The reconstruction and expansion of the food street has just begun, and many people in Jiangcheng are eyeing this fat meat. The combination of food and tourism means countless money! Although the reconstruction of the food street adopts the way of relocation of the original merchants, at least half of the shops can be added because of the expansion!

And this half of the shops have become the object of these interested people! There are five shareholders of the catering management company. Jiangcheng makes it clear that it does not participate in the specific management of the food street project, not to mention Tang Jing, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people. As for Qi Longde, he left Jiangcheng early. The rest are Xu Hao and Su Dajiang.

However, Su Dajiang devoted himself to the project and paid no attention to these things. Therefore, these interested people put their ideas on Xu Hao.

When ordinary people find Xu Hao, Xu Hao is naturally pushed away. However, when Zhou Jiahao, President of Wangjianglou, called Xu Hao personally and wanted to make an appointment with Xu Hao for dinner, Xu Hao couldn't say no.

"Mr. Xu, I still have some friends. I want to meet you. Do you have any objection?" Zhou Jiahao asked jokingly on the phone.

Zhou Jiahao said so, and Xu Hao would not refuse. Xu Hao's cooperation with Zhou Jiahao has been very good. In addition, the Food Street itself will introduce some powerful catering enterprises. If Zhou Jiahao is really interested, Xu Hao will not refuse.

The place to eat is not Wangjiang building, but a five-star hotel in Jiangcheng. After eating this way, it is also convenient for Zhou Jiahao to arrange some other activities! When men talk about things together, they can't always be at the dinner table. Sometimes, it's easier to negotiate in another place.

"President Xu, you are here." seeing Xu Hao coming, Zhou Jiahao greeted him politely, greeted Xu Hao with a smile, and then introduced some old friends to Xu Hao.

These friends of Zhou Jiahao are well-known rich people in Jiangcheng. Although they are not as famous as Zhou Jiahao, they are a little famous in Jiangcheng!

After greeting them, Xu Hao sat down.

Zhou Jiahao and his old friends are all big wine jars. They can drink very much! Soon, Xu Hao was a little dizzy! Worried that he would slip under the table if they poured it down again, Xu Hao slipped out temporarily on the pretext of going to the bathroom.

After washing his face in the bathroom, Xu Hao stood in the corridor and smoked two cigarettes before turning and walking towards the box. However, Xu Hao came out in a hurry and didn't remember which box it was!

In addition to the outside name, the other boxes of the hotel are the same. Xu Hao stood at the door of the two boxes, hesitated for a while, and finally pushed open the door of one of the boxes.

As soon as he walked in, Xu Hao realized that he had gone wrong. However, to Xu Hao's surprise, he actually met an acquaintance in this box - Xu Ting! At this time, Xu Ting is being drunk by two men. Looking at Xu Ting's sad face, I think she has been drunk a lot.

"Xu Ting, why are you here?" since he saw it, Xu Hao had to help Xu Ting out. Who let them have a close relationship before! Although Xu Hao had no impression of what happened that night.

Hearing Xu Hao's voice, Xu Ting was stunned. She didn't expect to meet Xu Hao here.

Xu Ting was stunned. Xu Hao came over, went straight to Xu Ting, and asked, "why did you drink so much wine?"

"Chief Xu, this is your friend?" the man standing next to Xu Ting looked at Xu Hao with a little hostility on his face and asked.

"Ah?" Xu Ting was stunned, and then hurriedly said, "Mr. Yu, this is Mr. Xu Hao, who has done business in our bank before!"

The middle-aged man named Yu Zong looked at Xu Hao and saw that Xu Hao didn't look like a rich man. Now in this society, anyone can start a company, and there are general managers everywhere, so president Yu doesn't pay attention to Xu Hao.

"It's Mr. Xu, why don't we have two drinks together?" Mr. Yu was polite, but he didn't have any sincerity.

Hearing what president Yu said, Xu Ting gently grabbed Xu Hao's sleeve and said, "president Xu, I still have work today and I'll invite you to dinner another day!" Xu Ting's meaning is to urge Xu Hao to leave quickly.

However, at this time, Xu Hao will not go. Whether Xu Ting recognizes the relationship between them or not, Xu Hao believes that since he has had a relationship with Xu Ting, he can't ignore Xu Ting's experience.

"OK, I'll have two drinks with you!" Xu Hao said and sat down directly.

Xu Ting looked at Xu Hao angrily, but there was nothing she could do. She only expects Xu Hao not to make trouble for her and let her smoothly complete the business of pulling deposits today! Otherwise, even if she is the deputy section chief, she can't pass the assessment this year!

Mr. Yu didn't expect that Xu Hao would have the cheek to sit down. However, since Xu Hao sat down, it's not easy for president Yu to drive Xu Hao away. Take out your business card and look at Xu Hao. President Yu smiled and said, "president Xu, this is my business card."

After receiving the business card from President Guo, Xu Hao took a look and knew the identity of the person in front of him: Yu Dacheng, deputy general manager of Oriental Supermarket!

"Nice to meet you." Xu Hao said, but he didn't mean to take out his business card.

Seeing that Xu Hao dared not take out his business card, Yu Dacheng couldn't help showing a disdainful smile at the corners of his mouth! Although Dongfang supermarket is not ranked in the domestic market, it is also a well-known enterprise in central south province. There are chain stores in many counties and cities in the province! It is precisely because of this that the bank staff who pull deposits are also very polite to them, even with a trace of flattery!

The daily flow of Dongfang supermarket is more than ten million. Although the money will not stay in the bank for long, it is enough to make the performance of a business outlet proud of the crowd!

Xu Ting's purpose today is to persuade Yu Dacheng to agree to open an enterprise account in CCB to deposit the working capital of the supermarket!

Knowing that Xu Hao was a nobody, Yu Dacheng no longer paid attention to Xu Hao. Instead, he looked at Xu Ting and said with a smile: "chief Xu, you just had one drink and two more!"

"Yu, I..." looked at that cup of liquor that could hold half a dozen Baijiu, Xu Ting was in the heart. However, Yu Dacheng just said that if Xu Ting can drink three cups in a row and show her sincerity, he will consider letting Dongfang supermarket open a corporate bank account in CCB!

"Chief Xu, if you don't give face, it's OK. Our Oriental supermarket has always had a good cooperative relationship with China Merchants Bank, and I don't want to destroy the relationship with China Merchants Bank!" said Yu Dacheng, leaving!

Seeing that Yu Dacheng was leaving, Xu Ting was in a hurry and said, "president Yu, I'll drink!" then Xu Ting picked up the goblet filled with wine

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