Although a cocktail party was held after the launch ceremony of the food street project, Huang Mei still insisted on getting together at home in the evening. No outsiders were invited, just Su Dajiang's family, Zhang Yue and Xu Hao!

When Xu Hao went, Zhang Yue was choosing vegetables in the yard. Because Zhang Yue sat on a high bench and the dishes were on the ground, she bent down in a relatively exaggerated posture to choose dishes, so that her neck was slightly open.

Zhang Yue didn't realize anything, and as soon as Xu haogang entered the door, he saw this scene. Xu Hao stood in front of Zhang Yue, condescending, and his eyes could see well. When he looked at Zhang Yue's round and crisp chest wrapped by dark red half cup lace bra, his eyes could not be moved completely.

Xu Hao has seen it several times before and touched it once last time! However, this time I saw it again, but it was another feeling.

Zhang Yue chatted with Xu Hao. He found that Xu Hao's eyes had been staring at her and immediately noticed something. He quickly sat up, covered his collar with his hand, glanced at Xu Hao and said, "is this what your man can do? You can grow two pieces of meat at a glance?"

Xu Hao was embarrassed when Zhang Yue caught him peeking. Coughed twice and said, "that... I didn't mean to peek!"

"Look again, believe it or not, call me Xiaojing out?" he glanced at Xu Hao, and Zhang Yue said to Xu Hao with a smile.

Xu Hao is really afraid of Su Jing's little vinegar jar. So he hurried towards the house.

Looking at Xu Hao's back, Zhang Yue smiled at the corners of her mouth and whispered, "there is a thief's heart but no thief's courage!" then she couldn't help laughing

When Xu Hao went in, Su Dajiang was looking at the project planning drawings. This project planning drawing is produced by Longde real estate in recent days, but many places are not very perfect. Due to the tight construction period, the drawings can only be modified while starting work. Although this may increase the quantities, we have to do so in order to ensure the completion before 11!

Seeing Xu Hao coming in, Su Dajiang put down his work, stood up and walked towards Xu Hao.

"Uncle Su, is there nothing wrong with the project?" during this time, Xu Hao didn't have time to care about the restoration and expansion project of the food street. Today, I happen to have time to talk with Su Dajiang.

"No problem at the moment. Longde real estate is a professional real estate company. Although the project plan was prepared temporarily, there are basically no major problems. There are only a few small places that need to be modified properly..." Su Dajiang briefly said about the project.

At this time, when she heard Xu Hao coming, Su Jing didn't care to help Huang Mei in the kitchen. She secretly ran over and sat next to Xu Hao.

Seeing his daughter coming in, Su Dajiang said that there were still some problems with the drawings. He took advantage of this moment to change them, and then went into the house, leaving only Xu Hao and Su quietly in the living room.

Thinking of calling Xu Hao to see her spring leak in the morning, Su Jing couldn't help being a little shy! After looking at Xu Hao, Su Jing said angrily, "to be honest, did you deliberately peek at me this morning?"

"My own girlfriend, what's the matter with my eyes?" Xu Hao said, but he directly hugged her thin waist. However, because it was in Su Jing's living room, Xu Hao didn't dare to go too far.

Xu Hao hugged her waist, and Su Jing's nervous heart was about to jump out. He looked at the door like a thief and found that no one saw it. Only then did he have more courage!

"Go to your room and have a look?" Xu Hao didn't dare to tamper with Su Jing in the living room, so he proposed to go to Su Jing's bedroom. Into the bedroom, Su Jing can escape Xu Hao's palm?

"No!" Su Jing's face turned red and quickly shook her head. Of course she knows what Xu Hao will do to her when she enters the bedroom. We'll have dinner soon. Su Jing doesn't want to be seen!

Su Jing said so, and Xu Hao no longer insisted. However, the hand that originally hugged Su Jing's waist sneaked into Su Jing's T-shirt and touched Su Jing's small crisp chest wrapped in a cartoon bra all the way up!

"You..." Su Jing was really scared to death. Unexpectedly, Xu Hao dared to touch her in the living room.

Seeing Xu Hao's bad smile on his face, Su Jing was angry and said, "be careful. My father will kill you later!"

"Don't worry, the old man won't hit me!" Xu Hao said brazenly. Su Dajiang should support the exchanges between Xu Hao and Su Jing! Otherwise, the last time Xu Hao came, Su Dajiang wouldn't take Huang Mei out for a walk, leaving room for Xu Hao and Su Jing.

When Xu Hao was considering whether to lift Su Jing's bra, Zhang Yue suddenly appeared in the living room. Seeing Xu Hao's hand in Su Jing's T-shirt, she doesn't know what Xu Hao and Su Jing are doing!

Quickly turned his head, Zhang Yue said with a red face, "you two should pay attention to the influence, and you will be seen by your sister-in-law later!"

"Cousin......" hearing Zhang Yue's voice, Su Jing, like a frightened rabbit, suddenly stood up and hid beside Zhang Yue with a red face.

Zhang Yue just looked back at Xu Hao, then pretended not to see anything and took Su Jing and Xu Hao to chat.

Zhang Yue's B & B and private restaurant are already under renovation and are expected to be officially open in another month. However, up to now, Zhang Yue has not determined the name of the private restaurant.

Stretched out his legs and gently kicked Xu Hao. Zhang Yue said, "you have many ghost ideas. Help me think about your name?"

"Sister Zhang Yue, there's nothing like you!" Xu Hao was very dissatisfied. What's a lot of ghost ideas? It doesn't sound like a compliment, okay?

"Soon I'll talk to my sister-in-law. Just now you and Xiaojing..." before Zhang Yue finished, Su Jing hugged Zhang Yue's arm and said to Xu Hao, "Xu Hao, just help your cousin think about it!"

Speechless looked at Su Jing, and then at the elated Zhang Yue. Xu Hao thought it over carefully. Generally, private restaurants pay attention to an artistic conception, and the name naturally becomes very important.

Referring to the names of several private restaurants, Xu Hao looked at Zhang Yue and said, "why don't you call it Yueyuan? It's just the same as Sister Zhang Yue's name. How about it?"

"Yueyuan..." Zhang Yue said several times, but he also thought the name was good. Turning his head and looking at Su Jing, Zhang Yue asked, "Xiao Jing, what do you think?"

"I think it's good too!" Su Jing tasted it carefully and voted for it.

After asking Su Dajiang and Huang Mei for their opinions, Su Dajiang and his wife thought the name was good, and Zhang Yue officially set the name of the private restaurant! Next, we will invite chefs who can cook special dishes, which is very important for Yueyuan, which is about to open. Don't be careless!

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