Seeing Xu Ting raising a goblet, he would drink the Baijiu in the cup. Terry Chui grabbed Xu Ting's hand and said, "Xu Ting, are you crazy?" these three glasses of wine go down, Xu Ting can still stand up to be strange! At first glance, Yu Dacheng was not kind.

"Mr. Xu, this is my own business and has nothing to do with you!" Xu Ting looked at Xu Hao angrily for fear that Yu Dacheng would be angry. It took her a lot of effort to ask Yu Dacheng out! If we can't talk about cooperation today, it will be more difficult to talk about cooperation in the future! As the deputy chief of the credit section, Xu Ting needs enough performance to gain a firm foothold in the credit section.

"It seems that Xu is always pity and pity," said Dacheng with a smile. "In that case, I am not going to be forced! If Xu always wants to, he can also take the Baijiu" to drink the wine, but not three cups, but six cups! "

After Yu Dacheng finished, the middle managers of Dongfang supermarket who accompanied Yu Dacheng immediately cheered. Six glasses of wine, that's nearly three jin of Baijiu. Even if a person is massive, I'm afraid he will have to be put down! Yu Dacheng made it clear to make it difficult for Xu Hao.

Xu Ting also knows that Xu Hao will make a fool of himself after six glasses of wine. Moreover, Xu Ting didn't want to owe Xu Hao anything. She immediately said, "this is my own business, and I don't need anyone else's help!" then she picked up the goblet and was ready to drink the wine in the goblet.

As soon as Xu Ting's hand was raised, Xu Hao knocked over the glass in Xu Ting's hand. Looking at Xu Ting, Xu Hao said angrily, "I told you not to drink. Can't you hear me?"

With that, Xu Hao will take Xu Ting's hand and leave.

At this time, Yu Dacheng will not let Xu Hao leave so easily. If Xu Hao is let go, where will he put Yu Dacheng's face?

He stopped in front of Xu Hao, looked at Xu Hao, and Yu Dacheng said, "president Xu's doing things like this is a little against the rules? Moreover, I don't think you know Xu section chief well. I don't object if you want to stand up for Xu section chief! However, if you overturned my wine, should you give me an explanation?"

"What do you want to say?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Yu Dacheng.

With a smile, Yu Dacheng said, "it's very simple! It's the same condition as before. After six glasses of wine, I'll let you go! Otherwise, it's not over today!"

"Really?" with a sneer, Xu Hao pushed Yu Dacheng away and was about to go outside!

Xu Ting, who was pulled by Xu Hao, was dumbfounded. I don't know how things turned out like this! She wants to stay, but she is worried that she will be drunk by Yu Dacheng and something unexpected will happen! If she's gone, today's business will be over!

With a sneer, Xu Hao said, "it seems that president Yu likes drinking very much!"

Seeing the sneer on Xu Hao's face, Yu Dacheng's anger didn't come to him. He scolded Xu Hao: "laugh, you're paralyzed. I tell you, if you don't give me these six glasses of wine today, don't think of this box!"

Holding Xu Hao's hand, Xu Ting shook her head and said, "Xu Hao, don't be impulsive!" Yu Dacheng, as the deputy general manager of Oriental Supermarket, has great power! Xu Ting doesn't want to completely offend Dongfang supermarket. After all, Dongfang supermarket is a big customer that banks in the province are striving for!

"Since Mr. Yu likes drinking, I'll let you drink enough today!" Xu Hao said, pulling too much Dacheng, picked up the wine bottle on the table and filled Yu Dacheng's mouth with wine!

Now, everyone in the box is stupid! Several middle floors of Dongfang supermarket hurriedly surrounded and wanted to pull Yu Dacheng out of Xu Hao's hand. Xu Hao's strength is much greater than that of ordinary people. Yu Dacheng is caught in his hand. How can he be rescued by others?

Soon, the people in the box began to fight! Xu Ting stood aside, completely at a loss!

When Xu Hao was wrestling with Yu Dacheng and others, the door of the box was pushed open. When Zhou Jiahao saw Xu Hao wrestling with others, he hurried over and shouted to those people, "what are you doing? Let go quickly!"

At this time, a man in his fifties who came in with Zhou Jiahao angrily trotted over and shouted at Yu Dacheng: "Yu Dacheng, you hurry to release me!"

At this time, Yu Dacheng found that when Dongfang Zhiyuan, the chairman of Dongfang supermarket, appeared in the box! At the moment, Dongfang Zhiyuan is looking at Yu Dacheng several people angrily, while Yu Dacheng several people are afraid of the atmosphere.

"Mr. Xu, are you okay? Why are you fighting with people?" Zhou Jiahao looked at Xu Hao and asked quickly.

At this time, Dongfang Zhiyuan also came over, carefully greeted Xu Hao and said, "president Xu, I'm really sorry. On behalf of Yu Dacheng and them, I apologize to you!"

Hearing that the chairman of the company apologized to Xu Hao, Yu Dacheng was surprised that his chin was falling off!

"Are you?" Xu Hao asked suspiciously as he looked at Dongfang Zhiyuan.

When Xu Hao asked about Dongfang Zhiyuan, Zhou Jiahao quickly introduced: "this is Dongfang Zhiyuan, the chairman of Dongfang supermarket, and also my good friend! Today he was delayed because of some things and just came here..."

Hearing that Dongfang Zhiyuan was the chairman of Dongfang supermarket, Xu Hao couldn't help looking at Yu Dacheng again. Seeing their low brows, Xu Hao roughly figured out the situation at the scene.

Looking at Dongfang Zhiyuan enthusiastically, Xu Hao said: "it turned out to be the chairman of Dongfang. The employees of your company are really huge! Especially president Yu, who is known as not drunk for a thousand cups and said he would drink six cups in a row!"

Dongfang Zhiyuan couldn't hear the anger in Xu Hao's words. Looking back at Yu Dacheng, Dongfang Zhiyuan said, "president Xu, I'm really sorry about today!" then he looked back at Yu Dacheng and said to him, "don't hurry to come and apologize to President Xu!"

Although a hundred of Yu Dacheng were unwilling, they did not dare to disobey Dongfang Zhiyuan's order. They had to come over very reluctantly and apologize to Xu Hao! However, Xu Hao did not accept their apology at all. It's said that Yu Dacheng has a large number of people and wants to drink six glasses of wine or something!

At this time, Yu Dacheng knew what Xu Hao meant even if he was a fool. It is just that they can't even hold six glasses of Baijiu at one breath.

However, the situation is not controlled by people. If Xu Hao is not satisfied in front of Dongfang Zhiyuan today, they will have to go away tomorrow!

Baijiu, who Baijiu, no longer hesitated, picked up the liquor on the table and said to Terry Chui, "Xu, I'm sorry, I just didn't do it!" and then he drank the glass of liquor in one gulp.

Six cups of Baijiu in a row, Rao is a good wine, and now it's going to faint. The middle-level of two oriental supermarkets hurried forward to hold Yu Dacheng and prevent him from falling down!

Since he was angry, Yu Dacheng also drank and apologized. Xu Hao is naturally not good enough to hold on to this matter. "I'm really making you laugh today. I'll give you a wine apology in person another day!" after that, Xu Hao took Xu Ting and walked straight out of the box

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