was surprised when she received Xu Hao's call. When she heard Xu Hao ask her out for a drink, Zhang Yue's face turned red. Before, there was more or less ambiguity between her and Xu Hao. Although neither of them had pierced the layer of window paper at the beginning, this ambiguity actually existed! Xu Hao now takes the initiative to ask her out, Zhang Yue can't help thinking!

Zhang Yue never spoke. Xu Hao thought it was inconvenient for Zhang Yue to come out, so he said, "if Sister Zhang Yue is inconvenient, let's make an appointment another day!"

"No, I just lost my mind. Where did you say to go?" Zhang Yue said quickly.

After making an appointment with Zhang Yue, Xu Hao drove directly.

After a while, Zhang Yue appeared. Zhang Yue's dress has always been more open, with a white shirt and a small floral skirt. The hem of the shirt tied a knot at the waist, revealing Zhang Yue's slender and white waist without any fat and lovely navel, which makes Zhang Yue full of girl's vitality.

Sitting opposite Xu Hao, Zhang Yue smiled and asked, "why don't you ask me out so late? Aren't you afraid our Xiaojing is jealous?"

"Cough... Sister Zhang Yue, look at what you said, we're not out on a date." Xu Hao said awkwardly, "I'm calling Sister Zhang Yue out this time because I want to tell you something!"

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yue's sexy mouth asked while sipping drinks.

After briefly talking about the food street project, Xu Hao said: "the food street will definitely rely on characteristic tourism projects in the future. At that time, the number of tourists received by the food street every day should exceed 5000, and the number of holidays will not double..."

"You mean, let me open a hotel?" when Xu Hao finished, Zhang Yue almost understood. Opening a hotel in a tourist area is a way to make money. However, Zhang Yue still felt that there seemed to be something wrong.

Shaking his head, Xu Hao said, "it's not enough to open a hotel, just the millions in your hand, Sister Zhang Yue! I bet that as soon as the food street project starts, there will be at least two or three three-star hotels around! The investment of a three-star hotel will be tens of millions!"

Zhang Yue naturally understood what Xu Hao said. Since Xu Hao also knew that opening a hotel was unreliable, what exactly did he mean?

Looking at Zhang Yue and looking at him, Xu Hao doesn't sell off, "It's very simple. Open a special B & B, do some decoration, and add the gimmick of private dishes. At that time, although your hotel has no stars, it will be more attractive to tourists! So now, while the project has not been approved, you should look for an old house with a large area near the food street, which is suitable for B & B and private restaurants, and then buy it!"

When Xu Hao finished, Zhang Yue finally understood! Two eyes stared at Xu Hao. Zhang Yue looked at Xu Hao with all kinds of manners and said, "if you help your sister-in-law so much, she doesn't think it's worth it. Why don't you just promise her by example?"

"Cough... Sister-in-law, don't play such a joke on me. I'll take it seriously!" Xu Hao said quickly. I have to admit that Zhang Yue is different from Song Yuwei and Bai Yan. She knows men's thoughts better and attracts men's love more! Xu Hao is not a determined man in this regard.

"Hahaha... Aren't you afraid that Xiaojing of our family is in a hurry with you?" Zhang Yue suddenly smiled and said, "but seriously! My sister-in-law has eight million, is that enough?"

"That's enough! Since it's the main specialty home stay and private room dishes, the target customers are some petty bourgeoisie with strong consumption ability. These people's money is easy to earn, but you have to get it in line with their wishes..." Xu Hao said, saying some of his ideas. Zhang Yue carefully recorded.

Unknowingly, two hours passed. Xu Hao almost told Zhang Yue all his thoughts. As for what Zhang Yue can do, it's not what Xu Hao can worry about!

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