After coming out of the teahouse, Xu Hao had planned to go back to the juice company, but on the way, he received a call from Su Dajiang saying that there were some things to discuss with him, so Xu Hao drove straight to the catering management company located in the food street.

Su Dajiang reported the reconstruction and expansion of the food street to Xu Hao and put forward some ideas for the next work.

The two talked in the office for almost three hours. It was dark outside, but they haven't finished talking about the follow-up transformation and operation of the food street.

Su Dajiang was embarrassed and said, "you didn't pay attention to this, so you talked for hours. Why don't you eat at home in the evening?"

"No trouble?" Xu Hao looked at Su Dajiang and asked. Xu Hao also saw that Su Dajiang wanted to finish talking about all relevant issues today.

"What's the trouble? Aunt Huang Mei and I don't have to eat." Su Dajiang smiled and said.

The food street was not far from Su Dajiang's house, so Xu Hao walked towards his house with Su Dajiang.

As soon as he entered the house, Xu Hao found that Su Jing was also at home.

Seeing Xu Hao, Su Jing was also a little surprised and hurriedly asked, "Why are you here?"

"You child, how can you talk!" Huang Mei reached out and patted Su Jing, then smiled and greeted Xu Hao.

After simply saying hello to Huang Mei, Xu Hao went into his study with Su Dajiang and continued to talk about the transformation and follow-up operation of the food street. Su Jing is helping Huang Mei cook in the kitchen.

Seeing that Xu Hao and her father got into the study as soon as they came back, Su Jing frowned, but didn't say anything.

After cooking, Huang Mei asks Su Jing to call Su Dajiang and Xu Hao out for dinner.

As soon as she opened the door of the study and saw the smoke in the study, Su Jing couldn't help complaining, "Dad, just smoke yourself. Why did you break Xu Hao!" she hurried over, grabbed half of the cigarette in Xu Hao's hand and snuffed it out in the ashtray.

He smiled helplessly at Xu Hao. Su Dajiang put the cigarette in his hand in his mouth and took a hard sip. Then he put it into the ashtray and snuffed it out.

During the meal, Su Jing asked Xu Hao and Su Dajiang what they were talking about in their study. They talked so seriously.

"Some things about the subsequent transformation and operation of the food street..." Xu Hao said casually to Su Jing, and Su Dajiang added two sentences from time to time.

Huang Mei was somewhat dissatisfied with Su Dajiang. When she ate, she also took Xu Hao to talk about work. Su Dajiang had to give up.

After dinner, Su Dajiang and Xu Hao talked about the follow-up operation ideas of the food street in the living room. Su Jing sat aside and listened carefully. Suddenly, Sun Jing said, "Dad, can you leave me a small shop then?"

"Why do you want a small shop?" Su Dajiang looked at Su Jing and asked.

"I won't tell you!" after looking at Su Dajiang, Su Jing turns her eyes to Xu Hao again, hoping that Xu Hao can help speak.

Xu Hao just smiled. At this time, it is not convenient for him to express his position.

Seeing that Xu Hao didn't help her speak, Su Jing hummed discontentedly, and directly got up and went into the bedroom.

"Su Jing is spoiled by me and your aunt." Su Dajiang smiled helplessly and said.

After Xu Hao and Su Dajiang finished talking about their work, it was almost 12 a.m. Standing up, Xu Hao said, "Uncle Su, Aunt Huang, I'll go back first!"

"It's so late, why don't you live at home?" Huang Mei looked at Xu Hao and asked. On this big night, although Xu Hao had a car, Huang Mei kept Xu Hao as a courtesy.

After looking at Xu Hao, Su Dajiang said, "don't go back today. Just sleep here. There's a place to sleep at home!"

"How disturbing it is!" Xu Hao said hurriedly. He was willing to stay in his heart. Xu Hao is really tired after chatting with Su Dajiang for so long.

"Excuse me!" Huang Mei hurriedly said, "you hurry to wash, I'll arrange it!" as she said, Huang Mei urged Su Dajiang and Xu Hao to wash.

When Xu Hao came back after washing, she found Su Jing in her pajamas and carrying a quilt into her own small bedroom.

At this time, Huang Mei also came out of Su Jing's bedroom. "You'll sleep in Su Jing's bedroom in a minute. Su Jing will sleep with me and let old Su sleep in his study!"

"How inappropriate is this? I still sleep in my study!" Xu Hao said hurriedly. Xu Hao didn't object to letting him sleep in Su Jing's bedroom, but Xu Hao felt sorry for letting his future father-in-law sleep in his study.

"I don't want my father to sleep in my bed. He must be hiding from smoking again. It smells terrible!" dazed Su Jing suddenly poked her head out of the bedroom and said to Huang Mei. Then he looked at Xu Hao with some embarrassment, and then retracted his head.

Unable to resist Huang Mei's kindness, Xu Hao had to agree to spend the night in Su Jing's bedroom.

Walking into Su Jing's bedroom, Xu Hao couldn't help laughing and saying, "why do you have to replace it? I don't dislike you being dirty!"

"Hum, I don't think you!" she snorted at Xu Hao discontentedly. Su Jing was naturally embarrassed to let Xu Hao sleep in the quilt she had just slept in. Besides, Huang Mei won't agree! Although Huang Mei doesn't object to Xu Hao and Su Jing, she should pay attention to what she should pay attention to!

Su Jing quickly changed the sheet and quilt cover, but Xu Hao took Su Jing to chat with him on the grounds that she was not sleepy for the time being! Su Jing carefully glanced at the door and sat beside Xu Hao, chatting with Xu Hao.

After a short chat, Huang Mei called Su Jing outside and asked her to come out and sleep.

Huang Mei responded discontentedly, and Su Jing made a face at Xu Hao, "you see, even my mother doesn't trust you! Well, I have to go out quickly, or my mother will come in later!"

Xu Hao was also a little speechless, and he also heard the implication when Huang Mei called Su Jing! With a helpless smile, Xu Hao said, "am I so insecure?"

"What do you say?" Su Jing spits out her tongue at Xu Hao playfully, and is about to turn around and go out.

Xu Hao took Su Jing's hand and said, "before leaving, will you give me some compensation?"

With a blushing look at Xu Hao, Su Jing secretly turned back and looked at the door. After confirming that there was no one, he quickly kissed Xu Hao on the face. Hearing Huang Mei's urging outside the door again, Su Jing impatiently dealt with Huang Mei and said, "come, come, what are you urging!"

Seeing Su Jing slip out of the bedroom, Xu Hao smiled helplessly!

Today, I talked with Su Dajiang about the follow-up operation of the food street for a long time. The collision of their ideas has sprouted more ideas! Of course, how to realize these ideas in the follow-up operation is what Su Dajiang needs to consider!

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