Xu Ting didn't come back until she got out of the hotel! The scene just in the box really shocked Xu Ting. In Xu Ting's eyes, Yu Dacheng is already a person who can't offend. As the owner of Oriental Supermarket, Dongfang Zhiyuan is a legendary figure! Today, Xu Ting was shocked to see that Dongfang Zhiyuan was so polite to Xu Hao?

"You... Can you let me go?" Xu Ting said nervously, looking at Xu Hao. The scene that Xu Hao was angry just now really frightened Xu Ting! Therefore, Xu Ting becomes more cautious in the face of Xu Hao.

After loosening Xu Ting's hand, Xu Hao asked, "do you know that if I hadn't accidentally bumped into your box today, you would have been drunk by Yu Dacheng!"

Xu Hao doesn't want to think about what will happen after a charming beauty is drunk by several men! He was a little angry. Xu Ting just didn't listen to him and insisted on drinking!

"I'm sorry..." looking at Xu Hao, Xu Ting was also particularly wronged. She doesn't want to drink with Dacheng, but what can she do without drinking? She can't see the thoughts of Yu Dacheng, but she is still lucky that Yu Dacheng may be kind!

Seeing Xu Ting crying, Xu Hao quickly changed his tone and said, "that... My tone was not very good just now. I apologize to you!"

"No!" Xu Ting wiped her tears with her hand and said, "thank you for today's business. We'll never make water from the river!" after that, Xu Ting turned to go.

Seeing that Xu Ting was really going to leave, Xu Hao came forward and grabbed Xu Ting's hand and said, "I'll take you back!"

After hesitation, Xu Ting didn't refuse Xu Hao's kindness after all. She just drank a lot of wine. Now she is walking on the road alone. She is also worried about what will happen! Although Xu Hao doesn't look like a good man, at least in case something happens, Xu Ting can tell the police who did it!

Xu Hao also drank a lot of wine. Naturally, he couldn't drive. He had to take a taxi to send Xu Ting back.

Sitting in the car, Xu Ting said nothing all the way. Xu Hao asked, "what business do you talk to Yu Dacheng about? You have to be filled like that by him?"

"Deposit." after saying three words sparingly, Xu Ting was silent again, staring out of the window without saying a word.

Soon, the taxi arrived at Xu Ting's community. This is an old community in Jiangcheng city. There is no lighting equipment in the community. Xu Hao is going to send Xu Ting in.

Xu Ting did not object, and silently walked towards the community with Xu Hao.

"Is there a problem at work?" finally, Xu Hao couldn't help asking.

Xu Ting turned her head and looked at Xu Hao. She still responded to Xu Hao with silence.

"Tell me, no matter what, we also have that..." after looking at Xu Ting, Xu Hao said: "as long as I can help you, I will help you!"

"We don't have any relationship!" Xu Ting said hurriedly, completely putting aside the relationship with Xu Hao.

"Well, well, we don't have any relationship. Is this the head office?" Xu Hao didn't argue with Xu Ting about this. Instead, he asked, "let's treat us as friends. You're in trouble at work. I want to help you. Is the head office ready?"

After hesitating for a while, Xu Ting still couldn't help saying it. Although Yang Jie kept his promise after the last incident, he not only gave her a special bonus of 500000, but also promoted her to be the deputy chief of the credit section.

However, Xu Ting is still young after all, and has no prestige in the credit section! This time, CCB had the business of pulling deposits, and Xu Ting took the initiative to take care of herself!

For Xu Ting without any background, pulling deposits is an extremely difficult job! Although Xu Ting keeps visiting customers every day, she gets very few deposits! As a last resort, Xu Ting turned her eyes to the supermarket industry with strong working capital. As a leading supermarket enterprise in the province, Oriental Supermarket naturally entered Xu Ting's sight.

In order to make an appointment with Yu Dacheng, Xu Ting spent almost a week. It was not easy to invite Yu Dacheng to dinner today. As a result, he was stirred up by Xu Hao. Thinking of this, Xu Ting felt particularly wronged!

"It's all you! Originally, maybe today I could persuade Yu Dacheng to open a company account in our bank. As a result, if you stir it up, things must be yellow!" Xu Ting seemed to want to vent all her grievances this week and roared at Xu Hao.

He gently hugged Xu Ting in his arms and hugged Xu Ting's soft body. Xu Hao said, "isn't it just pulling deposits? Let me help you find a way. Is that all right?"

"You?" raised her head and looked at Xu Hao. Xu tinggang wanted to say that Xu Hao didn't care. However, seeing the indisputable expression on Xu Hao's face, Xu Ting gently broke away from Xu Hao's arms and said, "thank you for your kindness. I don't want to owe you, and we're clear, so please don't disturb me!" after that, Xu Ting turned and walked towards home.

Xu Hao wanted to catch up, but looking at Xu Ting's just determined expression, Xu Hao finally gave up. Watching Xu Ting walk into the house, Xu Hao also turned out of the community.

Standing at the door of the community, Xu Hao smoked several cigarettes, finally made a decision, took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhou Jiahao.

"Mr. Zhou, I'm sorry to disturb you so late." Xu Hao expressed his apology for disturbing Zhou Jiahao on the phone.

"Mr. Xu, you're welcome. There's nothing wrong with section chief Xu?" Zhou Jiahao also knows that today's thing is really wrong with Yu Dacheng. Although there are some problems in Xu Hao's way of dealing with things, it was caused by Yu Dacheng after all.

"I've sent her back." Xu Hao said and changed the subject. "President Zhou, today's business has caused you a lot of trouble. Tomorrow I'll make amends to President Zhou in person!"

"Mr. Xu, you've said that. We're the best partners." Zhou Jiahao quickly said with a smile: "today's business has disturbed Mr. Xu's pleasure. Why don't we have a drink tomorrow?"

"OK, I'll make amends to President Zhou tomorrow. If it's convenient, I hope Zhou can always invite chairman Dongfang to come over." Xu Hao asked Dongfang Zhiyuan to have dinner together on the phone.

Xu Hao invited Dongfang Zhiyuan to dinner, naturally for Xu Ting's business. Now that he knows the difficulties Xu Ting encountered in her work, Xu Hao can't sit idly by! Although Xu Ting said she was cleared with him, how can such a thing really be cleared?

"If you knew that President Xu invited him to dinner, the old fellow of Dongfang Zhiyuan would be very happy!" Zhou Jiahao said with a smile on the phone. After greeting Xu Hao, he hung up the phone.

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